The Atomic, Molecular & Optical (AMO) group at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UBC carries out research in both theoretical and experimental AMO science. Members of the group collaborate closely with local co-workers from the Departments of Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics), as well as with numerous colleagues around the world.

AMO physics is focused on understanding the interactions of atoms and molecules with one another and with external electro-magnetic fields.

Experiments and theory developed within this area of science have made contact with and an impact upon almost all domains of physics - from fundamental quantum theory to the fundamental symmetries of physical law, quantum measurement, cosmology, condensed matter physics, particle physics, biophysics, medical physics, astrophysics, plasmas physics and applied physics. The field is rapidly expanding and serves as the basis for many modern technological innovations.

Banner image credit: Art Mills


Faculty Engaged: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics

Name Position Research
David Jones Professor, Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Research Website
Research Field: Atomic, Optical and Molecular Physics
Topics Include: Femtosecond Frequency Combs, XUV Spectroscopy, Precision Spectroscopy
Sabrina Leslie Associate Professor, Biophysics The Leslie Lab (Michael Smith Laboratories)
Research Field: Single-molecule biophysics
Topics Include: DNA, RNA and protein interactions and dynamics
Therapeutic oligonucleotides
Nano-characterization and analytics
DNA super-structure
Polymers under confinement
Kirk Madison Associate Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Condensed Matter + Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (AMO),Ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases
Topics Include: laser cooling and trapping
Valery Milner Associate Professor, Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Research Website
Research Field: Ultrafast Quantum Coherent Control
Topics Include: Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Andrew Potter Assistant Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Condensed Matter + Quantum Information + Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics
Topics Include: Topological phases of matter, quantum criticality, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum information and computing
Ziliang Ye Associate Professor, Research Website
Research Field: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Topics Include: 2D Materials (Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenide, etc.), Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices (Silicon Photonics, Plasmonics, Metamaterials, etc.)
Fei Zhou Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Quantum Magnetism/Quantum Many-body Physics/Applications of QFT/CFT
Topics Include: Ultra-Cold Quantum Matter, Strong-Coupling physics, Far Away From Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics, Quantum entanglement and quantum transport/dynamic phenomena, Emergent quantum symmetries and correlations.

Postdoctoral Fellows & Research Associates Engaged in Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Research

Name Position Research
Andrew Leung Research Associate, Biophysics
Santanu Sasidharan Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biophysics