The Erich Vogt First Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE)

The Erich Vogt First Year Summer Research Experience (FYSRE, pronounced phyzzer, as in physics) is a program offering summer research experiences to budding academic stars at UBC after their First Year Physics courses. Awardees will receive an opportunity for paid work experience in Physics or Astronomy research at UBC or TRIUMF.

This award honours Dr. Erich Vogt (1929-2014), one of the most distinguished Canadian nuclear physicists of his generation. For over thirty years, Erich Vogt taught bright and eager First Year Physics students.  The FYSRE awards give outstanding first year students an opportunity to gain work experience in paid summer research positions.  Other such research opportunities usually give preference to second and higher year students.

UBC first Year students can apply for a FYSRE award by January 31st, 2025 for a subsidized summer research position analogous to the NSERC USRA program: if approved, the student's summer salary will be shared between the supervisor and the FYSRE grant. This program requires a student to work at least 14 weeks between May 1st to August 31st and to be paid a minimum of $7,448 or more (this number will reflect the 2025 BC minimum wage rate).

For those interested in contributing to the fund, please contact PHAS Communications Coordinator Kirsty Dickson (; 604-822-0596) or donate online directly.



Information for Supervisors

This program requires a student to work at least 14 weeks between May 1st to August 31st and to be paid a minimum of $7,448 or more (reflecting the equivalency to B.C. minimum wage rates/year). The subsidy is $3,500. The supervisor will need to cover the difference and applicable taxes/fees/benefits; this can come from any source that permits such expenditures. All wages are paid out of the project supervisor’s account and a portion of the cost will be reimbursed at the end of the student’s tenure. If the supervisor and student agree to go past 14 weeks, then the supervisor would pay the additional $532/week minimum for anything beyond the 14 weeks.


As a requirement for the program, you should have completed 2 semesters of first year physics including labs by the time you start the summer position, and plan to enter a Physics or Astronomy (or a combined majors/honours degree including Physics or Astronomy) or Engineering Physics program in your second year of study. You must obtain a cumulative average of at least A- over the first year of university study. The research experience is expected to be a full-time position. The selection process includes an interview. The applicant must be a UBC student (UBC-V or UBC-O).

Applicants must have first-class standing (an average of 80% or above).

Before submitting an application

We encourage you to take a bit of time to look into research in our department and consider where you might like to work. If there are areas in which you are most interested, you can explain this on your application and name supervisors whose research is most relevant to you. It is, however, not a requirement; if no potential supervisor has been identified by the time of application, we will help match you with potential supervisors if you are awarded.

General information on the Physics and Astronomy research being carried out at UBC can be found on the departmental Website:

Application Process

*The application cycle for FYSRE Summer 2025 opens on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025.

To apply, submit the following components in your application package by Friday, January 31, 2025 to Application related questions should be directed to Kirsty Dickson at

  1. The application cover sheet
  2. An unofficial copy of the transcript
  3. A curriculum vitae (CV)
  4. A personal statement indicating your research interests. This statement should not be longer than 1 page.
  5. Two letters of reference. This letters should be sent from the referees directly to us by email to At least one reference letter should be from a UBC faculty member. The other reference letter could be from a supervisor in a previous job or volunteer activity, or a high school teacher.

Once students have been offered the award, we will work with you to help you interview with a number of faculty members involved in a variety of research areas.

Completed application package (electronic only) should be submitted to:

Kirsty Dickson (

If you have any concerns or questions, please email for more information.


List of Recipients

Click on names for more information:






Read more: Department Announcement