Faculty Engaged: Particle & Nuclear Physics
Name | Position | Research |
Douglas Bryman | Professor/Warren Chair, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: Particle Physics, Applied Physics (Radiation imaging) Topics Include: Measurements of Rare Particle Decays Rare Pion and Kaon decays: CERN NA62; TRIUMF PIENU |
Colin Gay | Professor and Head, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: Energy frontier physics (at the Large Hadron Collider) Topics Include: Beyond Standard Model physics, Extra dimensions, CP violation |
Michael Hasinoff | Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics |
Research Field: Experimental Subatomic Physics,low-energy particle physics Topics Include: Physics Beyond the Standard Model-- A Search for the Dark Matter Boson X(17). |
Christopher Hearty | Professor/IPP Scientist, Particle & Nuclear Physics |
Research Field: Subatomic Physics Belle II (see my research web site: http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~hearty/hearty.html) Topics Include: Direct searches for new physics in e+ e- collisions; dark sector; light Higgs |
Joanna Karczmarek | Associate Professor, Theoretical Physics | Research Website Research Field: String theory Topics Include: Matrix models, emergent spacetime, noncommutative geometry, time dependence |
Alison Lister | Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics | ATLAS public web-page Research Field: Energy frontier physics (ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider) Topics Include: Top Quark measurements, Beyond the Standard Model physics, Dark Matter and Hidden Sector searches, Machine learning in particle physics |
Thomas Mattison | Associate Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: Experimental Particle Physics, Subatomic Physics Topics Include: CP violation, B decays, Accelerator Physics, Next Linear Collider |
Janis McKenna | Professor , Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research HEP Group Site Research Field: Experimental Particle Physics Topics Include: Heavy Quark Physics, Precision electroweak tests in Standard Model, CP violation |
Scott Oser | Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: Experimental Particle Physics (dark matter, neutrinos) Topics Include: dark matter, statistical methods, neutrinos |
Julio Parra-Martinez | Assistant Professor, Theoretical Physics | Personal Website Research Field: Scattering Amplitudes, Effective Field Theory, General Relativity |
Moshe Rozali | Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: Particle Theory, String Theory |
Gordon Semenoff | Professor, Theoretical Physics |
Research Field: Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Topics Include: String Theory, quantum field theory, quantum gravity, statistical mechanics, theoretical condensed matter physics, MOEDAL experiment at CERN |
Kris Sigurdson | Associate Professor, Theoretical Physics | Research Website Research Field: Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Topics Include: Particle Dark Matter, Early Universe Cosmology, Particle Cosmology, Cosmological Perturbation Theory, Dark Energy, Inflation, Cosmic Microwave Background, Cosmic 21-cm Fluctuations |
Mark Van Raamsdonk | Professor, Particle & Nuclear Physics | Research Website Research Field: String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity |
Ariel Zhitnitsky | Professor, Theoretical Physics | Research Website Research Field: Particle Theory/Astrophysics/Cosmology Topics Include: Axions, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Vacuum energy in gauge theories |
Postdoctoral Fellows & Research Associates Engaged in Particle & Nuclear Physics Research
Name | Position | Research |
Cole Helling | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Particle & Nuclear Physics | |
Zhengcheng Tao | Postdoctoral Fellow, Particle & Nuclear Physics |
Research Field: Experimental particle physics at energy frontier |
Bob Velghe | Research Associate (TRIUMF), Particle & Nuclear Physics |
Research Field: Rare Particle Decays |