Condensed matter physics is concerned with understanding and utilizing all types of physical properties of materials in their solid and liquid phases. Many phenomena observed in condensed matter are universal and can find analogies in other physical systems such as high-density ultracold gases. Condensed matter researchers are striving to uncover the simple yet fundamental physical principles underpinning the often complex and collective behaviour that emerges from the mutual interaction among many atoms. The importance of novel materials to present and future technologies drives a large amount of applied research in the field.

Faculty Engaged: Condensed Matter

Name Position Research
Meigan Aronson Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Quantum Materials
Topics Include: Quantum criticality, strongly correlated electron materials, neutron scattering, materials by design
Mona Berciu Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Strongly correlated systems
Topics Include: polarons, bipolarons, correlated electrons, spintronics, magnetic and transport properties
Douglas Bonn Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Superconductivity
Topics Include: high temperature superconductors, microwave measurements, crystal growth, scanning tunneling microscopy
Sarah Burke Associate Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Topics Include: Scanning probe microscopy, organic materials, nanoscale materials, surface physics, photovoltaics
Andrea Damascelli Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Electronic Structure of Quantum Materials
Topics Include: Strongly correlated electron systems, low-dimensional systems and nanostructures, transition-metal oxides, metal-insulator transition, magnetism, orbital ordering, high-Tc superconductivity
Joshua Folk Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Quantum Electronics and 2D Materials
Topics Include: mesoscopic physics, quantum Hall effect, van der Waals heterostructures, quantum thermodynamics
Marcel Franz Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Alannah Hallas Associate Professor, Condensed Matter
Research Field: Experimental studies of quantum materials, crystal growth, neutron scattering, muon spin relaxation
Topics Include: Design and crystal growth of new quantum materials, Structural and magnetic properties of high entropy oxides, Magnetic frustration in the local to itinerant crossover, Multipolar interactions in rare earth magnets, Topological semimetals with strong spin-orbit coupling
David Jones Professor, Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Research Website
Research Field: Atomic, Optical and Molecular Physics
Topics Include: Femtosecond Frequency Combs, XUV Spectroscopy, Precision Spectroscopy
Robert Kiefl Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Andrzej Kotlicki Lecturer, Applied Physics Research Website
Research Field: Applied Optics/Accoustics/Outreach
Kirk Madison Associate Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Condensed Matter + Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (AMO),Ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases
Topics Include: laser cooling and trapping
Andrew Potter Assistant Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Condensed Matter + Quantum Information + Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics
Topics Include: Topological phases of matter, quantum criticality, non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum information and computing
Joerg Rottler Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Condensed Matter/Computational Physics, Soft Condensed Matter
Topics Include: Nonequilibrium statistical physics, polymer science, deformation and flow of disordered solids, nanoscale transport phenomena, computational materials physics
George Sawatzky Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Philip Stamp Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Ziliang Ye Associate Professor, Research Website
Research Field: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Topics Include: 2D Materials (Graphene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenide, etc.), Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy, Nanophotonic Devices (Silicon Photonics, Plasmonics, Metamaterials, etc.)
Fei Zhou Professor, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Quantum Magnetism/Quantum Many-body Physics/Applications of QFT/CFT
Topics Include: Ultra-Cold Quantum Matter, Strong-Coupling physics, Far Away From Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics, Quantum entanglement and quantum transport/dynamic phenomena, Emergent quantum symmetries and correlations.
Ke Zou Assistant Professor, Condensed Matter
Research Field: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Lab
Topics Include: Synthesis and design of quantum materials

Postdoctoral Fellows & Research Associates Engaged in Condensed Matter Research

Name Position Research
James Day Research Associate, Condensed Matter Research Website
Research Field: Unconventional Superconductivity; Undergraduate Physics Labs
Topics Include: Low temperature, microwave measurements; Data handling abilities of undergraduate students
Silvia Folk Research Associate, Condensed Matter Research Field: Mesoscopic physics, nanoelectronics, topological electronic systems, fractional quantum Hall effect
F Giorgio Levy de Castro Research Associate, Condensed Matter Research Field: AMPEL