Events List for the Academic Year

Event Time: Thursday, July 4, 2024 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Henn 318
Add to Calendar 2024-07-04T10:00:00 2024-07-04T12:00:00 Scaling theories and simulation of ductile yielding in amorphous solids Event Information: Abstract : Amorphous solids are a diverse class of materials that have significant interest owing to their ubiquity in industry, yet a unifying theory to describe their mechanical response to load under temperature is lacking.  Using a combination of highly parallelized numerical routines to simulate an elastoplastic model (EPM) of amorphous solids, as well the corresponding mean-field theory, I develop a scaling theory for the yielding of amorphous solids for non-zero temperature and driving rates. First, I simulate very large systems at zero temperature. Here, ductile yielding proceeds through localized rearrangements that, under sufficient load, self-organize into extended avalanches. I study the appearance of the recently described stability plateau, which violates the existing athermal scaling theories for amorphous yielding. Using finite-size scaling, I show that this deviation originates in the spatial extent of the largest avalanches, and that this plateau in turn affects the energy available to avalanches. Consequently, this changes the scaling description for amorphous yielding at zero temperature.Second, I introduce a temperature-dependent failure to the EPM. With extensive numerical simulations, as well as scaling arguments from mean-field theory, I map out a phase-diagram for different regimes of behaviour, depending on both temperature and the rate at which energy is loaded into the system. I verify the boundaries of the phase-diagram by showing changes in behaviour across each of the phase lines, test predictions for avalanche size and flow stress in each flow regime. Contrary to recently proposed theories based on mean-field modelling alone, I show that the competition between driving rate and temperature differs between the continuously flow regime (in which avalanches merge) and the intermittent flow regime. Finally, motivated by experimental data on the creep of disordered mylar sheets, I study creep-flow in amorphous solids by considering an EPM at fixed stress and non-zero temperature. Here, we show that creep proceeds through cascades of correlated activity that occur over extremely long timescales. These ``thermal avalanches'' have long periods of quiescence, yet I argue they obey the same scaling laws and underlying physics as the mechanical avalanches of the ductile yielding transition.   Event Location: Henn 318
Event Time: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2024-07-03T10:00:00 2024-07-03T11:00:00 Solids with random stacking: the curious case of lithium Event Information: Abstract: Close-packing of spheres is a problem with a long, beautiful history that spans centuries. To achieve maximal density, we must first arrange spheres into triangular layers and stack them. Each layer can sit in two possible positions. I will describe the solid that arises from random stacking, i.e., when each twofold choice is made at random. I will introduce a related problem — that of stacking spheres with the least possible density, while retaining stability. The conjectured solution involves stacking honeycomb layers, with a six-fold choice at each layer.  I will describe random stacking in this case as well. I will then present a decades-long puzzle: the low-temperature structure of lithium and sodium. Both have irregular structures with many conflicting claims. We propose an explanation that borrows ideas from the field of frustrated magnetism. Lithium and sodium form close-packed structures, with stacked triangular layers. Due to a hidden gauge symmetry, all stacking configurations have the same electronic energy. We have a ‘frustrated’ solid where an infinite family of crystal structures compete. References: Phys. Rev. E 108, 035003 (2023),arXiv:2405.15865 Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings Room 309
Add to Calendar 2024-06-26T11:00:00 2024-06-26T12:00:00 Decoherence by Warm Horizons Event Information: Recently Danielson, Satishchandran, and Wald (DSW) have shown that quantum superpositions held outside of Killing horizons will decohere at a steady rate. This occurs because of the inevitable radiation of softphotons (gravitons), which imprint a electromagnetic (gravitational) ``which-path'' memory onto the horizon. Rather than appealing to this global description, an experimenter ought to also have a local description for the cause of decoherence. One might intuitively guess that this is just the bombardment of Hawking/Unruh radiation on the system, however simple calculations challenge this idea -- the same superposition held in a finite temperature inertial laboratory does not decohere at the DSW rate. In this work we provide a local description of the decoherence by mapping the DSW set-up onto a worldline-localized model resembling an Unruh-DeWitt particle detector. We present an interpretation in terms of random local forces which do not sufficiently self-average over long times. Using the Rindler horizon as a concrete example we clarify the crucial role of temperature, and show that the Unruh effect is the only quantum mechanical effect underlying these random forces. A general lesson is that for an environment which induces Ohmic friction on the central system (as one gets from the classical Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac force, in an accelerating frame) the fluctuation-dissipation theorem implies that when this environment is at finite temperature it will cause steady decoherence on the central system. Our results agree with DSW and provide the complementary local perspective. Event Location: Hennings Room 309
Event Time: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Zoom :, Meeting ID: 214 094 3545 , Passcode: 876743
Add to Calendar 2024-06-25T10:00:00 2024-06-25T12:00:00 The Pendulum Lab: Understanding Common Experiences and Pitfalls in a Lab With an Intentional Model Failure Event Information: Abstract: In this thesis we investigate how students experienced the pendulum lab, a one-week lab in the first year lab curricula. This lab course is designed to teach scientific critical thinking through an iterative process of collecting data, making a quantitative comparison and reflecting on that comparison. In the pendulum lab, students are asked to compare the periods of a pen[1]dulum at 10 and 20 degrees. The quantitative comparison is performed using a modified statistical test that we refer to as the t-score. The lab is designed such that a reasonable measurement of the periods shows that they are different. But this result contradicts the equation for the period of a pendulum that students learn in first year physics courses because of an approximation. Previous work has shown that students who see the lab as a model confirmation activity struggle with labs like this.   Our study set out to see if asking students to hypothesize would hinder their ability to interpret their data correctly because of confirmation bias. But instead, we found that students’ main struggles were because of issues with inconclusive results. Confirmation bias did play a role in some of our data, but the impact was limited. We also found that only half of the students were surprised by their results in this lab. Most students did not know about the equation for the period of a pendulum if they took this lab in the Fall semester. However, students who took the lab in the Spring semester did know about the pendulum equation and showed indications of confirmation bias. We also found that only half of the students in the lab performed a high enough quality measurement to uncover the difference, which was far below our expectations.   We proposed and implemented an intervention to deal with inconclusive results by redesigning how students interpret their t-scores. We also added more time to the lab so more students could get high quality results. These changes were not extremely successful but provided useful information for future improvements to the lab. Event Location: Zoom :, Meeting ID: 214 094 3545 , Passcode: 876743
Event Time: Friday, June 7, 2024 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2024-06-07T11:00:00 2024-06-07T12:00:00 Many-body localization in the disordered Fermi-Hubbard model Event Information: Abstract:  How isolated quantum systems reach thermal equilibrium is a long-standing question of continuing interest. The absence of equilibration in some systems is also well known, notably Anderson localization in noninteracting systems with quenched disorder.  However, it has only relatively recently been understood that the absence of equilibration can persist in the presence of interactions, dubbed many-body localization.  While most of the theoretical work in this area has focused on spin systems, in which there is just one local degree of freedom, systems with multiple coupled degrees of freedom are of interest, not least because most experimental studies of many-body localization use cold atoms described by the Hubbard model. This talk will review this context and explore the specific case of the disordered Fermi-Hubbard model.  With two coupled local degrees of freedom, charge and spin, how does disorder in one of these influence localization in the other? Writing the Hamiltonian in terms of charge- and spin-specific integrals of motion, we extract time scales associated with charge-charge, spin-spin, and charge-spin coupling and connect these with the growth of entanglement. Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Monday, June 3, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2024-06-03T12:00:00 2024-06-03T13:00:00 Chaotic Instability in the BFSS matrix model Event Information: UBC Theoretical High Energy Physics Seminar  Abstract: Recently, chaotic scattering has been studied in the context of String Theory. Chaotic scattering occurs when the particle motion in ascattering region cannot be exactly solved. This is a more general situation than the familiar solvable scattering problems. In this talk,as a simple example, we first introduce chaotic scattering in a four-hill potential model and then present self-similar structures(fractals) appearing in the initial value space and the Cantor set in the time delay function. A method for calculating the fractal dimension is also explained. Then we discuss chaotic scattering in the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (BFSS) matrix model, which is a non-perturbative formulation of a superstring theory. This model can also be interpreted as a matrix regularization of a supermembrane theory, in which the basic degrees of freedom are membranes. The potential of this model has flat directions, which are related to the instability of the supermembrane theory. We investigate classical motions of a spherical membrane and show that this instability can be regarded as chaotic scattering.       Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Friday, May 31, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
McLeod 3038
Add to Calendar 2024-05-31T10:00:00 2024-05-31T11:00:00 Inter-valley coherence, intrinsic and extrinsic spin-orbit coupling in rhombohedral graphene Event Information: Abstract: Rhombohedral graphene multilayers provide a clean and highly reproducible platform to explore the emergence of superconductivity and magnetism in a strongly interacting electron system. The high density of states near the van Hove singularities lead to a variety of broken symmetry phases – including exotic forms of spin and valley ferromagnetism [2, 3]. Because of their combined spin and valley ‘isospin’ degrees of freedom, these Stoner magnets exhibit an approximate SU(4) symmetry with a near degeneracy in the many body phase diagram. In reality, this SU(4) symmetry is only approximate, weak symmetry breaking arises even at the single particle level – in the form of intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. Here, we use high resolution thermodynamic compressibility measurements and nanoSQUID on tip (nSOT) magnetometry to study the effects that intrinsic spin-orbit coupling has on the magnetic phase diagram in rhombohedral graphene. By supporting rhombohedral graphene on a WSe2 substrate, ‘extrinsic’ strong spin-orbit coupling can be proximitized, significantly altering the magnetic phase diagram. We demonstrate the presence of an inter-valley coherent quarter metal which becomes strongly spin-valley locked when supported by WSe2. Our results shed light on the role proximity induced Ising spin-orbit coupling and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling plays in selecting the ground state in correlated graphene systems. References: [1] Zhou, H., Xie, T., Taniguchi, T. et al. Nature 598, 434–438 (2021). [2] Zhou, H., Xie, T., Ghazaryan, A., et al. Nature 598, 429–433 (2021). [3] Arp, T., et. al. arXiv:2310.03781 (2023). Event Location: McLeod 3038
Event Time: Thursday, May 30, 2024 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Location:
MacLeod 3038 (
Add to Calendar 2024-05-30T14:00:00 2024-05-30T15:00:00 Next-Generation Microcombs for Compact Optical Frequency Division Systems Event Information: Dear colleagues,We invite you to the next SSCS Vancouver Seminar on Thursday, May 30th, at 2 pm by Prof. Kerry Vahala from Caltech. Kerry is a world authority on frequency combs. Please remember to mark your calendar! Abstract: Optical frequency division (OFD) enables transfer of stability from references such as atomic transitions and optical cavities to microwave and radio-frequency signals.  Enabled by self-referenced frequency combs, the most accurate clocks (optical clocks) and lowest phase-noise microwave signal sources are based upon this method. In recent years, a miniature chip-based comb (microcomb) is being studied for creation of compact OFD systems.  I will review the physical principles of microcomb operation along with recently demonstrated microcomb devices that mode lock by formation of femtosecond pulse pairs.  Finally, a high-performance microwave signal source is described wherein microcombs implement the method of 2-point OFD using a compact cavity reference.Biography: Kerry Vahala is Professor of Applied Physics at Caltech and holds the Jenkins Chair in Information Science and Technology. His research on chip-based high-Q optical resonators and related nonlinear optical devices has advanced miniature frequency and time systems, microwave sources, parametric oscillators, astrocombs and gyroscopes. Vahala also made early contributions to the subject of cavity optomechanics and demonstrations of chip-based devices to cavity QED phenomena. A member of the National Academy of Engineering and Fellow of the IEEE and Optica, he received the IEEE Sarnoff Medal for research on quantum-well laser dynamics, the Alexander von Humboldt award and MPQ Distinguished Scholar Award for work on ultra-high-Q optical microcavities, a NASA achievement award for application of microcombs to exoplanet detection, and the Optica Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award for a 2-photon optical clock. Vahala is the Executive Officer of the Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science at Caltech.   Event Location: MacLeod 3038 (
Event Time: Thursday, May 30, 2024 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2024-05-30T11:00:00 2024-05-30T12:30:00 Efficient field theories for big data experiments Event Information:   *This talk is presented live in HENN 318 and via Zoom: Meeting URL: Meeting ID:     636 4576 7535 Passcode:    147999  Bio:Dave Sutherland is a theoretical physicist. After completing his PhD in 2016 at the Cavendish laboratory in Cambridge, he worked as a postdoc in UC Santa Barbara, and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND fellow at INFN Trieste, before moving to Glasgow as a lecturer in 2022. He has worked on various aspects of model building, effective field theory, amplitudes, and their applications to phenomenology. Abstract:In particle physics, we have lots of data, but we are unsure exactly what to look for within it. I will show how simple principles from field and scattering theory can help guide this search, maximize our chance of a fundamental discovery, and guarantee that we understand the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking in the coming decades.  Links: See his University of Glasgow faculty webpage here: University of Glasgow - Schools - School of Physics & Astronomy - Our staff - David Sutherland Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Friday, May 24, 2024 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Henn 318
Add to Calendar 2024-05-24T10:00:00 2024-05-24T12:00:00 Negative Lambda Quantum Cosmology Event Information: Abstract: We present a model of quantum cosmology based on anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) holography. The spacetimes in our construction are time-symmetric, big-bang/big-crunch cosmologies with a negative cosmological constant $\Lambda$. In the simplest version of our model the cosmology lives inside a spatially finite bubble within an otherwise empty AdS spacetime. By studying the thermodynamic and geometric properties of this spacetime, we provide evidence that the ``bubble of cosmology'' spacetime has a well-defined dual CFT description.   It is also desirable to have a cosmology which is globally homogeneous and isotropic. We present an upgraded model in which this is the case.  Although a homogeneous cosmology is not asymptotically AdS and hence cannot be described directly by AdS/CFT, the time-reflection symmetry of the spacetime allows us to perform an analytic continuation, following which the spacetime is an asymptotically AdS Euclidean wormhole. If we assume that the cosmology is spatially flat a second analytic continuation obtains a Lorentzian traversable AdS wormhole. The AdS wormhole spacetimes can be described using holography: they are dual to a pair of three-dimensional CFTs coupled via a four-dimensional theory.  We explain how an anomalously large amount of negative energy can support the traversable wormhole, and we begin to populate the holographic dictionary relating observables in the wormhole/cosmology to observables in the microscopic theory. Finally we show that time-dependent scalar fields naturally enable these cosmologies to contain a period of accelerated expansion, suggesting that our $\Lambda<0$ models could ultimately provide the framework for a fully microscopic description of our universe.   Event Location: Henn 318
Event Time: Thursday, May 23, 2024 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Henn 309
Add to Calendar 2024-05-23T14:00:00 2024-05-23T16:00:00 A study of sporadic pulsars and radio transients with the CHIME telescope Event Information: Lay abstract: Pulsars are the remnants of massive stars. Their rapid and precise rotation allows us to use them as tools to test many theories of physics. Pulsars come in many flavours; some are sporadic and only emit radio waves occasionally. This thesis uses the Canadian Hydrogen Mapping Experiment (CHIME) to study pulsars of all flavours. First, I developed a new processing pipeline so that we can fully utilise the capabilities of CHIME/Pulsar. Then, I create a technique, LuNfit, to characterise the single pulses of pulsars. I then apply LuNfit to 35 pulsars with a 477-hour CHIME/Pulsar observation campaign. Finally, I discovered a new long-period transient, CHIME J0630+25, with a period of 421 seconds.  This marks only the fourth object in this new class. Their nature remains unknown, but we speculate that CHIME J0630+25 is likely a white dwarf or a neutron star. Event Location: Henn 309
Event Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2024-05-14T13:00:00 2024-05-14T14:00:00 Graphene multilayers: from unconventional superconductors to quantum devices Event Information: Abstract: Crystalline graphene multilayers present a rich playground to explore correlated electronic phenomena in a tunable and ultra-clean setting. For instance, Bernal bilayer graphene and rhombohedral trilayer graphene host multiple symmetry-broken metallic phases at low temperature, as well as unconventional superconductors with different pairing symmetries. The rich phase diagram of these systems can further be tuned through proximity to WSe2, which induces spin-orbit coupling in the graphene layers and leads to a dramatic enhancement of superconductivity that remains poorly understood. I will first discuss the lessons learned from our theoretical exploration of graphene multilayers with induced spin-orbit coupling, focusing on various types of magnetic and inter-valley coherent ground states and their possible connections to superconductivity. I will then outline a recipe to engineer topological superconductivity in graphene multilayers using gate-defined Josephson junctions. Such a platform provides a promising alternative to traditional architectures for Majorana zero-modes due to its purity, gate tunability and atomically thin nature.  Speaker Bio: Étienne Lantagne-Hurtubise completed his PhD at UBC, and worked at QMI with Professor Marcel Franz. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech. Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Monday, May 13, 2024 | 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Event Location:
TRIUMF Theory Room, 4004 Wesbrook Mall and zoom; Passcode: 959424
Add to Calendar 2024-05-13T12:30:00 2024-05-13T14:30:00 Probing Beyond Standard Model Physics Through Ab Initio Calculations of Exotic Weak Processes in Atomic Nuclei Event Information: "Exotic weak decays offer a unique way to probe physics beyond the Standard Model in a low-energy regime using the atomic nucleus as a window to complement the high-energy searches done at particle accelerator facilities. However, in order to extract the relevant physics parameters from experimental observations, inputs from nuclear theory are required.   The hypothetical neutrinoless double beta decay has gathered a lot of interest, as its observation would answer many standing questions in particle physics. First, it would unveil fundamental properties of the most abundant yet most elusive massive particle: the neutrino. A simple observation of this decay would imply the neutrino to be Majorana, meaning that it is its own antiparticle, as well as give insight into its absolute mass. Furthermore, the existence of this decay would explain the matter/antimatter asymmetry of the universe.   In order to extract the neutrino mass and potential couplings to more exotic mechanisms, as well as compare sensitivities of experiments using different isotopes, the nuclear matrix element must be obtained from nuclear theory. Unfortunately, the different models that have historically been used to compute this quantity have shown a large spread with no means of quantifying their respective uncertainties, greatly hindering the experimental precision.   In this thesis, we use recent advances in ab initio methods, which profit from the rapid increase in computational power to calculate nuclear observables directly from the interaction between the nucleons. In particular, we use the ab initio valence-space in medium similarity renormalization group method to compute the matrix element of all relevant candidate isotopes for experimental searches. We further develop a new machine learning emulator that greatly increases the speed of calculations. Using this emulator, we  probe the full input parameter space of the calculation to give the first statistical uncertainty on the matrix element.   Our results show smaller values than previous models and are consistent with other ab initio methods. This provides a much tighter constraint than the spread coming from previous models, greatly clarifying the picture for both current and future experimental searches of the decay. “ Event Location: TRIUMF Theory Room, 4004 Wesbrook Mall and zoom; Passcode: 959424
Event Time: Friday, May 10, 2024 | 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
Henn 309 and Zoom,
Add to Calendar 2024-05-10T09:00:00 2024-05-10T11:00:00 Classical descriptions of quantum computations: Foundations of quantum computation via hidden variable models, quasiprobability representations, and classical simulation algorithms Event Information: [abstract] Quasiprobability representations serve as a bridge between classical and quantum descriptions of physical systems. In these representations, nonnegativity allows for a probabilistic interpretation, aligning the description with classical physics.  However, the capacity to model quantum systems hinges on the use of negative quasiprobabilities. Accordingly, negativity is considered a hallmark of genuinely quantum behaviour. This principle has been applied to quantum information processing where negativity in the Wigner function is necessary for a quantum computational advantage. This is demonstrated by an efficient classical simulation algorithm for quantum computations in which all components of the computation remain nonnegative.   However, when constructing quasiprobability representations for quantum computation to which this statement applies, a marked difference arises between the cases of even and odd Hilbert space dimension. We find that Wigner functions with the properties required to describe quantum computation do not exist in any even dimension. We establish that the obstructions to the existence of such Wigner functions are cohomological.   In order to recover the properties required for classical simulation of quantum computation in any dimension, some constraints that traditionally define a Wigner function must be relaxed. We consider several examples of these generalized quasiprobability representations, and we find that when sufficiently general representations are admitted, no negativity is required to represent universal quantum computation.  The result is a hidden variable model that represents all elements of universal quantum computation probabilistically. Since this model can simulate any quantum computation, the simulation must be inefficient in general. However, in certain restricted settings, the simulation is efficient, allowing for a broader class of magic state quantum circuits to be efficiently classically simulated than those covered by the stabilizer formalism and Wigner function methods.   With this hidden variable model, we present a formulation of quantum mechanics that replaces the central notion of state, as a complex vector or density operator, with a bit string. This formulation applies to universal quantum computation, and hence all finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. Thus, we present a surprising response to Wheeler’s "It from Bit" challenge. Alongside coherence, entanglement, and contextuality, this provides a new approach to characterizing quantum advantage. Event Location: Henn 309 and Zoom,
Event Time: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Location:
QMI 188 (2355 East Mall)
Add to Calendar 2024-05-01T12:00:00 2024-05-01T14:00:00 Emergent optical and electronic properties in atomically thin rhombohedral-stacked transition metal dichalcogenides Event Information: Abstract: Rhombohedral(R)-stacked TMD means the neighbouring layers are oriented in the same direction, which can be obtained through either chemical synthesis or artificial stack with a small twist. The investigation into how the stacking order determines the properties of TMD homobilayers is crucial for understanding the exotic physics observed in two-dimensional semiconductors. Here we use various optical spectroscopy techniques to explore the emergent excitonic and correlated phenomena in both homogeneous and twisted TMD homobilayers of rhombohedral stacking. Specifically, we observe a spontaneous electrical polarization arising from the asymmetric interlayer-coupling-induced Berry phase in R-stacked MoS2 bilayer. Utilizing this polarization, we achieve an efficient and scalable photovoltaic effect in a Gr/R-MoS2/Gr heterostructure. By employing non-degenerate pump-probe photocurrent spectroscopy, we disentangle the competition between thermal and electronic effects, extracting a 2ps intrinsic photocurrent speed. More importantly, the out-of-plane electrical polarization in R-stacked MoS2 can be switched through in-plane sliding motion, which is referred to as sliding ferroelectricity. By harnessing the coupling between electronic polarization and excitonic effects, we demonstrate an optical method to probe the domain wall motion in both R-stacked MoS2 homo-bilayer and tri-layer.  Finally, we report the discovery of a series of correlated insulating states at both integer and fractional fillings, arising from Γ-valley flat bands, in a small-angle twisted MoSe2 homo-bilayer. We observe a Mott-insulator state instead of a semi-metal on the half-filled honeycomb lattice, in contrast to the theoretical prediction based on continuum model. The observed phenomenon is consistent with the picture of semi-metal to insulator transition at large U/t limit. Our exploration on the moire homo-bilayer in rhombohedral stacking offers a new opportunity to simulate the Mott-Hubbard physics with spin SU (2) symmetry. Event Location: QMI 188 (2355 East Mall)
Event Time: Monday, April 29, 2024 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
14th floor meeting room, BC Cancer Research Institute
Add to Calendar 2024-04-29T10:00:00 2024-04-29T12:00:00 An analysis of imaging and biological effects impacting theranostic dosimetry using radiopharmaceutical pairs Event Information: Abstract:   Radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) is a safe and effective cancer treatment using alpha or beta emitting radiopharmaceuticals that specifically target cancer cells to selectively destroy cancer tissue while sparing healthy cells. Treatment can be personalized on a patient-by-patient basis using dosimetry to determine suitable administered activities for subsequent treatment cycles. Dosimetry requires obtaining quantitative single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images which can only be done using gamma emitting radioisotopes.   Not all therapeutic radioisotopes are suitable for SPECT imaging. In such cases, it may be necessary to use an imaging surrogate to predict the radiation dose from the therapeutic isotope, either pre-therapy or during combination RPT. However, these methods may introduce inaccuracies into the dosimetry estimate. This dissertation aims to investigate some “theranostic pair” radiopharmaceuticals and determine if these pairs may be suitable for theranostic dosimetry.   In addition to a comprehensive literature review of theranostic dosimetry and the validity of multiple theranostic pairs used clinically and pre-clinically, three Monte Carlo based simulation studies are performed:     - First, an investigation into the theranostic pair 177Lu (a beta/gamma emitter) and 90Y (a beta emitter) to determine if Bremstrahhlung photons emitted by 90Y reduce the accuracy of quantitative SPECT imaging of 177Lu   - Then, simulations of 225Ac (an alpha emitter) and 177Lu within prostate cancer cells were performed and used to create nucleus absorbed dose kernels which were convolved with multicellular tumour maps of varying morphologies (i.e. hypoxic, necrotic, and normoxic tumour phenotypes) to assess the absorbed dose distribution differences between particulate radiation from 225Ac and 177Lu on a microscopic scale   - Finally, the proposition of a novel method using 99mTc (a gamma emitter) to improve bone marrow dosimetry is discussed and tested. Bone marrow dosimetry during RPT for prostate cancer with 177Lu labelled pharmaceuticals is extremely challenging, and we propose using 99mTc-sulfur colloids to assist in the determination of bone marrow location during imaging and subsequently use 177Lu for bone marrow dosimetry, which requires simultaneous SPECT imaging of 177Lu and 99mTc.  We test the feasibility of this and suggest additions to clinical scatter correction methods to reduce the impact of photon contamination from 177Lu on 99mTc images.   Event Location: 14th floor meeting room, BC Cancer Research Institute
Event Time: Thursday, April 18, 2024 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2024-04-18T10:00:00 2024-04-18T11:00:00 Anomalous Hall Crystals in Graphene: interaction-driven Chern bands at zero magnetic field Event Information: Abstract: Recent experiments have discovered that pentalayer-graphene subject to a moire superlattice spontaneously breaks time-reversal, resulting in a quantized anomalous Hall effect at zero magnetic field. At fractional filling, the material exhibits a zero-field fractional quantum Hall effect. In contrast to other moire-materials, the origin of Chern bands in this material is not so clear. I will present a theoretical picture in which Chern bands arise from an “anomalous Hall crystal” stabilized primarily by interactions. So far this picture is supported mainly by mean-field calculations, so I’ll conclude with some open questions about how the Hall crystal could be verified. Speaker Bio: Michael Zaletel is an Associate Professor of Physics and theAllison and Thomas Schneider Chair at UC Berkley. Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Friday, April 12, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Location: Meeting ID: 938 9339 8617 Passcode: 638333
Add to Calendar 2024-04-12T12:00:00 2024-04-12T14:00:00 Advances in decay spectroscopy of 160Gd and developments for transfer experiments using radioactive isotope beams Event Information: [Abstract] The structure of the atomic nucleus can rapidly evolve from a spherical shape into one with significant deformation as the number of protons and neutrons change within the nucleus. These exotic nuclei present the opportunity to study the evolution of the nuclear force via the resulting nuclear structure exhibited by the nucleus. In this work, the results of nuclear structure experiments on three isotopes are presented. These experiments, all performed at the TRIUMF-ISAC radioactive beam facility, help to improve understanding of the evolution of nuclear structure from single-particle to collective excitations in nuclei. The structure of the highly-deformed 160Gd has been studied via the beta-decay of 160Eu using the GRIFFIN spectrometer. New measurements of spectroscopic information and lifetimes of excited-states has shed new light on the structure of K=4+ deformed bands located in this nucleus and supports these are being hexadecapole phonon bands. Lifetime measurements in 160Gd also show the 1999 keV state as having positive, not negative, parity. This result raises questions about the established structure of the beta-decaying states in the parent 160Eu.Development and analysis in support of transfer reaction experiments at TRIUMF-ISAC was performed. Upgrades to the TRIFIC ionization chamber used in conjunction with the TIGRESS gamma-ray spectrometer are discussed. Experimental data from (d,p) neutron transfer reactions on the stable 86Kr and the radioactive 93Sr nucleus is presented here. In the resulting 87Kr, single-particle structure analysis of this data shows the evolution of neutron orbitals directly above the N=50 neutron shell closure. The structure of 94Sr was observed via (d,p) reactions on 93Sr. This experiment is the first ever population of 94Sr via a (d,p) reaction, and spectroscopic factors and angular distributions for a number of excited-states are first reported. The transfer data analysis on 86Kr and 93Sr is also in support of a larger experimental campaign using the Surrogate Reaction Method to experimentally constrain neutron capture cross-sections on unstable nuclei and briefly discussed here.   Event Location: Meeting ID: 938 9339 8617 Passcode: 638333
Event Time: Thursday, April 11, 2024 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 202
Add to Calendar 2024-04-11T16:00:00 2024-04-11T17:00:00 From Antarctica to PHAS: Lessons on inclusive leadership and collaboration in STEM Event Information: Abstract:I will share my reflections upon my four-year journey in the Homeward Bound Program, a leadership training for women in STEM that culminated in an expedition to Antarctica. This will be an interactive session geared towards all members of PHAS, including undergraduate/graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff. You will learn more about the wildlife and landscape of the Antarctic peninsula, and what I did in the expedition with women leaders in various STEM disciplines. Most importantly, I will use this opportunity to gather your ideas on how to make our department and discipline more inclusive and welcoming for all. Bio: Allison Man is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at UBC. Her  research area is galaxy evolution. She studies how massive galaxies assemble their stars in the first few billion years of the cosmic history. She uses gravitational lensing to obtain a resolved view of distant galaxies — they are otherwise too faint and too small to be observed with current telescopes.  On a lighter note from discussions on her Homeward bound experience, she has described a new-found delight in penguins, Antarctic ocean swimming and learning from others in multidisciplinary STEM fields to the Fine Arts!  Learn More: Read this article about Allison being chosen as a participant on the 5th Homeward Bound Program Check out the Homeward bound website Learn about the UBC Extragalactic Astrophysics Group and what they study on Allison's faculty webpage Event Location: HENN 202
Event Time: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2024-04-10T14:00:00 2024-04-10T15:00:00 Dissipation driven dynamical topological phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors Event Information: Abstract: By quenching the interaction strength, we induce and study a topological dynamical phase transition between superconducting phases of a planar fermionic model. Using the Lindblad Master Equation approach to account for the interactions of Bogoliubov quasiparticles among themselves and with the fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter, we derive the corresponding relaxation dynamics of the order parameter. To fully characterize the phase transition, we also compute the fidelity and the spin-Hall conductance of the system. Our approach provides us crucial informations for experimental implementations, such as the dependence of the critical time on the system-bath coupling. Speaker Bio: Domenico Giuliano has received his Ph. D. in 1998 from the Università di Napoli (Naples University) “Federico II” – Italy. During his Ph. D. he has spent six months at Stanford University, under the supervision of Prof. Robert Laughlin. After graduating, he moved back to Stanford, on a two-year post-doc appointment, supervised again by Prof. Laughlin. After that, he has spent two more years in Napoli as a post-doc research associate under the supervision of Prof. Arturo Tagliacozzo, in 2003 he has become a university researcher at the University of Calabria, in Soutern Italy. From year 2020 he is an associate professor of theorical physics at the same university. In the past, he has been visiting several times the department of Physics at the University of British Coumbia, on a long-lasting scientific collaboration with Prof. Ian Affleck and his group. Domenico’s main research interest are in theoretical condensed matter. They include: Fractionalization of quantum number and fractional statistics; Low-dimensional correlated system, including one-dimensional Luttinger liquids; Topological insulators and topological superconductors; Kondo effect and its applications; Quantum phase transitions. Event Location: BRIM 311