What is interesting and exciting in physics and astronomy? What is the relevance of physics and astronomy in our everyday lives? What kind of innovative research is happening within the Department?
Faculty members in the UBC Department of Physics & Astronomy have organized outreach activities for several decades. Together we are dedicated to engaging the public in exploring the excitement and wonder of physics and astronomy. Our outreach efforts focus mainly toward K-12 students and teachers, as well as toward the community.
The department's Outreach Program started in 1995, and now runs many events throughout the year including local and national science competitions (the UBC Physics Olympics, the Michael Smith Challenge, and the Canadian Physics Olympiad), summer camps, public science shows, teacher’s professional development workshops, and development online teaching resources. In additional to the departmental Outreach Program, many of our faculty members are involved in events such as the Welcome Orientation for Women (WOW), Engineering Physics Open House, and Triumf Saturday Morning Lectures.
The PITP Public Lectures are intended for a broad audience, from inside and outside the university. A variety of topics (from physics, history, anthropology, to biology and philosophy) and their relevance to physical theories of the early 20th century (relativity and quantum mechanics) are presented in everyday language accessible to non-specialists, including the general public. Other public lectures include presentations through UBC Alumni events, the UBC Celebrate Research Week, and Triumf Saturday Morning Lectures.
Additional print and online materials are available to the general public. UBC cIRcle offers a collection of open access digital materials (podcasts, videos, presentations from meetings and conferences) created by PHAS members and partners as well as theses and dissertations searchable by subject area. The Physics Teaching for the 21st Century website is a resource for teachers who are interested in teaching physics concepts in real world contexts.
For upcoming public events, visit our Event Calendar page. Feel free to contact the Communications Coordinator at communications@phas.ubc.ca if you have any questions regarding our outreach events and activities.