Polluting white dwarfs with perturbed exo-comets |
2017 |
Magnetar giant flare high-energy emission |
2017 |
Tests of Gravity Theories Using Supermassive Black Holes |
2017 |
A fast algorithm for finding point sources in the Fermi data stream: FermiFAST |
2017 |
Using galaxy formation simulations to optimize LIGO follow-up observations |
2017 |
Eötvös experiments with supermassive black holes |
2017 |
Globular cluster absolute ages from cooling brown dwarfs |
2017 |
eXTP: Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarization mission |
2016 |
Using the 2-MASS photometric redshift survey to optimize LIGO follow-up observations |
2016 |
The impulsive phase of magnetar giant flares: assessing linear tearing as the trigger mechanism |
2016 |
Dynamical Estimate of Post-main-sequence Stellar Masses in 47 Tucanae |
2016 |
Constraining White Dwarf Structure and Neutrino Physics in 47 Tucanae |
2016 |
Formation and Evolution of Blue Stragglers in 47 Tucanae |
2016 |
When do stars in 47 Tucanae lose their mass? |
2015 |
A Measurement of Diffusion in 47 Tucanae |
2015 |
Constraining Neutrino Cooling Using the Hot White Dwarf Luminosity Function in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae |
2015 |
Energy levels of light atoms in strong magnetic fields |
2014 |
A two-dimensional pseudospectral Hartree-Fock method for low-Z atoms in intense magnetic fields |
2014 |
A Fast Matching Algorithm for Sheared Stellar Samples: k-d Match |
2013 |
A Dynamical Signature of Multiple Stellar Populations in 47 Tucanae |
2013 |
Statistical ages and the cooling rate of X-ray dim isolated neutron stars |
2013 |
Quantifying mass segregation and new core radii for 54 milky way globular clusters |
2013 |
Proper Motions and Internal Dynamics in the Core of the Globular Cluster M71 |
2012 |
Mechanical Properties of non-accreting Neutron Star Crusts |
2012 |
An Empirical Measure Of The Rate Of White Dwarf Cooling In 47 Tucanae |
2012 |
Deep HST Imaging in NGC 6397: Stellar Dynamics |
2012 |
Is Mira a magneto-dusty rotator? |
2012 |
MUFFINS: Metallurgy Uncovers Forced Fractures Inside Neutron Stars |
2011 |
Constraining the photon-axion coupling constant with magnetic white dwarfs |
2011 |
The Magnetised Bellows of Betelgeuse |
2011 |
The Spectral Energy Distributions of White Dwarfs in 47 Tucanae: The Distance to the Cluster |
2011 |
Deep HST Imaging in NGC 6397: Stellar Dynamics |
2011 |
Proper Motions and Internal Dynamics in the Core of the Globular Cluster M71 |
2011 |
Diffractive Microlensing I: Flickering Planetesimals at the Edge of the Solar System |
2010 |
Large Pulsar Kicks from Topological Currents |
2010 |
Cosmic Rays from Magnetars |
2010 |
Pseudospectral methods for atoms in strong magnetic fields |
2010 |
On the trigger mechanisms for SGR giant flares |
2010 |
A hybrid steady-state magnetohydrodynamic dust-driven stellar wind model for AGB stars |
2010 |
Compositional Freeze-Out of Neutron Star Crusts |
2010 |
Diffractive Microlensing II: Substellar Disk and Halo Objects |
2010 |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Non-accreting Neutron Star Crusts |
2010 |
Diffractive Microlensing III: Astrometric Signatures |
2010 |
Nonlinear Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetosphere of a Magnetar |
2010 |
Hydrogen and helium atoms in strong magnetic fields |
2009 |
Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : IV. Retarding Core Collapse |
2009 |
Creation of Entanglement Entropy by a Non-linear Inflaton Potential |
2009 |
Dispersion Relations for Bernstein Waves in a Relativistic Pair Plasma |
2009 |
Compositional Freeze-Out of Neutron Star Crusts |
2009 |
Polarized X-rays from Magnetized Neutron Stars |
2009 |
Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : II. Observational Significance |
2008 |
Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : III. Cluster Heating |
2008 |
Neutron Star Crustal Mass Fractions |
2008 |
High-field Neutron Stars - Theoretical Overview |
2008 |
QED can explain the non-thermal emission from SGRs and AXPs : Variability |
2007 |
Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters |
2007 |
The Birthrate of Magnetars |
2007 |
Quantum Mechanical Fluctuations at the End of Inflation |
2007 |
Orbital evolution with white-dwarf kicks |
2007 |
Ionization and dissociation equilibrium in strongly-magnetized helium atmosphere |
2007 |
Evolutionary Sequences of Rotating Protoneutron Stars with Hyperons |
2006 |
Magnetospheric Birefringence Induces Unique Polarization Signatures in Neutron-Star Spectra |
2006 |
See a Black Hole on a Shoestring |
2006 |
Probing Axions with Radiation from Magnetized Compact Objects |
2006 |
Magnetars |
2005 |
A QED Model for the Origin of Bursts from SGRs and AXPs |
2005 |
Rotational Evolution of Protoneutron Stars with Hyperons: Spin up or not? |
2005 |
R-Modes on Rapidly Rotating, Relativistic Stars: II. Blackbody Emission |
2005 |
A QED Model for Non-thermal Emission from SGRs and AXPs |
2005 |
The Long-Term Future of Space Travel |
2005 |
Gen-X : Science Objectives |
2004 |
Magnetars |
2004 |
R-Modes on Rapidly Rotating, Relativistic Stars: I. Do Type-I Bursts Excite Modes in the Neutron-Star Ocean? |
2004 |
Changes in the X-ray Emission from the Magnetar Candidate 1E 2259+586 during its 2002 Outburst |
2004 |
Changes in the Persistent Emission of 1E 2259+586 during its 2002 Outburst |
2003 |
Polarized Spectra from Magnetized Hydrogen Neutron-Star Atmospheres |
2003 |
A New Method for Determining the Stability of Material Accreting onto Neutron Stars |
2003 |
What can Neutron Stars Tell Us about QED and Vice Versa? |
2003 |
Do Old Neutron Stars Shiver to Keep Warm? |
2003 |
Simulating the Origin and Evolution of Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars |
2003 |
The Strongly Polarized Afterglow of GRB 020405 |
2003 |
Broadband modeling of GRB 021004 |
2003 |
The High-Energy Polarization-Limiting Radius of Neutron Star Magnetospheres: I. Slowly Rotating Neutron Stars |
2003 |
The Synoptic Swift Synergy – Catching Gamma-Ray Bursts Before They Fly |
2003 |
Optical and X-Ray Properties of Cooling Neutron Stars |
2003 |
Thermonuclear Stability of Material Accreting onto a Neutron Star |
2003 |
Temperature Discrepancies From Fits to Thermal Spectra of Neutron Stars |
2002 |
What Could Polarimetry Tell Us About Neutron Stars? |
2002 |
Evidence for the Black Hole Event Horizon |
2002 |
Polarization in GRB 020405 and short-term variability in GRB 021004: examples of optical observations in the SWIFT era |
2002 |
Hotspot Emission from a Freely Precessing Neutron Star |
2002 |
Vacuum Decay Constraints on a Cosmological Scalar Field |
2002 |
QED and the High Polarization of the Thermal Radiation from Neutron Stars |
2002 |
LMXBs may be important LIGO sources after all |
2002 |
On the Lack of Type I X-ray Bursts in Black Hole X-ray Binaries: Evidence for the Event Horizon? |
2002 |
Compact Objects and Accretion Disks |
2002 |
The QED-GRB Connection (some things you should remember if the field is strong) |
2002 |
The Central X-Ray Point Source in Cassiopeia A |
2001 |
Electron-Positron Jets from a Critically Magnetized Black Hole |
2001 |
Multidimensional thermal structure of magnetized neutron star envelopes |
2001 |
X-ray emission from middle-aged pulsars |
2001 |
Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters: Spectral Fits and the Magnetar Model |
2001 |
So what is the weather like on Aquila X-1! |
2001 |
Polarization Evolution in Strong Magnetic Fields |
2000 |
Consequences of Interstellar Absorption for Models of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars |
2000 |
Gravitational Radiation from Strongly Magnetized White Dwarfs |
2000 |
Probing the Properties of Neutron Stars with Type I X-ray Bursts |
2000 |
Neutron Star Cooling for High B Fields |
2000 |
Nonlinear QED Effects in Strong-Field Magnetohydrodynamics |
1999 |
The Optics of Neutron-Star Magnetospheres |
1999 |
The Central X-Ray Point Source in Cassiopeia A |
1999 |
Do magnetars glitch? : Timing irregularities in anomalous X-ray pulsars |
1999 |
Magnetic Lensing near Ultramagnetized Neutron Stars |
1999 |
Implications of Intense Magnetic Fields on Neutron-Star Physics |
1998 |
What is the nature RX J0720.4-3125? |
1998 |
RCW 103 - Revisiting a cooling neutron star |
1998 |
How common are magnetars? The implications of magnetic-field decay |
1998 |
Almost Analtyic Models of Ultramagnetized Neutron Star Envelopes |
1998 |
Hydrogen and Helium Atoms and Molecules in an Intense Magnetic Field |
1998 |
Electromagnetic Shocks in Strong Magnetic Fields |
1998 |
Powering Anomalous X-ray Pulsars by Neutron Star Cooling |
1997 |
The Thermal Evolution of Ultramagnetized Neutron Stars |
1997 |
QED One-Loop Corrections to a Macroscopic Magnetic Dipole |
1997 |
The Birefringence and Dichroism of the QED Vacuum |
1997 |
Autofib Redshift Survey: II – The Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function by Spectral Type |
1997 |
An Analytic Form for the Effective Lagrangian of QED and its Application to Pair Production and Photon Splitting |
1997 |
Structure of Merger Remnants: V. Kinematics |
1996 |
Autofib Redshift Survey - I. Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function |
1996 |
Magnetically Catalyzed Fusion |
1996 |
Galaxy Formation in a Variety of Hierarchical Models |
1995 |
Inferring Galaxy Viewing Angles |
1995 |
Structure of Merger Remnants: IV. Isophotal Shapes |
1994 |
Galaxy Evolution – Observations, Analysis, and Theory |
1994 |
Bending Instabilities in Galaxy Merger Remnants |
1993 |
Structure of Merger Remnants. III. Phase-Space Constraints |
1993 |
Observational Tracers of Galaxy Merger Remnants |
1992 |
The Magnetised Bellows of Betelgeuse |
2012 |
Magnetars |
2008 |
Casimir interactions between magnetic flux tubes in a dense lattice |
2015 |