First Name
Last Name
Office Room
Hennings 342
Tel (Office)
(604) 822-3191
Tel (Lab)
(604) 222-7595

Students Wanted
not accepting

Bachelor's Degree
Washington University in St. Louis, 1994, physics, mathematic, minor in ancient history

Master's Degree
University of Chicago, 1997, physics

Doctoral Degree
University of Chicago, 2000, physics

Employment History

Professor at UBC, 2013-present; 
Associate Professor at UBC, 2008-2013; 
Assistant Professor at UBC, 2003-2008


CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Outstanding Experimental or Theoretical Contributions to Subatomic Physics, 2019;
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2016-present; 
Co-recipient, 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics;
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2008-2010;
NSERC John C. Polanyi Award, 2006;
Canada Research Chair, 2004-2014 

Hobbies and Interests

I study and teach the Irish language, and have given physics lectures in Irish before.  Má tá Gaeilge agat, scríobh chugam!

Research Area
Particle & Nuclear Physics

Research Field
Experimental Particle Physics (dark matter, neutrinos)

Research Topics
dark matter, statistical methods, neutrinos


My research is in the area of direct dark matter searches.  I am a member of the SuperCDMS collaboration, which is building a new experiment slated for SNOLAB that will have world'-leading sensitivity to low mass WIMPs which may constitute the dark matter content of the universe.  My group is in charge of the data acquisition and trigger for SuperCDMS.  I was previously also a long-time member of the T2K collaboration, for which I led the fine-grained detector group.  I also served as co-leader of T2K's near detector effort.  I was also a member of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) collaboration, where I focused on signal extraction techniques and analyses of time variations in the solar neutrino flux.