First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Office Room
Hennings 282
Lab Room
Tel (Office)
(604) 822-2360
Tel (Lab)
(604) 222-7346

Students Wanted
actively recruiting

Bachelor's Degree
University of Manitoba, 1965, Honours Math & Physics

Master's Degree
Stanford University, 1966, Nuclear Physics

Doctoral Degree
Stanford University, 1970, Nuclear Physics

Employment History
Research Associate University of Washington,Seattle Jul'70 - Jun'71
Visiting Asst Prof University of British Columbia Jul'71 - Jun'73
Assistant Professor University of British Columbia Jul'73 - Jun'79
Associate Professor University of British Columbia Jul'79 - Jun'85
Professor University of British Columbia Jul'85 - Present


UBC Killam Faculty Research Fellow (87)
NSERC Exchange Fellow - Germany(87,95), Switzerland(87,90)
Visiting Professor -- University of Tokyo(95), Technische University Muenchen(95)
JSPS Exchange Scientist - University of Tokyo/KEK(96)
Visiting Professor -- Science University of Tokyo (97)
Centre of Excellence Fellow--National Laboratory for High Energy Physics(KEK)-Japan(00)
Visiting Professor CERN/Darmstadt(01)
CERN Scientific Associate(02)
Visiting Professor CERN(03)
Visiting Professor--KEK/J-PARC, Japan(07)

Committees and Service

Chair-- Division of Nuclear Physics (CAP)2003-2005
CAP Physics Liaison Committee SAP representative 1998-2001
Institute of Particle Physics -- Board of Trustees 1997-2000
Undergraduate Chair, Dept of Physics & Astronomy, 2007-2015


Research Area
Particle & Nuclear Physics

Research Field
Experimental Subatomic Physics,low-energy particle physics

Research Topics
Physics Beyond the Standard Model-- A Search for the Dark Matter Boson X(17).

Research Title
Search for the X(17) Dark Matter Boson


My research interests are currently directed towards a search for non-Standard Model physics 

DarkLoght is an international collaboration involving about 25 physicists from Canada, US and Europe. The Canadian contribution to this TRIUMF experiment will be the Fast trigger scintillator system and the DAta Acquisition. 

Selected Publications


  1. "The design and basic performance of a Spiral Fiber Tracker for the J-PARC E36 experiment". JINST. physics.ins-det(arXiv:1607): 1-11. 

  2. "TREK @ J-PARC: Beyond the Standard Model with Stopped Positive Kaons. arXiv:1604.02141 hep-ph. 

  3. "TREK/E36 @ J-PARC: Investigating Lepton Universality with stopped kaon decays". ECT* Workshop, Trento, Italy, June 2016.

  4. "Precise measurement of the Ke2/Kmu2 branching ratio and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model." arXiv:1611.02719 nucl-ex. 

  5. "A spiral fiber tracker for the J-PARC E36 Experiment", POS PhotoDetector 2015 (2016) 069.

  6. "New CAST limit on the axion–photon interaction", Nature Physics 13 584-590 (2017), doi:10138/nphys4109

  7. "Search for New Physics via a Precision Measurement of the Ke2/Kmu2 branching ratio at J-PARC",

  8. "Status of the TREK/E36 Experiment at J-PARC",