2024 Student Award Winners Make a Mark

May 29, 2024
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Jeremy Heyl, Department Head and graduating student Olivia Lowe

Each year, the Physics & Astronomy department celebrates the remarkable achievements of undergraduate students with prestigious year-end awards recognizing excellence in academics, experimental physics, and science communication.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following outstanding individuals:

  • Alexander Steele, recipient of the esteemed Rudi Haering Medal in Physics, awarded to the most exceptional graduating student in Physics. This medal, established in memory of the late Dr. Rudi Haering, honors Alex's outstanding academic prowess and contributions to the field. Alex has maintained an A+ average throughout his Combined Honours degree in Computer Science & Physics. 


  • Elys Jamieson, distinguished with the Arthur Crooker Prize for her exemplary skills in experimental physics. Elys, graduating with a Combined Honours degree in Biophysics, received the highest grade in her PHYS 449 Experimental Physics course, as well as for her thesis and presentation on "Spinal Cord Myelin Water Imaging for Predicting Multiple Sclerosis Progression," earning the highest accolades in her class. 


  • Olivia Lowe & Myles Osenton, joint recipients of the esteemed Daymond Ling Award in Physics, for their exceptional contributions to science communication. Olivia, graduating with a Major in Physics, has passionately engaged diverse audiences through PHAS Outreach, captivating learners of all ages with her dynamic presentations and demonstrations. Myles, a 3rd-year student and former PHYSSOC President, has exhibited outstanding leadership in organizing and promoting science events and the PHYSSOC student physics club, elevating the visibility and impact of physics within the community.


These exemplary individuals exemplify the spirit of excellence and dedication in physics. Congratulations to Alex, Elys, Olivia, and Myles for their outstanding achievements and profound impact on the field!