Events List for the Academic Year

Event Time: Monday, October 31, 2022 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2022-10-31T11:00:00 2022-10-31T12:00:00 Identifying the next exceptional gravitational-wave event and solving the challenges of working with real detector data Event Information: Abstract The detection of gravitational waves requires both highly sensitive detectors and careful procedures to analyze the recorded data. As detection of gravitational-wave events becomes an everyday occurrence, many of the recent advances in gravitational-wave astronomy have been driven by single, exceptional events that allow us to probe extreme spacetimes in new and exciting ways. This includes signals with electromagnetic counterparts, signals that challenge our understanding of how compact objects form, and signals from unexpected sources. In this talk, I will explain how these types of gravitational-wave events are identified and how artifacts in real gravitational-wave data impact the astrophysical conclusions that we can draw from these signals. I will also discuss my ongoing research to rapidly and accurately validate identified gravitational-wave events and how to better disentangle exciting new physics from typical detector noise.   Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Location:
TRIUMF auditorium
Add to Calendar 2022-10-27T14:00:00 2022-10-27T15:00:00 The Heavyweight W boson - an Upset to the Standard Model of Particle Physics Event Information: *** Special time and location***  Thursday October 27 at 2:00pm  TRIUMF auditorium *** Event information: The Oct 27th colloquium is jointly organized with TRIUMF’s seminar series and will be hosted by TRIUMF at 2:00pm in the TRIUMF auditorium. From UBC Exchange Bay 5 you can catch the #49 bus to TRIUMF Centre at 1:42pm and 1:49 pm  to arrive before the seminar. See google maps directions on how to get from UBC Exchange bus 49 to TRIUMF. See google maps to plot your own route to TRIUMF.   Remote viewing: TRIUMF will be using the following Zoom link to broadcast this talk: Meeting ID: 658 8513 7349. Passcode: 633583. Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics has been a crowning achievement of fundamental physics, culminating in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. As a quantum theory of the building blocks of matter and forces, it has been one of the most successful theories in science. The recent measurement of the mass of the W boson disagrees with the theory prediction. This upset to the Standard Model may point towards exciting new discoveries in particle physics in the coming years. We will discuss the Standard Model, the crucial role of the W boson, and how it has become the harbinger of new laws of nature. Bio: Dr. Ashutosh Kotwal is the Fritz London Professor of Physics at Duke University and is an expert in W-boson particle physics and searches for new particles and forces. He earned his PhD in Physics from Harvard University in 1995, conducted his postdoctoral research at Columbia University, and joined the faculty at Duke in 1999.   Event Location: TRIUMF auditorium
Event Time: Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2022-10-27T10:00:00 2022-10-27T11:00:00 CM Seminar: Zac Ward - Disorder as an Order Parameter Event Information:   Zac Ward - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Titel: Disorder as an Order Parameter   Abstract: The way that materials behave can simply be thought of as a response to what the electrons in the material are doing. Controlling the atoms’ arrangement to one another in a crystal lattice changes where the electrons reside and how they interact with one another. If we can continuously control atomic compositions and structural relationships between the constituent elements, we can then manipulate functionality with unprecedented precision. In this presentation, I will describe our efforts to open previously inaccessible lattice symmetries and compositional phase spaces in strongly correlated quantum materials by means of light ion implantation and entropy-assisted synthesis. I will provide examples from our recent works that demonstrates how continuous control of symmetry opens new avenues to manipulate magnetic anisotropy and how compositional complexity can be used to design dynamic spin frustration by tailoring local degeneracies. We will close with a discussion of how shifting local variances in spin and exchange coupling types while maintaining position symmetries provides exciting opportunities for designing novel Griffiths phases or quantum many-body systems with tunable critical behaviors. Bio: Zac Ward is a Senior Scientist in the Quantum Heterostructures Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research is directed at understanding and controlling electronic interactions in novel materials aimed at identifying transformative information and energy technologies of pressing economic and environmental need. Underpinning this effort is expertise in 1) single crystal film synthesis using pulsed laser deposition and light element ion implantation to tailor spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom; and 2) structural and functional characterization using labscale x-ray diffraction, magnetometry, transport characterization, and beamline-based x-ray spectroscopy and neutron reflectometry. Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Monday, October 24, 2022 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2022-10-24T15:00:00 2022-10-24T16:00:00 Student Talks Event Information: Speakers:  Dave Miller, PHAS: "Massive white dwarfs from nearby young clusters." Lucas Kuhn, PHAS: "Probing broad line region dynamics with single-epoch line profiles." Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Monday, October 24, 2022 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2022-10-24T11:00:00 2022-10-24T12:00:00 Low-energy EFT causality bounds Event Information: Abstract: In this talk, I will present a new tool to constrain low-energy Wilson coefficients in a scalar EFT (scalar for simplicity's sake but the range of applicability is much wider) based on the requirement that such theories should respect causality. Causality will be defined in the sense that no low-energy observer should be able to measure any resolvable time-advance resulting from a scattering event. I will show that these so-called causality bounds are in remarkable agreement with previously derived positivity bounds (where low energy constraints on the 4-point amplitude make use of physical assumptions of the UV completion of the EFT), while being considerably simpler and a better candidate to get cosmological and black hole gravitational bounds. Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Thursday, October 20, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
Hebb 114
Add to Calendar 2022-10-20T16:00:00 2022-10-20T17:00:00 Task-Based Brain Networks Detectable by fMRI Event Information: Link to join remotely - look for today's date. The live stream will start at 4:00pm. Abstract: Characterization of brain networks using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has primarily been advanced by resting-state research; however, using task-based research, functional characterizations can be more robustly determined by observing how the timing of subject-specific network-level evoked hemodynamic responses (HDRs) differ between task conditions. To this end, our laboratory has consistently applied the following principle for analysis of fMRI data: (1) isolation of task-related variance prior to network extraction; (2) network extraction though multidimensional analysis methods; (3) inclusion of all available brain areas; (4) data-driven explorations of HDR shapes. Based on the experimental conditions to which they respond, a general cognitive function can be assigned to a small set of networks that replicate over tasks. This has also allowed observation of how specific task- driven brain networks relate to in-scanner performance, neuropsychological test scores, and symptoms of mental illness. Bio: Dr. Todd Woodward is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UBC, Research Scientist at BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS) Research Institute, Director of the UBC Cognitive Neuroscience of Schizophrenia Laboratory (CNoS), and Principal Investigator of the UBC Brain Dynamics Laboratory. He has been instrumental in identification of task-based brain networks, and development of a novel treatment for delusions in schizophrenia though group-facilitated experiences of everyday thinking biases. To date Dr. Woodward has published over 180 peer-reviewed research manuscripts. Event Location: Hebb 114
Event Time: Monday, October 17, 2022 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
HENN 318
Add to Calendar 2022-10-17T15:00:00 2022-10-17T16:00:00 Student Talks Event Information:   Speakers: Arefe Abghari: "Extracting Hierarchical Wavelet Coefficients from Full-Sky Maps." George Wang Event Location: HENN 318
Event Time: Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
Hebb 114
Add to Calendar 2022-10-13T16:00:00 2022-10-13T17:00:00 Anomalous Low-Temperature Behavior of Glasses Event Information: Link to join remotely - look for today's date. The live stream will start at 4:00pm. Abstract:  I review the phenomenological picture of tunneling defects in low-temperature glasses put forward by Anderson, Halperin and Varma. Despite the successes of this model, it has been very difficult to verify its microscopic foundations.  Leveraging the power of a novel Monte Carlo method, we have prepared in silico glasses annealed in a manner that corresponds to the range of rates found in real experiments.  Via a detailed search of the energy landscape of our model glasses, we verify that tunneling defects are the dominant excitations in glasses at ultra-low temperatures, and that their distribution is consistent with the standard picture.   We show that more slowly quenched glasses have fewer tunneling systems, in harmony with recent experiments.  Our approach enables the detailed microscopic investigation of the nature of the tunneling events themselves. We find that most tunneling states correspond to simple local vacancy motion, but that rare tunneling systems can be found that involve highly collective motion. If time permits I will discuss connections between tunneling defects and soft harmonic modes in our computer generated glasses, and the use of machine learning techniques to predict where tunneling defects are likely to occur in configuration space. Bio: David Reichman is currently Centennial Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University. Event Location: Hebb 114
Event Time: Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2022-10-13T10:00:00 2022-10-13T11:00:00 CM Seminar: Dr. Anushya Chandran - Quantization of dynamics in quasi-periodically driven systems Event Information: Dr. Anushya Chandran: Boston University Title: Quantization of dynamics in quasi-periodically driven systems Abstract: In the past decade, quantum simulators have increased in their power and scope, offering exquisite dynamical control of tens or even hundreds of individual atoms/ions. Concurrently, a topological revolution in our understanding of electronic band structures has taken place, driven by the discovery of topological insulators, graphene and other topological materials. Remarkably, these advances can be connected --- the dynamics of driven few level systems can be described using band structures in ``synthetic dimensions,'' one per driving tone. Topological order in the synthetic band structure then leads to quantized dynamical responses in the quantum simulator. In this talk, I will use a unifying frequency lattice construction to reveal non-adiabatic topological responses in quasi-periodically driven systems. We will find that quasi-periodically driven qubits already exhibit topologically distinct dynamical phases, and that a 2-tone driven wire can function as a quantized energy pump at any temperature. The latter system provides one of the few examples of many-body localization protected order that is absolutely stable. I will argue that the quantized energy pumping regime is accessible in near-term optical and microwave cavity-QED experiments, and that furthermore, it is useful to prepare highly excited non-classical cavity states and entangled cavity-qubit states. Bio: Anushya Chandran studies the organizing principles of quantum systems far from equilibrium. Her research sheds light on the process of thermalization, designs protocols to achieve non-trivial quantum dynamics, and informs near-term quantum device design. Anushya hails from India, where she studied at the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras. She received her PhD from Princeton University and performed post-doctoral research at Perimeter Institute before joining Boston University. She is the recipient of the Sloan fellowship and the NSF young investigator career award.   Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2022-10-13T10:00:00 2022-10-13T11:00:00 CM seminar: Dr. Anushya Chandran - Quantization of dynamics in quasi-periodically driven systems Event Information: Dr. Anushya Chandran: Boston University Title: Quantization of dynamics in quasi-periodically driven systems Abstract: In the past decade, quantum simulators have increased in their power and scope, offering exquisite dynamical control of tens or even hundreds of individual atoms/ions. Concurrently, a topological revolution in our understanding of electronic band structures has taken place, driven by the discovery of topological insulators, graphene and other topological materials. Remarkably, these advances can be connected --- the dynamics of driven few level systems can be described using band structures in ``synthetic dimensions,'' one per driving tone. Topological order in the synthetic band structure then leads to quantized dynamical responses in the quantum simulator. In this talk, I will use a unifying frequency lattice construction to reveal non-adiabatic topological responses in quasi-periodically driven systems. We will find that quasi-periodically driven qubits already exhibit topologically distinct dynamical phases, and that a 2-tone driven wire can function as a quantized energy pump at any temperature. The latter system provides one of the few examples of many-body localization protected order that is absolutely stable. I will argue that the quantized energy pumping regime is accessible in near-term optical and microwave cavity-QED experiments, and that furthermore, it is useful to prepare highly excited non-classical cavity states and entangled cavity-qubit states. Bio: Anushya Chandran studies the organizing principles of quantum systems far from equilibrium. Her research sheds light on the process of thermalization, designs protocols to achieve non-trivial quantum dynamics, and informs near-term quantum device design. Anushya hails from India, where she studied at the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras. She received her PhD from Princeton University and performed post-doctoral research at Perimeter Institute before joining Boston University. She is the recipient of the Sloan fellowship and the NSF young investigator career award.   Event Location: BRIM 311
Event Time: Thursday, October 6, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
HEBB 114
Add to Calendar 2022-10-06T16:00:00 2022-10-06T17:00:00 65 years of Nuclear Astrophysics Enters the Multi-Messenger Era Event Information:   Link to join remotely - look for today's date. The live stream will start at 4:00pm. Abstract: This year marks 65 years since Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle (B2FH) charted the initial roadmap for nuclear astrophysics. This seminal work recognized that explaining the origins of the heavy elements such as lead, gold, and uranium requires at least two types of neutron capture nucleosynthesis processes with each having distinct astrophysical sites. At the time of B2FH the rapid neutron capture process (r-process) showed itself to be related to explosive astrophysical events largely via the signature of exotic, neutron-rich nuclei in the Solar abundances. Fast forward to today and we have now seen heavy element formation in the act via the impact of lanthanide elements on the observed light curve from the GW170817 merger of two neutron stars. Therefore, nowadays nucleosynthesis studies have several distinct types of observational information to assimilate, presenting the opportunity to make big leaps in our understanding of r-process sites. However, this requires careful consideration of the nuclear physics uncertainties associated with the vastly uncharted territory of neutron-rich nuclei. In this colloquium I will discuss how nuclear physics will play a central role in addressing the question of heavy element origins over the next decade, with world-wide campaigns fixing their aim at new measurements and new theoretical calculations of the properties of still unprobed nuclear species. The timeliness and importance of such work is demonstrated through theoretical r-process studies which synergize efforts across multiple disciplines when seeking to decipher observables. Additionally, the use of statistical methods will be demonstrated to be a unique future direction for nucleosynthesis studies to infer nuclear properties from observation. Since nucleosynthesis outcomes encode the interplay between nuclear physics and astrophysics, such studies present valuable opportunities for theory, experiment, and observation to inform one another and drive progress in each area. Bio: Dr. Nicole Vassh received her Bachelors in Physics with a minor in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, followed by a PhD in theoretical neutrino physics under Prof. Baha Balantekin at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where her thesis focused on the effects of neutrino magnetic moment in low-energy experiments and astrophysics. She then went on to a postdoc working on r-process nucleosynthesis with Prof. Rebecca Surman at the University of Notre Dame, where her research included investigations of the role of fission in astrophysical events as well as the application of statistical methods to nucleosynthesis observables. She joined the Canadian physics community one year ago in 2021 with a research staff position in the Theory Department at TRIUMF. Event Location: HEBB 114
Event Time: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
BRIM 288
Add to Calendar 2022-10-04T14:00:00 2022-10-04T16:00:00 Topological superconductivity in twisted 2D structures Event Information: Abstract: The notion of twisting and stacking two-dimensional van der Waals materials has emerged as a paragon for realizing novel electronic states. With the goal of engineering topological superconductivity, we go beyond the archetypal example of twisted bilayer graphene and consider structures composed of proximitized quantum wires and high-Tc cuprate superconductors. On the basis of symmetry arguments, backed by microscopic modelling, these setups are predicted to spontaneously break time reversal symmetry and give rise to topological p- and d-wave phases with chiral Majorana edge modes. Given the experimental pertinence, we investigate a suite of Josephson transport phenomena in twisted cuprate bilayers and identify signatures of the topological phase. Further, the analysis is extended to twisted multilayers where the occurrence of higher order band crossings makes the groundstate susceptible to secondary instabilities and topological superconductivity appears for an extended range of twists.  Event Location: BRIM 288
Event Time: Monday, October 3, 2022 | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Add to Calendar 2022-10-03T15:00:00 2022-10-03T16:00:00 Resolving the Galactic Center Black Hole with the Event Horizon Telescope Event Information:   Abstract: In 2017, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observed the Galactic Center supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) using a global interferometric array of 8 telescopes.  The resulting horizon scale images provide a unique opportunity to constrain the astrophysics of the accreting plasma and to test Einstein's general theory of relativity in a strong field regime.  In this talk, I will introduce the EHT project and go over its data processing pathway and imaging methods.  By comparing EHT's images with a large black hole simulation library, we constrain the properties of the accretion flow around Sgr A*.  By comparing the size of the observed photon ring with the predicted size of the shadow, we show that EHT's observations are consistent with general relativity. Bio: Chi-kwan Chan (CK) is an Associate Astronomer/Research Professor at Steward Observatory and the Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, and has been serving as the Secretary of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Science Council since 2020. He recently led the publication of the computational and theoretical modeling/interpretation of our black hole, Sgr A*. Dr. Chan created EHT’s computational and data processing infrastructure and continues to lead it to this day, along with EHT’s Software and Data Compatibility Working Group. He is a Senior Investigator of Black Hole PIRE, a leader of the Theoretical Astrophysics Program TAP, a Data Science Fellow, and a member of the Applied Mathematics Program. In addition to pioneering the use of GPU to accelerate the modeling of black holes, Dr. Chan also developed many new algorithms to improve and accelerate modern research, built cloud computing infrastructures for large observational data, and applied machine learning algorithms to speed up and automate data processing. Dr. Chan has taught and mentored in subjects of machine learning, numerical analysis, cloud computing, and quantum computing, and is an avid hiker.   Zoom link: Event Location: HENNINGS Room 318
Event Time: Thursday, September 29, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
HEBB Building Room 114
Add to Calendar 2022-09-29T16:00:00 2022-09-29T17:00:00 UBC Physics and Astronomy Physics Research Jamboree Event Information: Link to join remotely - look for today's date. The live stream will start at 4:00pm.  Abstract: The UBC department of physics and astronomy and affiliate institutions have a number of exciting research topics that are actively recruiting students. This jamboree event will highlight six diverse research projects seeking students from the PHAS department.  If you’re an incoming PHAS graduate student looking for a project and/or supervisor, we hope this event will help make some great matches. If you’re thinking about graduate school, the jamboree will give you an idea of what you might expect when thinking about choosing a lab to join. Other attendees will get a flavour of the broad research happening in our department through six short talks. All are very welcome!    Six speakers:  Nicole Vassh (TRIUMF): Heavy Element Origins and Neutrino Astrophysics Steve Plotkin: Exploring the Frontiers of Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics Sabrina Leslie: Single-molecule biophysics applied to biology and therapeutics development: the next level of resolution Mike Hasinoff and Kate Pachal (TRIUMF): DarkLight at TRIUMF/ARIEL -- a search for new physics in e+e- final states with an invariant mass between 10-20 MeV Chris Hearty: Searching for new physics with the Belle II experiment Josh Folk: Quantum Electronics for Investigating Condensed Matter Questions Plus a 2 minute lightning talk by Scott Chapman on the CCATprime telescope Event Location: HEBB Building Room 114
Event Time: Thursday, September 29, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
Zoom - Virtual Event
Add to Calendar 2022-09-29T10:00:00 2022-09-29T11:00:00 CM Seminar: Dr. Tina Rost, High Entropy Ceramics: Investigating Localized Structural Effects on Emerging Properties Event Information: Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 642 4348 9212 Passcode: 742838   Abstract Many properties we observe in materials are a direct consequence of their composition and local structure. High entropy materials are a unique class of systems that do not have a primary composition; rather they contain a near-equimolar distribution of several elements— where no single element serves as host. Such compositional disorder is accompanied by a unique distribution of localized structural distortions that can have a profound effect on properties such as thermal conductivity, magnetic interaction, diffusion, and more. To date, high entropy metals and ceramics are gaining significant traction in the materials community as unique and interesting properties continue to emerge, from amorphous-like thermal conductivities to exotic magnetic states. In this talk, we present and discuss ongoing work on the local characterization of several high entropy compositions exhibiting crystal structures from rocksalts to Kagome lattices. In particular, the use of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is demonstrated to aid in understanding such disorder on the local level and how it may influence functional properties. Speaker Bio Dr. Christina Rost is currently an Assistant Professor of Physics at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2016, following both a B.S. and an M.S. in Physics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Her Ph.D. focused on the development and phase-characterization of a novel class of oxide systems stabilized through configurational disorder, named “Entropy Stabilized Oxides”.   After graduation, Tina was Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Experiments and Simulations in Thermal Engineering (ExSITE) group, within the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Virginia. There, her work focused on experimental methods to test thermal properties at extremely high temperatures and thermal transport in complex and high-entropy oxides and carbides. Currently, her all-undergraduate research group at JMU focuses efforts on complex oxide synthesis and characterization. She is an active member of the American Ceramics Society and the American Physical Society. Event Location: Zoom - Virtual Event
Event Time: Thursday, September 22, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
HEBB 114
Add to Calendar 2022-09-22T16:00:00 2022-09-22T17:00:00 The Mechanics of Genome Evolution Event Information: Link to live stream viewing and recording.   Abstract: The fermenting yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has had a profound impact on the evolution of our civilization. Fermentation, with production of ethanol and CO 2 gas, have been of primary significance to development of human cultures and diets, has also impacted on among the most important concepts in chemistry and biology, and has served in biotechnological applications, for instance contributing to saving millions of lives. What makes S. cerevisiae so special? Some 300 million years ago an ancestor of the modern yeast lost the ability to perform a single chemical modification of a specific protein that resulted in an unravelling of their genomic DNA, otherwise compacted into hierarchically dense and organized DNA found in other organisms. Concomitant to this loss, the rates of speciation of subsequent yeasts increased, reflecting increases in mutation rates and a number of innovations, including fermentation. We sought to test the hypothesis that the increases in mutation rates could have been a direct result of DNA decompaction by performing a retro-engineering experiment in which we reconstituted the DNA compaction machinery into S. cerevisiae. The resultant organism showed a profound compaction of genomic DNA, reflected in an increased its density and decreased in its mechanical stiffness. Furthermore, the increased compaction of the genomic DNA resulted in dramatic reductions in mutation rates, consistent with our hypothesis. I will discuss lessons these studies teach us about the mechanics and topology of genomes and their functional implications, and potential applications of our engineered yeast for biotechnological applications such as synthesis of biofuels and drug molecules.   Bio: Stephen Michnick received his B. Sc. and Ph. D. from the University of Toronto with Jeremy P. Carver and did postdoctoral training at the Department of Chemistry, Harvard University with Profs. Stuart Schreiber and Martin Karplus (Nobel Prize, Chemistry, 2013). Prof. Michnick is presently a Professor of Biochemistry at Université de Montréal, Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at McGill University and Canada Research Chair in Cell Architecture and Dynamics. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Royal Society of Chemistry of the UK. Prof. Michnick has received several honors, including in addition to Tier I and II Canada Research Chairs, Burroughs-Wellcome New Investigator and Medical Research Council of Canada Scientist Awards. He was scientific founder of among the first enterprises in the world to apply systems-based approaches to drug discovery, Odyssey Thera. The Michnick lab studies physical principles governing the organization and properties of macromolecular assemblies in living cells, including the evolution of protein folding and protein-protein interactions. They have also developed methods to study the spatiotemporal dynamics and topologies of protein interaction networks, on different time and space scales. A current focus of the Michnick lab is on how mechanoactive biomolecular condensates drive functional membrane vesicularization and chromatin organization associated with gene transcription.     Event Location: HEBB 114
Event Time: Thursday, September 22, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2022-09-22T10:00:00 2022-09-22T11:00:00 Dr. Guosong Hong: Seeing the Sound: Optical and Ultrasonic Brain Interfaces Based on Materials Advances Event Information:   Title: Seeing the Sound: Optical and Ultrasonic Brain Interfaces Based on Materials Advances Abstract: Today’s optical neuromodulation and imaging methods enable causal manipulation of neural activity to dissect complex circuit connections underlying certain behaviors and facilitate brain-computer interfaces. In these approaches, visible light is commonly used, thus limiting penetration depth in vivo and necessitating an invasive procedure that damages the endogenous brain tissue and constrains the subject’s free behavior. In this talk, I will present three recently developed methods to address these challenges based on novel material advances: sono-optogenetics, infrared optogenetics, and an intravascular light source. In sono-optogenetics, we demonstrate that mechanoluminescent materials can convert focused ultrasound into localized light emission for noninvasive optogenetic neuromodulation in live mice. In addition, inspired by the infrared sensitivity of rattlesnakes, we developed an approach to use brain-penetrant infrared light for tether-free and implant-free neuromodulation throughout the entire brain in freely behaving mice. Lastly, we leveraged a biomineral-inspired approach to synthesize nanoscopic phosphors as an intravascular light source. In contrast to conventional external light sources, this intravascular light source offers deeper tissue penetration for imaging the mouse brain through the uncleared skull. I will conclude my talk by presenting an outlook on how advances in condensed matter may facilitate our understanding of the mind. Biography: Dr. Guosong Hong received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Stanford University in 2014 and then carried out postdoctoral studies with at Harvard University. Dr. Hong joined Stanford Materials Science and Engineering and Neurosciences Institute as an assistant professor in September 2018. His research at Stanford aims to develop and apply novel optical and electronic materials for minimally invasive brain interfacing. He is a recipient of the NIH Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) Award, the MIT Technology Review ‘35 Innovators Under 35’ Award, the Science PINS Prize for Neuromodulation, the NSF CAREER Award, the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars Award.   Event Location: The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311
Event Time: Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Location:
HEBB Building, Room 114
Add to Calendar 2022-09-15T16:00:00 2022-09-15T17:00:00 Department Climate Survey Town Hall Meeting Event Information: Abstract: In 2020, the Physics and Astronomy (PHAS) Equity and Inclusion Committee at UBC conducted a Departmental Climate Survey to identify current issues in the department and to provide recommendations to create a more welcoming workplace. The responses to this survey strengthen our understanding of the demographics and diversity of experiences in PHAS, which are key to determining how we can make the Department more inclusive. In the following years, various new projects have been started to address the issues highlighted by the survey results. For this Thursday's PHAS Colloquium, we will be having a short presentation of the survey results from Dept. Head Colin Gay and recent Deputy Dept. Head Ingrid Stairs, followed by a town hall-style discussion focused on the future directions our department will be making in order to promote a more equitable, and inclusive environment. We encourage everyone to attend and participate in this important conversation. The survey report is now available on the PHAS internal site (link here), and we encourage everyone to review the findings and recommendations. Zoom link to join the discussion remotely:   Event Location: HEBB Building, Room 114
Event Time: Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Location:
The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311
Add to Calendar 2022-09-15T10:00:00 2022-09-15T11:00:00 Sabrina Leslie: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: Bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines Event Information: Title: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines Sabrina Leslie: Associate Professor, UBC Department of Physics and Astronomy and Michael Smith Labs Affiliate Faculty member, SBME, GSAT, BIONF Abstract: I will present a unique quantitative single-particle imaging platform called CLiC (Convex Lens-induced Confinement) which enables simultaneous measurements of the size, mRNA-payload, and dynamic properties of vaccine and other nanoparticles in controlled, cell-like conditions (Kamanzi et al, ACS Nano 2021). Recently relocated to UBC PHAS and MSL from McGill in 2021, our nanoparticle imaging team innovates nanoscale devices and approaches to investigate the structure-activity relationships which can help characterize and understand emerging classes of mRNA-lipid-nanoparticles such as COVID19 vaccines. We image individual confined, freely diffusing particles in solution as well as during reagent-exchange, such as in response to a change in solution pH, in order to emulate/explore intracellular dynamics in a controlled setting. Over the long term and in collaboration with health/therapeutic scientists, we are working towards correlating detailed multi-scale data sets, including single-particle measurements made in vitro as well as in cells and tissues, with clinical results, to create a through-line of understanding of vaccine/drug effectiveness from the microscopic to clinical scale. Our inspiration is to innovate and use nanoscale tools to obtain new biophysical insights into how and why medicines work to enable and optimize their rational design and engineering. This talk builds off our recent publication in ACS Nano (Kamanzi et al, 2021), describes our ongoing collaboration with the Cullis laboratory and others (UBC Health Sciences), and shares an outlook including opportunities for new PHAS and interdisciplinary graduate students at UBC looking to join an exciting interdisciplinary team of biophysicists. The Leslie Lab has recently set up its new laboratory at MSL/NCE with several state-of-the-art microscopes and we are excited to share our work with QMI and get to know our new community through and after this seminar.   Caption: CLiC single-particle imaging and analysis of Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) enables characterization of detailed size and loading distributions of RNA–LNP complexes. A) Compressing the flow-cell confines LNPs for extended study. B) Trapped LNPs are shown in microwells. 100s – 1000s of isolated LNPs are imaged in parallel, a process which can be repeated thousands of times. C) Single-particle tracking is used to obtain LNP trajectories, which are then used to obtain particle diffusivity/ size (D) as well as intensity/RNA payload (E). This information is then used to define LNP size and RNA payload distributions and inform structure-activity relationships of the nanoparticles in conjunction with other dynamic, multi-scale and biological data. Event Location: The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311
Event Time: Monday, August 22, 2022 | 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 309
Add to Calendar 2022-08-22T13:30:00 2022-08-22T16:00:00 Using displaced tracks to seek new physics in the ATLAS detector Event Information: The Standard Model of particle physics is a powerful theory of nature, yet it does not account for all physical observations. Notably, the nonzero masses of the three neutrino flavours and their transformations into one another suggest the need for an extension of the Standard Model. One such extension postulates the existence of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs, N ) — right-handed neutrino states that do not interact with other particles except through mixing with Standard Model neutrinos. HNLs may generate light neutrino masses through the so-called “seesaw mechanism.”   This dissertation presents a direct search for long-lived HNLs using 139 fb^-1 of √𝑠 = 13 TeV 𝑝 𝑝 collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. In this search, the N is produced via 𝑊 → N 𝜇 or 𝑊 → N 𝑒 and decays into a neutrino and two charged leptons, which form a displaced vertex in the inner detector. No signal is observed, and limits are set on the squared mixing angles of the N with the Standard Model neutrinos in the mass range 3 GeV < 𝑚N < 15 GeV. For the first time in a collider search, results are presented in the context of realistic HNL mixing models consistent with neutrino oscillation data. Such a displaced vertex search relies heavily upon nonstandard reconstruction algorithms. An additional pass of the track reconstruction algorithm with relaxed collision vertex pointing requirements is executed on a subset of the recorded data to improve sensitivity to long-lived particles in the inner detector. This Large- Radius Tracking (LRT) configuration is effective yet computationally expensive due to the reconstruction of many “fake” tracks not formed from individual charged particles. This algorithm was optimized in preparation for the Run 3 data-taking period, which began in July 2022. Fake LRT tracks are reduced by 95%, drastically improving the purity and reducing the computational load such that LRT is now run in the default reconstruction pipeline. This optimization is expected to substantially improve the sensitivity of and reduce the complexity of long-lived particle analyses in ATLAS, including future HNL searches.   Event Location: Hennings 309