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| Event Location: Hennings 318 |

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Add to Calendar 2018-04-02T15:30:00 EASTER MONDAY - NO ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Beth Willman (Steward Observatory)

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Add to Calendar 2018-03-19T15:30:00 To be announced Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Kelsi Singer (SouthWest Research Institute)

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Add to Calendar 2018-02-26T15:30:00 To be announced Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 318 |

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Add to Calendar 2018-02-19T15:30:00 UBC READING WEEK - NO ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 318 |

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Add to Calendar 2018-02-12T15:30:00 BC FAMILY DAY - NO ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Henning 201 | Speaker: Hong Liu (MIT)

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Add to Calendar 2018-02-08T16:00:00 TBA Event Location: Henning 201



| Event Location: HENN 318 | Speaker: David Cooke

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Add to Calendar 2018-01-31T14:00:00 2018-01-31T15:00:00 CM Seminar: TBA Event Location: HENN 318



| Event Location: Michael Smith Labs (2185 E Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4) | Speaker: See description

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Join us for our annual Physics and Astronomy Career Night to explore your career options through the stories of alumni & friends of UBC's Department of Physics and Astronomy.

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Add to Calendar 2018-01-17T17:15:00 2018-01-17T20:00:00 2018 Anunal Physics & Astronomy Career Night Join us for our annual Physics and Astronomy Career Night to explore your career options through the stories of alumni & friends of UBC's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Event Location: Michael Smith Labs (2185 E Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4)



| Event Location: Henning 201 | Speaker: Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston U.)

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Add to Calendar 2018-01-11T16:00:00 TBA Event Location: Henning 201



| Event Location: BRIM 311 | Speaker: Hong Guo, Center for the Physics of Materials and Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal Canada

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Materials informatics (MI) may be considered the 4th paradigm of scientific inquiry, in addition to experimental, theoretical and computational approaches. MI is made possible by the universal access to abundant scientific data, assisted by advances in software and machine learning (ML) to analyze the data. For materials problems with specific designing goals, physics-based indicators (or assumptions) are necessary to help narrowing down the informatics search.

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Add to Calendar 2018-01-10T14:00:00 2018-01-10T15:00:00 CM Seminar: Materials Informatics: the 4th paradigm Abstract Materials informatics (MI) may be considered the 4th paradigm of scientific inquiry, in addition to experimental, theoretical and computational approaches. MI is made possible by the universal access to abundant scientific data, assisted by advances in software and machine learning (ML) to analyze the data. For materials problems with specific designing goals, physics-based indicators (or assumptions) are necessary to help narrowing down the informatics search. Event Location: BRIM 311



| Event Location: BRIM 311, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, 2355 East Mall | Speaker: Hong Guo, Center for the Physics of Materials and Department of Physics, McGill University

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Materials informatics (MI) may be considered the 4th paradigm of scientific inquiry, in addition to experimental, theoretical and computational approaches. MI is made possible by the universal access to abundant scientific data, assisted by advances in software and machine learning (ML) to analyze the data. For materials problems with specific designing goals, physics-based indicators (or assumptions) are necessary to help narrowing down the informatics search.

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Add to Calendar 2018-01-10T14:00:00 2018-01-10T15:00:00 CM Seminar: Materials Informatics: the 4th paradigm Abstract Materials informatics (MI) may be considered the 4th paradigm of scientific inquiry, in addition to experimental, theoretical and computational approaches. MI is made possible by the universal access to abundant scientific data, assisted by advances in software and machine learning (ML) to analyze the data. For materials problems with specific designing goals, physics-based indicators (or assumptions) are necessary to help narrowing down the informatics search. Event Location: BRIM 311, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, 2355 East Mall



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: David Kaplan (Johns Hopkins)

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Add to Calendar 2017-12-07T16:00:00 TBD Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Barry Barish (Caltech)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-30T16:00:00 LIGO Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Andreas Faisst (Caltech/IPAC)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-27T15:30:00 To be announced Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Jame Pinfold (University of Alberta)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-23T16:00:00 TBA Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Igor Boettcher, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-23T14:00:00 Complex tensor order and quantum criticality in half-Heusler superconductors Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: Henning 201 | Speaker: CongJun Wu (UCSD)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-16T16:00:00 TBA Event Location: Henning 201



| Event Location: Hennings 318 |

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-13T15:30:00 REMEMBRANCE DAY OBSERVANCE - NO ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Henning 201 | Speaker: Victor Gurarie (U of Colorado)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-09T16:00:00 Towards designing and probing ultra-quantum matter Event Location: Henning 201



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Courtney Dressing (Berkeley)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-06T15:30:00 To be announced Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Brett Gladman (UBC)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-02T16:00:00 TBD Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Paul Barclay, University of Calgary

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-02T14:00:00 Nanophotonic spin-optomechanics Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium | Speaker: Mark Kasevich (Stanford)

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Add to Calendar 2017-11-02T14:00:00 Tests of quantum mechanics and gravitation with atom interferometry Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Charli Sakari (University of Washington)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-30T15:00:00 Unraveling the Chemical Evolution of Galaxies Beyond the Milky Way with Integrated Light Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Levon Pogosian (SFU)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-26T16:00:00 The Accelerating Universe: Lambda, w, and beyond Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium | Speaker: Paul Percival (SFU)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-26T14:00:00 Muonium chemistry at TRIUMF -- a personal journey Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Igor Herbut, Simon Fraser University

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-26T14:00:00 Non-fermi liquids, fixed point collisions, and tensorial order in grey tin and in some popular field theories Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: DIFFERENT ROOM: Hennings 301 | Speaker: Karin Sandstrom (UC San Diego)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-23T15:30:00 Interstellar Dust at Low Metallicity Event Location: DIFFERENT ROOM: Hennings 301



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Martin Barlow (UBC Mathematics)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-19T16:00:00 Anomalous diffusion Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium | Speaker: Rinaldo Rui (INFN Trieste)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-19T15:00:00 20 years of pion physics at TRIUMF (and the building of a friendship with Grant Sheffer) Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Fabio Boschini, SBQMI, UBC

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-19T14:00:00 Collapse of high-Tc superconductivity via ultrafast quenching of the phase coherence Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Hannah Jang-Condell (University of Wyoming)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-16T15:00:00 From Protoplanetary Disks to Exoplanets: How Do Planets Form and Evolve? Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Room 288, Brimacombe extension | Speaker: AMANDA PARKER

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-13T10:00:00 Departmental Oral Examination (Thesis Title: “Microscopic origins of the mechanical response of nano-structured elastomeric materials") Event Location: Room 288, Brimacombe extension



| Event Location: Room 200, Graduate Student Centre | Speaker: MARCO MARCHETTO

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-13T09:00:00 Final PhD Oral Examination (Thesis Title: “Magnetic Field Study for a New Generation High Resolution Mass Separator”) Event Location: Room 200, Graduate Student Centre



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: David Spergel (Princeton/CCA)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-12T16:00:00 Repurposing a Spy Telescope for Studying Dark Energy and Exoplanets Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium | Speaker: Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg (PSI)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-12T14:00:00 Search for a static or oscillating electric dipole moment of the neutron at PSI Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Matthias Troyer, Quantum Architectures and Computation Group, Microsoft Research

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-12T14:00:00 Quantum High Performance Computing for Chemistry and Materials Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: St. John's College - Fairmont Lounge / 2111 Lower Mall (UBC) | Speaker: Matthias Troyer

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-11T19:30:00 A Quantum Future of Computation Event Location: St. John's College - Fairmont Lounge / 2111 Lower Mall (UBC)



| Event Location: Hennings 318 |

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-09T15:30:00 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY - NO ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Ben Radford (skeptic)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-05T16:00:00 Weird Mysteries: Applying Science to the Paranormal Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: Natalia Chepiga, University of California at Irvine

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-05T14:00:00 Exact zero modes in frustrated spin chains Event Location: AMPEL #311



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Yancy Shirley (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)

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Add to Calendar 2017-10-02T15:00:00 Studying The Earliest Phase of Massive Star and Cluster Formation: Properties of Massive Starless Clump Candidates in the Milky Way Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Guy Wormser (LAL, Orsay)

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-28T16:00:00 Lepton Universality violation, a promising approach towards new physics beyond the Standard Model Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Pedro Lopes, Universite de Sherbrooke

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-28T14:00:00 Signatures of the chiral anomaly in phonon dynamics Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Room 311, Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory (AMPEL) | Speaker: ELLEN SCHELEW

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-28T14:00:00 Final PhD Oral Examination (Thesis Title: “Nonlinear Optical Response of Triple-Mode Silicon Photonic Crystal Microcavities Coupled to Single Channel Input and Output Waveguides”) Event Location: Room 311, Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory (AMPEL)



| Event Location: TRIUM Auditorium | Speaker: David Curtin (U Maryland/U Toronto)

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-28T11:00:00 Flashes of Hidden Worlds at Colliders Event Location: TRIUM Auditorium



| Event Location: Hennings 318 | Speaker: Yashar Hezaveh (Stanford)

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-25T15:00:00 The future of mapping dark matter structures with strong gravitational lensing, new surveys, and machine learning Event Location: Hennings 318



| Event Location: Room 318, Hennings Building | Speaker: HIDEKI TANIMURA

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-22T12:30:00 Final PhD Oral Examination (Thesis Title: “Probing the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovish Effect”) Event Location: Room 318, Hennings Building



| Event Location: Hennings 201 | Speaker: Dan Schwartz (Stanford)

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-21T16:00:00 A Painlessly Effective Version of Active Learning and Why It Works Event Location: Hennings 201



| Event Location: AMPEL #311 | Speaker: John H. Page, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba

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Add to Calendar 2017-09-21T14:00:00 Exploring the wave physics of mesoscopic materials with ultrasound: from bubble metamaterials to mesoglasses Event Location: AMPEL #311