PHAS User Accounts

Please contact PHAS-IT support for assistance.

Generally, use of the department's computer facilities requires an individual account.  Undergraduate students registered in a PHYS, ASTR, or ENPH course that requires one can get an account.  Contact one of the PHAS-IT staff for account creation.  It is a condition of your login privileges that you have read and agree to UBC's Responsible Use Policy and abide by the policies of the labs.

These accounts give access to certain lab facilities and the department's login hosts.   Email accounts are generally provided by the centralized UBC FASmail service. 

PHAS password policy

Your password must meet the following requirements:

  • length: Must be 14-20 characters (ASCII 7 bit) ( max of 20 is set by Microsoft server)
  • Must contain at least one upper case letter [A-Z]
  • Must contain at least one lower case letter [a-z]
  • Must contain at least one number [0-9]
  • Must contain at least one symbol: ! '"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~-

Passwords will expire after one year.

PHAS accounts normally remain valid for 3 months after a user leaves the department in good standing or ceases to be a registered student. Exemptions or account expiry extensions are not permitted.

Changing Your Password

Generic Instructions:

  1. Open a terminal window (MAC users: Finder->Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
  2. Login to

    ssh <username>

    (for more information about ssh please refer to our secure login page)

  3. Use the "passwd" command to change your password:


Instructions for Windows Users:

  1. Download MobaXterm v7.1 (portable edition) from here.
  2. Open (double-click) on the downloaded file MobaXterm_v7.1.exe.
  3. In the window that pops up, type the following:

    ssh <username>

    Enter your password when prompted.

  4. Now that you are logged in, use the "passwd" command to change your password:

    <username>@hyper:-$ passwd

Please see also our secure passwords page.