In the Media

Los Angeles Times -- October 4 , 2012 -- Dr. Robert Christy was an alumnnus - previous grad student Robert Christy
Robert F. Christy dies at 96; Manhattan Project physicist
Daily Mail -- June 11 , 2012 -- Dr. Brett Gladman and PhD student Mike Alexandersen
Two new Jupiter moons discovered bringing total number of satellites orbiting the planet to 67
Reach (CIFAR) -- June 1 , 2012 -- Drs. Andrea Damascelli and Georg Swatzky
Unharnessing a new energy force in superconductivity
UBC Trek Magazine -- March 13 , 2012 -- Dr. Ludovic Van Waerbeke
Dark Matter, the Missing Link of the Universe
CBC News -- March 6 , 2012 -- Dr. Walter Hardy and graduate student Andrea Gituerrez
Antimatter atom 'measured' for first time
Synergy - Journal of UBC Science -- February 21 , 2012 -- Dr. Lorne Whitehead
Charging ahead
Synergy - Journal of UBC Science -- February 1 , 2012 -- Dr. Jaymie Matthews, Dr. George Michael Volko
Crust of Mars
BBC News -- January 8 , 2012 -- Dr. Ludovic Van Waerkbeke
Dark matter's cosmic web revealed news -- January 8 , 2012 -- Dr. Ludovic Van Waerbeke
Astronomers map the universe's dark matter at unprecedented scale
UBC Reports -- February 1 , 2011 -- Dr. Bill Unruh
Outtakes - Reflections on academic life - Water waves and physics
Journal of UBC Science -- January 30 , 2011 -- Drs. Gordon Semenoff, Philip Stamp
The Graphene Road to a Nobel Prize