In the Media

Global Tv -- August 6 , 2015 -- Engineering Physics Program, Bernhard Zender
UBC engineering students make rescue robots for grades and glory
Fairchild TV -- August 6 , 2015 -- Engineering Physics Program, Bernhard Zender
Can West-UBC Robot Competition
Global News -- June 30 , 2015 -- Dr. Jennifer Hoffman
UBC welcomes new quantum physicist
Vancouver Sun -- June 27 , 2015 -- Dr. Jennifer Hoffman
Renowned Harvard quantum physicist joining UBC
Astronomy Now -- June 17 , 2015 -- Dr. Jeremy Heyl
Hubble catches a stellar exodus in action
Dr. Mark Halpern -- June 6 , 2015 -- Dr. Mark Halpern
Telescope stepping stone to understanding universe
Quanta Magazine -- May 28 , 2015 -- Dr. Mark Van Raamsdonk
How Quantum Pairs Stitch Space-Time
24 hrs Vancouver -- May 7 , 2015
B.C. astronomer praises telescope funding
The Province -- March 31 , 2015 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
UBC researchers help find moments of early galaxy formation
Vancouver Sun -- March 31 , 2015 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
UBC astrophysicists catch glimpse of early galaxy formation
CBC News -- March 31 , 2015 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
UBC astrophysicists spot early galaxy formation
Global TV News -- March 31 , 2015 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
Interview: early galaxy formation
Slate -- March 21 , 2015 -- Dr. Jaymie Matthews
Eating My Way Through the Solar Eclipse
CKNW -- March 15 , 2015 -- Engineering Physics students Dennon Oosterman, Alex Kay and David Joyce
The Jill Bennett Show - Sun Mar 15 - The Protocycler
Vancouver Courier -- March 12 , 2015 -- Engineering Physics students Dennon Oosterman, Alex Kay and David Joyce
UBC students tackle plastic recycling
Knights of Dunsmuir Podcast -- March 3 , 2015 -- Dr. Aaron Boley
Knights of Dunsmuir Episode #2: Dr. Aaron Boley Talks Cosmos
The Globe and Mail -- January 30 , 2015 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
Scientists overturn widely-publicized Big Bang claim -- January 16 , 2015 -- Dr. Andrea Damascelli, post-doc Eduardo H. da Silva Neto
Charge instability detected across all types of copper-based superconductors
Global News -- January 14 , 2015 -- Dr. Ingrid Stairs
Vancouver astronomer measures space time warp