In the Media

The Conversation (Canada) -- September 15 , 2019 -- Drs. Mark Halpern and Gary Hinshaw
Canada’s grand plan to explore the mysteries of the cosmos
Deccan Herald -- September 12 , 2019 -- UBC Department of Physics & Astronomy
DH Education - Learn the local language
Scienmag Science Magazine -- August 28 , 2019 -- Dr. George Sawatzky
First Report Of Superconductivity In A Nickel Oxide Material
CBC news -- August 21 , 2019 -- Dr. Jess McIver
Scientists may have detected a black hole devouring a neutron star
Astronomy magazine -- August 21 , 2019 -- Graduate Student Deborah Good
8 new repeating fast radio bursts offer new opportunities for insights
CBC The Early Edition -- July 30 , 2019 -- Dr. Douglas Scott
A UBC cosmologist tackles the inaccuracies involved in sci-fi films
Vancouver Sun -- July 14 , 2019 -- Engineering Physics Student Simon Bambey
UBC engineering students aim for the stars to go to space
Vancouver Sun -- July 11 , 2019 -- Finance and Operations Director Paul de Leon
LGBTQ UBC students support decision to drop school from Pride Parade
DailyWellnessPro -- May 20 , 2019 -- Dr. Haishan Zeng
A New Method Of Diagnosing And Treating Illness – No Need of Cutting Skin -- May 19 , 2019 -- Dr. Haishan Zeng
Laser Microscope Can See and Treat Skin Without Cutting Into It
Technology Networks -- May 16 , 2019 -- Dr. Haishan Zeng
Laser Closes Blood Vessels One by One, Without Cutting Skin
Verdict Medical Devices -- May 16 , 2019 -- Dr. Haishan Zeng
Canadian scientists create laser microscope for diagnosis
Laboratory Equipment -- May 16 , 2019 -- Dr. Haishan Zeng
Laser Microscope Diagnoses and Treats Disease Without Cutting Skin