Events List for the Academic Year

Event Time: Friday, October 11, 2013 | 12:30 pm
Event Location:
Room 200, Graduate Student Centre
Add to Calendar 2013-10-11T12:30:00 Final PhD Oral Examination (Thesis Title: “Phase Coherence in Graphene”) Event Location: Room 200, Graduate Student Centre
Event Time: Thursday, October 10, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 201
Add to Calendar 2013-10-10T16:00:00 Topological insulators and topological superconductors Event Location: Hennings 201
Event Time: Wednesday, October 9, 2013 | 7:30 pm
Event Location:
Fairmont Lounge - St. John's College, 2111 Lower Mall
Add to Calendar 2013-10-09T19:30:00 What role does Quantum Mechanics play in Biology? Event Location: Fairmont Lounge - St. John's College, 2111 Lower Mall
Event Time: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 | 12:30 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-10-08T12:30:00 Learning Technologies Presentation with a Framework of Efficacy Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Monday, October 7, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-10-07T16:00:00 Galileo’s “Two Chief World Systems” and the Confirmation of Copernicanism Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Monday, October 7, 2013 | 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-10-07T12:00:00 Gravitational dynamics from entanglement "Thermodynamics" Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Friday, October 4, 2013 | 2:00 pm
Event Location:
Henn 318
Add to Calendar 2013-10-04T14:00:00 Departmental Oral Examination (Thesis Title: Nature of Bose Gases Near Feshbach Resonance: The Interplay Between Few-Body and Many-Body Physics) Event Location: Henn 318
Event Time: Thursday, October 3, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 201
Add to Calendar 2013-10-03T16:00:00 The Black Hole Information Paradox, Alive and Kicking Event Location: Hennings 201
Event Time: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 | 1:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-10-02T13:00:00 The Newtonian Limit of Cosmological Spacetimes Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Michael Smith Labs (2185 East Mall), Lecture Theatre 102
Add to Calendar 2013-10-01T16:00:00 Multiscale simulation: connecting statistical physics to engineering applications and materials properties Event Location: Michael Smith Labs (2185 East Mall), Lecture Theatre 102
Event Time: Monday, September 30, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-30T16:00:00 Precision Weak Lensing Measurements with CFHTLenS and Beyond Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Monday, September 30, 2013 | 11:00 am
Event Location:
Hennings 318 (***** Note this seminar starts at 11am *****)
Add to Calendar 2013-09-30T11:00:00 Understanding mechanical properties of disordered solids: how computers can help (note special start time) Event Location: Hennings 318 (***** Note this seminar starts at 11am *****)
Event Time: Thursday, September 26, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 201
Add to Calendar 2013-09-26T16:00:00 Ultrafast AMO Physics with strong laser fields: High Harmonic Generation and X-ray Free Electron Lasers Event Location: Hennings 201
Event Time: Monday, September 23, 2013 | 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-23T12:00:00 Imbalanced Fermi gases in two dimensions Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Thursday, September 19, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 201
Add to Calendar 2013-09-19T16:00:00 The Dark Energy Crisis in the Longer Term Event Location: Hennings 201
Event Time: Thursday, September 19, 2013 | 2:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-19T14:00:00 Fictitious fields for light: topological insulators and pseudomagnetism Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | 1:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-18T13:00:00 Hawking radiation with dispersion versus breakdown of WKB Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Monday, September 16, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-16T16:00:00 A decade of science with MOST Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Monday, September 16, 2013 | 12:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 318
Add to Calendar 2013-09-16T12:00:00 Topological Superconductor-Luttinger Liquid Junctions Event Location: Hennings 318
Event Time: Thursday, September 12, 2013 | 4:00 pm
Event Location:
Hennings 201
Add to Calendar 2013-09-12T16:00:00 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decays Event Location: Hennings 201