New frontiers in error correction and many-body physics: non-equilibrium quantum matter and non-Euclidean geometries

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HENN 318
Tibor Rakovszky, Bloch Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Science and Engineering (Stanford University)
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Error correction is a key ingredient towards realizing scalable quantum computation and is also of fundamental interest due to its close connection to exotic quantum phases of matter. In my talk, I will discuss some recent results at the interface of quantum error correction and quantum many-body physics. In the main part of the talk, I will discuss the problem of realizing error correction in a fully local way, without the need for non-local communication between a classical processor and the quantum device. This fits into the broader problem of classifying quantum phases of matter in dissipative open systems. I will formulate conditions for the stability of phases in open systems, putting it on a footing similar to the analysis of quantum phases of matter at zero temperature. In the last part of the talk, I will briefly discuss recent breakthroughs in the field of quantum low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, which live on highly expanding non-Euclidean graph geometries, and describe how they can be understood in the language of gauge theories, familiar from high energy and condensed matter physics.

[1] Defining stable phases of open quantum systems, TR, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Curt von Keyserlingk, arXiv 2308.15495

[2] The physics of (good) LDPC codes I: Gauging and dualities, TR, Vedika Khemani, arXiv 2310.16032


Tibor Rakovszky is a Bloch Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Previously, he completed his PhD at the Technical University of Munich in 2020. His PhD work focused on dynamics in interacting quantum systems, combining ideas from quantum information theory and many-body physics to understand the scrambling of quantum information and its relationship to thermalization and transport in closed quantum systems. He subsequently extended these studies to include the effects of local measurements on quantum dynamics. His more recent interests are at the intersection of quantum error correction and many-body physics. In particular, he is interested in the classification of quantum phases of matter in novel regimes and the use of such phases for storing and manipulating quantum information.

Add to Calendar 2024-02-27T11:00:00 2024-02-27T12:00:00 New frontiers in error correction and many-body physics: non-equilibrium quantum matter and non-Euclidean geometries Event Information: Abstract:  Error correction is a key ingredient towards realizing scalable quantum computation and is also of fundamental interest due to its close connection to exotic quantum phases of matter. In my talk, I will discuss some recent results at the interface of quantum error correction and quantum many-body physics. In the main part of the talk, I will discuss the problem of realizing error correction in a fully local way, without the need for non-local communication between a classical processor and the quantum device. This fits into the broader problem of classifying quantum phases of matter in dissipative open systems. I will formulate conditions for the stability of phases in open systems, putting it on a footing similar to the analysis of quantum phases of matter at zero temperature. In the last part of the talk, I will briefly discuss recent breakthroughs in the field of quantum low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, which live on highly expanding non-Euclidean graph geometries, and describe how they can be understood in the language of gauge theories, familiar from high energy and condensed matter physics. [1] Defining stable phases of open quantum systems, TR, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Curt von Keyserlingk, arXiv 2308.15495 [2] The physics of (good) LDPC codes I: Gauging and dualities, TR, Vedika Khemani, arXiv 2310.16032  Bio: Tibor Rakovszky is a Bloch Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Previously, he completed his PhD at the Technical University of Munich in 2020. His PhD work focused on dynamics in interacting quantum systems, combining ideas from quantum information theory and many-body physics to understand the scrambling of quantum information and its relationship to thermalization and transport in closed quantum systems. He subsequently extended these studies to include the effects of local measurements on quantum dynamics. His more recent interests are at the intersection of quantum error correction and many-body physics. In particular, he is interested in the classification of quantum phases of matter in novel regimes and the use of such phases for storing and manipulating quantum information.  Event Location: HENN 318