Mount Method
You can map your home directory on your linux computer with the command:
mount -t cifs -o username=<username> // /mnt/phashome
(the above command should be on one line)
Make sure you have the smbclient package installed and (for ubuntu) the smbfs package. If the above command fails with an error like "mount: mount point /mnt/phashome does not exist", you need to create the phashome directory with the following command:
mkdir /mnt/phashome
You may need to be root in order to execute these commands. If so, just put "sudo" in front of the commands, for example:
sudo mkdir /mnt/phashome
For Ubuntu, etc you will enter your password. For Redhat, Fedora, Suse, etc. you will need to use the root password.
If you get an error 5 when doing the mount, try setting the security level, for example:
mount -t cifs -o username=<username>,sec=ntlmv2 // /mnt/phashome
For more information type "man smbmount
Here is an example of a CIFS mount command where you need to specify the authentication server name (in this case "mercury") as well as the username for authentication:
mount -t cifs -o username=mercury\\<username>,password=<mypwd> // /mnt/saturn
sshfs Method
As an alternative to mount, you could use sshfs.
To mount your home dir:
sshfs <username> /mnt/phashome
To unmount your homedir:
fusermount -u /mnt/phashome
To do this you need to first have installed sshfs. For example on ubuntu, you would use the following command:
sudo apt-get install sshfs