Entanglement Bootstrap, a perspective on quantum field theory
Gordon Semenoff (gordonws@phas.ubc.ca)
All are welcome to this colloquium series
Refreshments will be provided before the talks at 3:45pm
Welcome to the third talk in our new Pioneers in Theoretical Physics Colloqium Series.
On December 3rd, we present Dr. John McGreevy, professor of physics at UC San Diego.
I will introduce the Entanglement Bootstrap, a program to extract and understand the universal information characterizing a phase of matter starting from the entanglement structure of a piece of a single representative state. This universal information is usually packaged in the form of a quantum field theory; the program therefore provides a surprising new perspective on quantum field theory. I will discuss what we can learn about gapped topological phases and their associated topological field theories, and about quantum critical points in 1+1 dimensions and their associated conformal field theories.
Professor McGreevy is a theoretical physicist with interests in quantum matter, string theory, and quantum field theory. His current research centers on the study and application of quantum field theory, both in condensed matter physics and in high energy physics.
Learn More:
- See his personal webpage here: mcgreevy (ucsd.edu)
- View his faculty profile at UC San Diego here: UC San Diego | Faculty Profile (ucsd.edu)
- For more on what is Quantum Field Theory, see this Quantum Field Theory summary, from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy