The complex Liouville string

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HENN 318
Scott Collier (MIT)
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I will introduce the complex Liouville string, a novel and controllable model of two-dimensional quantum gravity that is defined by coupling two copies of Liouville CFT with complex conjugate central charges on the worldsheet. I will describe how by harnessing the exact solution of the worldsheet CFT we can bootstrap the string amplitudes and reveal a rich holographic duality with a double-scaled two-matrix model. Topological recursion of the matrix model leads to a recursion relation for the string amplitudes which solves the theory at the level of string perturbation theory. Finally, I will describe how the string amplitudes may be interpreted as cosmological correlators of massive particles in three-dimensional de Sitter space, integrated over the metric of future infinity. The duality with the matrix integral then establishes a novel holographic scenario for dS_3 quantum gravity. Based on work in collaboration with Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann and Victor Rodriguez.


I am a theoretical physicist with broad interests in non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. My research harnesses powerful non-perturbative field theory techniques together with holographic duality to bootstrap fundamental questions in quantum gravity and black hole quantum mechanics. Some of my recent work at PCTS has focused on questions related to the role of spacetime wormholes, disorder averaging and quantum chaos in holographic dualities. I am also interested in the worldsheet string theory formulation of holographic dualities. 

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Add to Calendar 2024-12-06T13:00:00 2024-12-06T14:00:00 The complex Liouville string Event Information: Abstract: I will introduce the complex Liouville string, a novel and controllable model of two-dimensional quantum gravity that is defined by coupling two copies of Liouville CFT with complex conjugate central charges on the worldsheet. I will describe how by harnessing the exact solution of the worldsheet CFT we can bootstrap the string amplitudes and reveal a rich holographic duality with a double-scaled two-matrix model. Topological recursion of the matrix model leads to a recursion relation for the string amplitudes which solves the theory at the level of string perturbation theory. Finally, I will describe how the string amplitudes may be interpreted as cosmological correlators of massive particles in three-dimensional de Sitter space, integrated over the metric of future infinity. The duality with the matrix integral then establishes a novel holographic scenario for dS_3 quantum gravity. Based on work in collaboration with Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann and Victor Rodriguez. Bio: I am a theoretical physicist with broad interests in non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory and quantum gravity. My research harnesses powerful non-perturbative field theory techniques together with holographic duality to bootstrap fundamental questions in quantum gravity and black hole quantum mechanics. Some of my recent work at PCTS has focused on questions related to the role of spacetime wormholes, disorder averaging and quantum chaos in holographic dualities. I am also interested in the worldsheet string theory formulation of holographic dualities.  Learn More: See his MIT webpage here: View his LinkedIn page:  Event Location: HENN 318