Aspects of Microsoft’s recent topological gap study

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AMPL 311
Dmitri Pikulin (Microsoft Station Q)
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Andrew Potter (

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I will discuss the theory and data analysis techniques behind the recent study searching for Majorana zero modes. I will describe how the transport techniques can help identify the boundary and bulk signatures of the topological phase. The analytical insight is confirmed by extensive numerical study and data analysis. I will finish with an example of an experimental observation.


Add to Calendar 2023-02-09T10:00:00 2023-02-09T11:00:00 Aspects of Microsoft’s recent topological gap study Event Information: Abstract: I will discuss the theory and data analysis techniques behind the recent study searching for Majorana zero modes. I will describe how the transport techniques can help identify the boundary and bulk signatures of the topological phase. The analytical insight is confirmed by extensive numerical study and data analysis. I will finish with an example of an experimental observation.   Event Location: AMPL 311