Phys525 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics (Jan-April, 2022)

  Emergent Phenomena in condensed matter physics  

            Prof. Fei Zhou, TTh 1230pm-200pm   Lecture Room: Buchanan D228

    Office: Hennings 345

A) Course Syllabus

B) Tentative Schedule Part I

C) Lecture one: General information and introduction to emergent phenomena

D) Lecture two: Origins of emergent symmetries, types of them and why we shall care plus simple examples

E) Lecture Three: PHC as an example of emergent symmetries and a little bit more formal stuff

F) Lecture Four: PHC as an internal ES: Slight more formal stuff and PHC in SSB states

G) Lecture Five: PHC as an internal ES: Summary of the Haldane lattice Model and PHC in SSB states

H) Lecture Six: Two Important Ideas in EFT-Approaches to Emergent Phenomena

I) Lecture Seven: Rescaling and Coarse Graining in deriving EFTs

J) Lecture Eight:  Imaginary Time Evolution

K) Lecture Nine: Imaginary Time Evolution II

L) Lecture Ten: Method of Embedding in QFTs

M) Lecture Eleven: From correlation functions of Z(D=d+1) to causal Green’s functions in Quantum ground states

N) Lecture Twelve: Scale transformation and scale symmetry in QFT: a pedagogical discussion

O) Lecture Thirteen: A more formal discussion on Wilson-Fisher fixed points: Callan-Symanzik RGE

P) Lecture Fourteen: CS RGE II and more applications 

Q) Lecture Fifteen: Wrapping up CS application to Kondo effects and intro. to Topological order

R) Lecture Sixteen: Topological Ordered states Vs Symmetry protected Topological states

S) Lecture Seventeen: Discussions on examples of Topological Order and SPT

T) Lecture Eighteen: 2D Valence-Bond Solid, Z_2 topological superconductors as examples of SPT; KPLW topological entanglement entropy

U) Lecture Nineteen: Summary of ToS and SPT. And introduction to Free fermion classifications: from Chern Insulator to Z2 TI to ten-fold-way symmetry classes 

[Most lectures are two-hour ones to make up a few missing ones during the term due to conflict of schedules.]