Nucleons and their structure,
hadrons and isospin,
two-nucleon systems,
the NN interaction;
bulk properties of nuclei,
nuclear excitations and radioactivity,
nuclear models, space+spin+isospin+permutation symmetry;
nuclear structure from first principles;
strong and electromagnetic decay,
nuclear reactions,
nuclear astrophysics;
symmetries and weak interaction.
PHYS 500 QM I or equivalent
Samuel S.M. Wong, Introductory Nuclear Physics, 2nd ed. Wiley (.pdf available at publisher with UBC library privileges)
(supplement for NN interactions and many-body theory) A. Obertelli and H. Sagawa, Modern Nuclear Physics..., 2021, Springer (ditto)
Wed Fri 9:30-11:00
First lecture Jan 11, 2023. Complete material on Canvas. Email instructors for access
Nucleon Structure Hadrons Isospin
HW2 nucleon, Delta0 magnetic moment