Marcel Franz
Selected recent talks
Quantum oscillations without magnetic field
, (Invited talk given at the
Banff Workshop
August 2016)
Self-organized topological state with Majorana fermions,
(Seminar at Caltech, UC Berkeley and other institutions, 2013-14)
Ettore Majorana and his strange particles,
(Colloquium at U Oregon and UC Riverside, 2013)
Exotic surface states in topological insulators,
(Invited talk at the 2011 APS March meeting, Dallas TX)
APS Tutorial: Surface states in topological insulators,
(Invited Tutorial at the 2011 APS March meeting, Dallas TX)
The rise of topological insulators,
(Colloquium at Simon Fraser U, Nov. 2010)
Witten effect in a strong topological insulator,
(Princeton, UT Austin, Rice U, 2010)
Topological insulators on kagome and pyrochlore lattices,
(APS March Meeting, Portland OR, March 2010)
Anyons in a weakly interacting system,
(Berkeley, Caltech, UC riverside, Feb. 2007)
Vortex-boson duality in 3+1 dimensions: cuprates meet string theory,
(Simon Fraser University, October 2006)
4D-XY quantum criticality in doped Mott insulators,
(Univ. de Sherbrooke, Feb. 2005)
Quasiparticle interference in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors,
Invited talk at the APS March Meeting (Montreal, March 2004)
From ``Schmutzphysik'' to ``More is Different": a perspective on modern condensed matter physics,
Colloquium (Univ. of Alberta, Jan. 2004)
Nodal Protectorate in underdoped cuprates,
CIAR Quantum Materials Meeting, (Montreal, Oct. 2003)