- "Spin, Charge, and Topology" workshop held in Banff, July 29-Aug 3, 2006. Principal organiser with
SC Zhang, V Frolov, WG Unruh.
- "PITP summer school on Quantum
Magnetism" held in Les
Houches, June 5-26, 2006. Principal organiser with GA Sawatzky, Y Imry, B. Barbara.
- PITP/Supreme Court meeting on
"Science and the Courts", April 6-7, 2006. Organiser with Chief Justice B. McClachlin and Justice Ian Binnie
(Supreme Court of Canada)
- "Decoherence at the
Crossroads" at UBC, Feb 20-22, 2006. Principal Organiser with A Steinberg (Toronto).
- "Frontiers in Quantum
Nanoscience" in Noosa (Australia),
Jan 22-26 (2006). Co-Organiser with G Milburn (Brisbane).
- "Group of Five" set of 5 PITP conferences & workshops, including the large "Showcase conference", held at UBC and in Alberta, May 2005. Principal organiser; other organisers were G Semenoff, GA Sawatzky, V Frolov, K Schleich, and J Heyl.
- "The Arrows of Time 2004" held at Stillwater, Minnesota, Dec 19-22, 2004. Co-organiser with AJ Leggett,
WG Unruh, R Wald.
- "Quantum Technologies 2004" March 2004, Vancouver. Organized by myself and A. Zagoskin (d-wave systems). A 3-day workshop with 52 participants.
- "Spins, charges, lattices and topology in low D" Jan. 2004, Vancouver. Organized by myself with help from I. Affleck (UBC), G. Sawatzky (UBC() and S. C. Zhang (Stanford). A 2-day workshop with 38 participants.
- "Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale" April 17-27, 2003, Peter Wall Institute at UBC. Organized by myself and S. Savitt (UBC). A 10-day workshop with 30 participants.
- "Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale" April 12-17, 2003, Banff Center, Canada. Organized by myself with help from A.J. Leggett (Urbana), G. Swatzky (UBC), S. Popescu (Bristol), R. Gill (Utrecht) and T. Havel (MIT). A 5-day conference with 40 participants. Photos: medium size or original size.
- "Quantum materials" Nov. 2002, Harrison Lake CIAR meeting, BC Canada. Organized by myself and Doug Bonn (UBC). A 3-day meeting with 57 participants.
- "Quantum spin collective phenomena" Aug. 2002, Leiden, Holland. Organized by myself, S. C. Zhang (Stanford) and Fei Zhou (Utrecht). A 2-week workshop with 34 participants.
- "Mechanisms of decoherence" June 2000, Utrecht, Holland. Organized by myself and G. 't Hooft (Utrecht). A 6-day conference with 97 participants.
In addition to this, I organize a monthly colloquium series, the GREEN COLLEGE LECTURES on QUANTUM PHENOMENA, jointly with S. Savitt (for an uptodate program, follow this link).