It is strongly recommended that you don't look at the old exam solutions until after you have attempted all the problems
study tips: -try all the previous exam questions. Try to make sure you understand how to do these. -try to make sure you understand the answers for all the midterm questions, clicker questions, and homework questions. - read through the posted notes - have a look at the learning goals for this part of the course
2009 exam part 2solutions (correction: the answer to 12 should be v = 3/5c; in the 4th line from the bottom, the 1/2 should be 1/4)
Second midterm resources:
It is strongly recommended that you don't look at the midterm solutions until after you have attempted all the problems
study tips: - read through the posted notes and do all clicker questions - have a look at the learning goals for this part of the course - make sure you understand how to do the tutorial and homework problems (read the posted solutions if you are not sure) - do the previous years midterms below and check your answers (it is strongly recommended that you don't look at the exam solutions until after you have attempted all the problems) -try some of the problems from the textbook or the old homework problems
study tips: - read through the posted notes and do all clicker question - have a look at the learning goals for this part of the course - make sure you understand how to do all the homework problems (read the posted solutions if you are not sure) - do the previous years midterms below and check your answers (it is strongly recommended that you don't look at the exam solutions until after you have attempted all the problems) -try some of the problems from the textbook or the extra practice problems
It is strongly recommended that you don't look at the midterm solutions until after you have attempted all the problems