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Physics 200: Relativity and Quanta 2011
Course Professor: Mark Van Raamsdonk
office: Hennings 420 e-mail: mav@phas.ubc.ca
Notes on wavefunctions (to supplement the hand-written notes for the later parts of the course not covered by the text)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
The wave superposition simulation for tutorial 11.
November 16, 2011
The second midterm and solutions.
Octorber 12, 2011
The first midterm and solutions.
Octorber 11, 2011
The dates for the final exam has been set to December 9th at 3:30pm.
September 13, 2011
The dates for the first and second midterm will be October 12 and November 16, in class.
September 6, 2011
Welcome to Physics 200!
home page will updated to provide you with breaking news throughout the
course. Everything else you might want to know should hopefully be
found under the links above.
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, September 7th at 9am in Hennings 201.
addition to the textbook for the course, you will need an i-clicker, which can be purchased from the bookstore if you do
not already have one.
like to get to know as many of the students as possible, so please feel
free to come by my office (Hennings 420) and introduce yourself.