
Basic information
Location, contacts, office hours, textbook, course components and overview.
Detailed course outline, learning goals, grading scheme, policies.
Course content
All the course material organized in a table. Deadlines, reminders and links.

Physics 200: Relativity and Quanta

Basic Information


Professor: Joanna Karczmarek Teaching Assistants:

Nameemail handle
Emmanuel Fonsecaefonseca
Alexander Heldalheld
Stephen Pietromonacospietro
Fumika Suzukifumika
Anson Wongawcwong
(all e-mails are AT phas.ubc.ca)

TA Office hours/Homework help sessions:
Mondays and Tuesdays 4:15-5:45pm, Hennings 301



Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am-10am in Hennings 200.

(Mandatory) Tutorial

Thursday 11am-12:30pm in Hennings 200.


For the first half of the course, we will use 'Special Relativity' by T.M. Helliwell, a paperback that retails for about $60. For the second half of the course, there will be a course pack available from the bookstore. The course pack is the first 4 chapters of 'Quantum Physics' by John S. Townsend. If you are planning on taking more quantum mechanics courses, you might find it useful to own the entire book instead of buying the course pack from the bookstore. This is the same selection of books as was used last two years. Used books/course packs are encouraged, as is sharing.


You will need an i>clicker for the lectures. i>clicker is a response system that will allow you to respond to questions that will be asked during class and tutorials. You will be graded on your in-class participation. If you don't already have a clicker, you can buy one at the UBC Bookstore. You will also need to register it; here are the instructions (The instructions are a bit dated. You will be able to find the i>clicker Remote Registration tool from the course's Home Page.)

Course components

The course will consist of:

Course overview

In the first part of this course, well see that understanding physics involving relative velocities comparable to the speed of light requires a new framework, known as Special Relativity, that significantly alters some of our basic notions of time and distance, and has some startling consequences (e.g. that a person returning from a long voyage in space at a large velocity will find herself younger than her twin who stayed on Earth). Well see that many of the definitions of and relationships between basic physical quantities (e.g. velocities, momenta, energies) that you used in first-year physics are only approximations to more general formulae that hold true at large velocities. Despite their puzzling consequences, the new rules form a completely consistent framework that allows precise calculations for classical phenomena at arbitrary velocity (e.g. you will be able to calculate precisely how much younger the returning twin will be).

In the second part of this course, well discuss quantum mechanics, an even more drastic modification of the basic framework of physics that must be adopted to correctly explain physics at short distance scales, such as the physics of atoms and nuclei, and some physics at much larger scales. Well discuss experimental evidence that light has particle properties and that particles such as electrons can exhibit wavelike phenomena. Well see that the correct description of both light and electrons has features of both of these classical concepts, but is fundamentally different from anything in classical physics. Some of the questions that we asked in classical mechanics do not even make sense in quantum mechanics, so we will need to understand what questions we are allowed to ask before learning how to predict the answers. Well explore some basic consequences of the new framework and see how these can be used to explain various important phenomena in atomic and nuclear physics.

This course is also designed to build many 'soft skills'. You will learn to:

For more information, check the course Syllabus.