Geoffrey W. Hoffmann, Biophysics





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Network Immunology and the Symmetrical Network Theory

The immune system consists of a large number of white blood cells called lymphocytes and the disease fighting molecules they produce, which include antibodies.

Antibodies are capable of recognizing an almost unlimited number of different substances, and it is logical that such recognition should include the recognizing parts of the antibodies themselves. Indeed, it is possible to produce such "anti-antibodies". Lymphocytes are the cells that produce antibodies (B lymphocytes) and regulate the production of antibodies (T lymphocytes) and they can also recognize each other using their specific receptors.

Network Immunology is the branch of immunology that is based on the postulate that the variable (V) regions of antibodies, specific T cell factors and specific lymphocyte receptors recognize each other in a way that is central to the regulation of the immune system.

Starting from this postulate, a theory of regulation of the adaptive immune system has been developed, called the symmetrical network theory.

I recently completed writing a book on Immune Network Theory.

         Chapter 1. Immunology: many facts, few theories                                                                          

Chapter 2. Antibodies

Chapter 3. Clonal selection

Chapter 4. Immune responses to foreign antigens

Chapter 5. Specificity

Chapter 6. Regulation: T cells and B cells

Chapter 7. Non-specific components

Chapter 8. Early network findings and ideas

Chapter 9. First symmetry

Chapter 10. Introduction to the symmetrical network theory

Chapter 11. Complexity, stability and network theory

Chapter 12. MHC restriction and network theory

Chapter 13. The I-J phenomenon

Chapter 14. Second symmetry

Chapter 15. Self-nonself discrimination and autoimmunity

Chapter 16. HIV and AIDS pathogenesis

Chapter 17. Synthesis

Chapter 18. Outlook 



Page last revised: March 28, 2008