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UBC Format CV:
Current Position
Professor and
Canada Research Chair at
the Unversity of British Columbia
in the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
July 2013-
Previous Positions
Associate professor and
Canada Research Chair at
the Unversity of British Columbia
in the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
July 2008-June 2013
Assistant professor and
Canada Research Chair at
the Unversity of British Columbia
in the Department of Physics and Astronomy,
August 2003-June 2008
Chandra postdoctoral scholar in astrophysics at
Harvard University's Center for Astrophysics, Theoretical Astrophysics Division, September 2000-July 2003.
Lee A. DuBridge Postdoctoral Scholar in Theoretical Astrophysics.
Theoretical Astrophysics and
Relativity Group, California
Institute of Technology, January 1998-August 2000.
University of
California, Santa Cruz, October 1994-December 1997, Ph.D., Board
of Studies in Astronomy. I worked with my supervisor, Lars
Hernquist, to understand the properties of materials and the vacuum
in very strong magnetic fields, as found on the surfaces of neutron
stars with particular emphasis on heat transfer through the highly
magnetized envelope.
University of
Cambridge, October 1993-September 1994, M.Sc., Institute
of Astronomy and Fitzwilliam College; moved with supervisor,
R. S. Ellis, and transferred work at Durham to Cambridge. I
also began working with C. S. Frenk, S. M. Cole
and J. F. Navarro on a series on numerical simulations of
galaxy formation and translating the results of these experiments
into observational predictions.
University of
Durham, October 1992-October 1993, working toward an M.Sc. For
the M.Sc. with R. S. Ellis, I determined the evolution of
the galaxy luminosity function through a first analysis of the
AUTOFIB galaxy redshift survey. The analysis included classification
of the sources by means of their spectra to determine the
k-corrections and in the process to create the largest, deep
catalogue of galaxies with morphology information. My research
included preparing and performing an observing campaign using AUTOFIB
at the AAT.
University, September 1988-June 1992, A.B. summa cum laude,
Sciences and Certification of Proficiency in Russian
Studies with Distinction. For my undergraduate thesis with
D. N. Spergel
and Lars Hernquist I analyzed galaxy merger simulations from an
observational viewpoint with the goal of understanding the signatures
of merger remnants and comparing in detail merger remnants with
elliptical galaxies.
Canada Research Chair, 2003-present.
Chandra Fellowship, 2000-2003.
Achievement Reward for College Scientists, 1996.
Phi Beta Kappa, Northern California Association Scholar, 1995.
National Science Foundation Fellow, 1994-1997.
Marshall Scholar, 1992-1994.
Barry Goldwater Scholar, 1990-1992.
Princeton Department of Physics Manfred Pyka Prize, 1989.
Thomas J. Watson Scholar, 1988-1992.
American Chemical Society Olympiad Finalist, 1988.
Summer Positions
Visitor, The Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo,
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, July-September 1992, studied AGN as an
extragalactic source of ultra-high energy gamma rays with
Yu. N. Gnedin and participated in a continuing survey of
primary spectrophotometric standard stars at Pulkovo's subsidiary
observatory near Ararat, Armenia.
Summer Student Researcher, National
Astronomical and Ionospheric Center, Arecibo, Puerto Rico,
June-August 1991, observed OH/IR stars with B. M. Lewis and
examined the progression of AGB stars from Mira variables to PPN.
Summer Student Researcher, Princeton
University Observatory, Princeton, New Jersey, June-September
1989, compiled, under the supervision of J. E. Gunn, a
catalogue of composite spectra of typical stars from the IUE and
Gunn-Stryker catalogues for spectral synthesis studies.
Research Interests
Simulations and observations of galaxy formation, mergers and evolution
Properties of materials in ultrastrong magnetic fields
Physics of Neutron Stars
Strong-field quantum field theory
Magnetic and relativistic stellar structure
Chronological Bibliography
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Heyl, J. S. 1992, Observational Tracers of Galaxy Merger Remnants, A.B. Thesis, Princeton University.
Hernquist, L., Heyl, J. S., Spergel, D. N. 1993, ``Bending Instabilities in Galaxy Merger Remnants,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 416, 9-12.
Hernquist, L., Spergel, D. N., Heyl, J. S. 1993, ``Structure of Merger Remnants. III. Phase-Space Constraints,'' Astrophys. J., 416, 415-424.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L., Spergel, D. N. 1994, ``Structure of Merger Remnants: IV. Isophotal Shapes,'' Astrophys. J., 427, 165-173.
Heyl, J. S. 1994, Galaxy Evolution -- Observations, Analysis, and Theory, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Cambridge.
Heyl, J. S., Cole, S., Frenk, C. S., Navarro, J. F. 1995, ``Galaxy Formation in a Variety of Hierarchical Models,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 427, 755-768.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L., Spergel, D. N. 1995, ``Inferring Galaxy Viewing Angles,'' Astrophys. J., 448, 64-69.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L., Spergel, D. N. 1996, ``Structure of Merger Remnants: V. Kinematics,'' Astrophys. J., 463, 69-79.
Ellis, R. S., Colless, M., Broadhurst, T. J., Heyl, J. S., Glazebrook, K. 1996, ``Autofib Redshift Survey - I. Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 280, 235-251.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1996, ``Magnetically Catalyzed Fusion,'' Phys. Rev. C, 54, 2751-2759.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1997, ``Powering Anomalous X-ray Pulsars by Neutron Star Cooling,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 489, 67-70.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1997, ``The Thermal Evolution of Ultramagnetized Neutron Stars,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 491, 95-98.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1997, ``QED One-Loop Corrections to a Macroscopic Magnetic Dipole,'' Journ. Phys. A, 30, 6475-6483.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1997, ``The Birefringence and Dichroism of the QED Vacuum,'' Journ. Phys. A, 30, 6485-6492.
Heyl, J., Colless, M., Ellis, R. S., Broadhurst, T. 1997, ``Autofib Redshift Survey: II -- The Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function by Spectral Type,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 285, 613-634.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1997, ``An Analytic Form for the Effective Lagrangian of QED and its Application to Pair Production and Photon Splitting,'' Phys. Rev. D, 55, 2449-2454.
Heyl, J. S. 1998, Implications of Intense Magnetic Fields on Neutron-Star Physics, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Santa Cruz.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1998, ``What is the nature RX~J0720.4-3125?,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 297, L69-L70.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1998, ``RCW 103 - Revisiting a cooling neutron star,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 298, L17-L20.
Heyl, J. S., Kulkarni, S. R. 1998, ``How common are magnetars? The implications of magnetic-field decay,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 506, 61-64.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1998, ``Almost Analtyic Models of Ultramagnetized Neutron Star Envelopes,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 300, 599-615.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1998, ``Hydrogen and Helium Atoms and Molecules in an Intense Magnetic Field,'' Phys. Rev. A, 58, 3567-3577.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1998, ``Electromagnetic Shocks in Strong Magnetic Fields,'' Phys. Rev. D, 58, 043005 (10 pages).
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1999, ``Do magnetars glitch? : Timing irregularities in anomalous X-ray pulsars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 304, L37-L40.
Shaviv, N. J., Heyl, J. S., Lithwick, Y. 1999, ``Magnetic Lensing near Ultramagnetized Neutron Stars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 306, 333-347.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 1999, ``Nonlinear QED Effects in Strong-Field Magnetohydrodynamics,'' Phys. Rev. D, 59, 045005 (5 pages).
Heyl, J. S., Shaviv, N. J. 2000, ``Polarization Evolution in Strong Magnetic Fields,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 311, 555-564.
Perna, R., Heyl, J., Hernquist, L. 2000, ``Consequences of Interstellar Absorption for Models of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 538, 159-161.
Heyl, J. S. 2000, ``Gravitational Radiation from Strongly Magnetized White Dwarfs,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 317, 310-314.
Heyl, J. S. 2000, ``Probing the Properties of Neutron Stars with Type~I X-ray Bursts,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 542, 45-48.
Chakrabarty, D., Pivovaroff, M. J., Hernquist, L. E., Heyl, J. S., Narayan, R. 2001, ``The Central X-Ray Point Source in Cassiopeia A,'' Astrophys. J., 548, 800-810.
Heyl, J. S. 2001, ``Electron-Positron Jets from a Critically Magnetized Black Hole,'' Phys. Rev. D, 63, 064028 (7 pages).
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 2001, ``Multidimensional thermal structure of magnetized neutron star envelopes,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 324, 292-304.
Perna, R., Heyl, J., Hernquist, L. 2001, ``X-ray emission from middle-aged pulsars,'' Astrophys. J., 553, 809-813.
Perna, R., Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. E., Juett, A. M., Chakrabarty, D. 2001, ``Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters: Spectral Fits and the Magnetar Model,'' Astrophys. J., 557, 18-23.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 2002, ``Hotspot Emission from a Freely Precessing Neutron Star,'' Astrophys. J., 567, 510-514.
Heyl, J. S., Loeb, A. 2002, ``Vacuum Decay Constraints on a Cosmological Scalar Field,'' \prl, 88, 121302 (3 pages).
Heyl, J. S., Shaviv, N. J. 2002, ``QED and the High Polarization of the Thermal Radiation from Neutron Stars,'' Phys. Rev. D, 66, 023002 (4 pages).
Heyl, J. S. 2002, ``LMXBs may be important LIGO sources after all,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 574, 57-60.
Narayan, R., Heyl, J. S. 2002, ``On the Lack of Type I X-ray Bursts in Black Hole X-ray Binaries: Evidence for the Event Horizon?,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 574, 139-142.
Bersier, D., McLeod, B., Garnavich, P., Holman, M. J., Grav, T., Quinn, J., Kaluzny, J., Challis, P. M., Bower, R. G., Wilman, D. J., Heyl, J. S., Holland, S. T., Hradecky, V., Jha, S., Stanek, K. Z. 2003, ``The Strongly Polarized Afterglow of GRB 020405,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 583, 63-66.
Heyl, J. S., Perna, R. 2003, ``Broadband modeling of GRB 021004,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 586, 13-18.
Heyl, J. S., Shaviv, N. J., Lloyd, D. 2003, ``The High-Energy Polarization-Limiting Radius of Neutron Star Magnetospheres: I. Slowly Rotating Neutron Stars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 342, 134-144.
Heyl, J. S. 2003, ``The Synoptic Swift Synergy -- Catching Gamma-Ray Bursts Before They Fly,'' Astrophys. J., 592, 401-403.
Lloyd, D., Hernquist, L., Heyl, J. S. 2003, ``Optical and X-Ray Properties of Cooling Neutron Stars,'' Astrophys. J., 593, 1024-1031.
Narayan, R., Heyl, J. S. 2003, ``Thermonuclear Stability of Material Accreting onto a Neutron Star,'' Astrophys. J., 599, 419-449.
Heyl, J. S. 2004, ``R-Modes on Rapidly Rotating, Relativistic Stars: I. Do Type-I Bursts Excite Modes in the Neutron-Star Ocean?,'' Astrophys. J., 600, 939-945.
Woods, P., Kaspi, V., Thompson, C., Gavriil, F., Marshall, H., Chakrabarty, D., Flanagan, K., Heyl, J., Hernquist, L. 2004, ``Changes in the X-ray Emission from the Magnetar Candidate 1E 2259+586 during its 2002 Outburst,'' Astrophys. J., 605, 378-399.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 2005, ``A QED Model for the Origin of Bursts from SGRs and AXPs,'' Astrophys. J., 618, 463-473.
Yuan, Y., Heyl, J. S. 2005, ``Rotational Evolution of Protoneutron Stars with Hyperons: Spin up or not?,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 360, 1493-1505.
Heyl, J. S. 2005, ``R-Modes on Rapidly Rotating, Relativistic Stars: II. Blackbody Emission,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 361, 504-510.
Heyl, J. S., Hernquist, L. 2005, ``A QED Model for Non-thermal Emission from SGRs and AXPs,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 362, 777-783.
Heyl, J. S. 2005, ``The Long-Term Future of Space Travel,'' Phys. Rev. D, 72, 107302 (4 pages).
Shannon, R. M., Heyl, J. S. 2006, ``Magnetospheric Birefringence Induces Unique Polarization Signatures in Neutron-Star Spectra,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 368, 1377-1380.
Heyl, J. S. 2006, ``See a Black Hole on a Shoestring,'' Phys. Rev. D, 74, 064029 (5 pages).
Lai, D., Heyl, J. S. 2006, ``Probing Axions with Radiation from Magnetized Compact Objects,'' Phys. Rev. D, 74, 123003 (11 pages).
Mori, K., Heyl, J. S. 2007, ``Ionization and dissociation equilibrium in strongly-magnetized helium atmosphere,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 376, 895-906.
Heyl, J. S. 2007, ``QED can explain the non-thermal emission from SGRs and AXPs : Variability,'' Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 308, 101-107.
Heyl, J. S., Gladman, B. J. 2007, ``Using long-term transit timing to detect terrestrial planets,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 377, 1511-1519.
Heyl, J. S. 2007, ``Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 381, L70-L73.
Gill, R., Heyl, J. 2007, ``The Birthrate of Magnetars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 381, 52-58.
Heyl, J. S. 2007, ``Quantum Mechanical Fluctuations at the End of Inflation,'' Journ Phys A, 40, 13997-14010.
Heyl, J. S. 2007, ``Orbital evolution with white-dwarf kicks,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 382, 915-920.
Heyl, J. S. 2008, ``Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : II. Observational Significance,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 385, 231-235.
Heyl, J. S. 2008, ``Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : III. Cluster Heating,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 390, 622-624.
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. S. 2009, ``Hydrogen and helium atoms in strong magnetic fields,'' Phys. Rev. A, 79, 12514 (16 pages).
Heyl, J. S., Penrice, M. 2009, ``Constraining white-dwarf kicks in globular clusters : IV. Retarding Core Collapse,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 397, L79-82.
Mazur, D., Heyl, J. S. 2009, ``Creation of Entanglement Entropy by a Non-linear Inflaton Potential,'' Phys. Rev. D, 80, 23523 (10 pages).
Gill, R., Heyl, J. S. 2009, ``Dispersion Relations for Bernstein Waves in a Relativistic Pair Plasma,'' Phys. Rev E, 80, 036407 (8 pages).
Hoffman, K., Heyl, J. S. 2009, ``Compositional Freeze-Out of Neutron Star Crusts,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 400, 1986-1991.
Heyl, J. 2010, ``Diffractive Microlensing I: Flickering Planetesimals at the Edge of the Solar System,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 402, L39-L43.
Charbonneau, J., Hoffman, K., Heyl, J. 2010, ``Large Pulsar Kicks from Topological Currents,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 404, L119-L124.
Heyl, J. S., Gill, R., Hernquist, L. 2010, ``Cosmic Rays from Magnetars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 407, L25-L29.
Heyl, J. S., Thirumalai, A. 2010, ``Pseudospectral methods for atoms in strong magnetic fields,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 407, 590-598.
Gill, R., Heyl, J. S. 2010, ``On the trigger mechanisms for SGR giant flares,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 407, 1926-1932.
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. S. 2010, ``A hybrid steady-state magnetohydrodynamic dust-driven stellar wind model for AGB stars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 409, 1669-1681.
Heyl, J. 2010, ``Diffractive Microlensing II: Substellar Disk and Halo Objects,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 411, 1780-1786.
Heyl, J. 2010, ``Diffractive Microlensing III: Astrometric Signatures,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 411, 1787-1791.
Mazur, D., Heyl, J. S. 2010, ``Nonlinear Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetosphere of a Magnetar,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 412, 1381-1388.
Gill, R., Heyl, J. S. 2011, ``Constraining the photon-axion coupling constant with magnetic white dwarfs,'' Phys. Rev. D, 84, 085001 (10 pages).
Woodley, K. A., Goldsbury, R., Kalirai, J. S., Richer, H. B., Tremblay, P., Anderson, J., Bergeron, P., Dotter, A., Esteves, L., Fahlman, G. G., Hansen, B. M. S., Heyl, J., Hurley, J., Rich, R. M., Shara, M. M., Stetson, P. B. 2012, ``The Spectral Energy Distributions of White Dwarfs in 47 Tucanae: The Distance to the Cluster,'' Astronom. J., 143, 50-61.
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. 2012, ``The Magnetised Bellows of Betelgeuse,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 422, 1272-1282.
Samra, R. S., Richer, H. B., Heyl, J. S., Goldsbury, R., Thanjavur, K., Walker, G., Woodley, K. A. 2012, ``Proper Motions and Internal Dynamics in the Core of the Globular Cluster M71,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 751, L12-L16.
Hoffman, K., Heyl, J. 2012, ``Mechanical Properties of non-accreting Neutron Star Crusts,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 426, 2404-2412.
Goldsbury, R., Heyl, J. S., others, 2012, ``An Empirical Measure Of The Rate Of White Dwarf Cooling In 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 760, 78-86.
Heyl, J. S., Richer, H., Anderson, J., Fahlman, G., Dotter, A., Hurley, J., Kalirai, J., Rich, R. M., Shara, M., Stetson, P., Woodley, K. H., Zurek, D. 2012, ``Deep HST Imaging in NGC 6397: Stellar Dynamics,'' Astrophys. J., 761, 51 (25 pages).
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. 2012, ``Is Mira a magneto-dusty rotator?,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 430, 1359-1368.
Heyl, J. S. 2013, ``A Fast Matching Algorithm for Sheared Stellar Samples: k-d Match,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 433, 935-939.
Richer, H., Heyl, J., Anderson, J., Kalirai, J. S., Shara, M., Fahlman, G., Rich, R. M. 2013, ``A Dynamical Signature of Multiple Stellar Populations in 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 771, L15-L19.
Gill, R., Heyl, J. S. 2013, ``Statistical ages and the cooling rate of X-ray dim isolated neutron stars,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 435, 3243-3250.
Goldsbury, R., Heyl, J., Richer, H. 2013, ``Quantifying mass segregation and new core radii for 54 milky way globular clusters,'' Astrophys. J., 778, 57-63.
Richer, H. B., Goldsbury, R., Heyl, J., Hurley, J., Dotter, A., Kalirai, J., Woodley, K., Fahlman, G., Rich, R., Shara, M. 2013, ``Comparing the White Dwarf Cooling Sequences in 47 Tuc and NGC 6397,'' Astrophys. J., 778, 104.
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. S. 2014, ``A two-dimensional pseudospectral Hartree-Fock method for low-Z atoms in intense magnetic fields,'' Phys. Rev. A, 89, 052522 (25 pages).
Thirumalai, A., Heyl, J. S. 2014, ``Energy levels of light atoms in strong magnetic fields,'' Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 63, chapter 5 (37 pages).
Mazur, D., Heyl, J. S. 2015, ``Casimir Interactions between Magnetic Flux Tubes in a Dense Lattice,'' Phys. Rev. D, 91, 065019.
Heyl, J., Richer, H. B., Antolini, E., Goldsbury, R., Kalirai, J., Parada, J., Tremblay, P. 2015, ``A Measurement of Diffusion in 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 804, 53.
Hansen, B., Richer, H., Kalirai, J., Goldsbury, R., Frewen, S., Heyl, J. 2015, ``Constraining Neutrino Cooling using the Hot White Dwarf Luminosity Function in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 809, 141.
Heyl, J., Kalirai, J., Richer, H. B., Marigo, P., Antolini, E., Goldsbury, R., Parada, J. 2015, ``When Do Stars in 47 Tucanae Lose Their Mass?,'' Astrophys. J., 810, 127 (8 pages).
Elenbaas, C., Watts, A., Turolla, R., Heyl, J. 2016, ``The impulsive phase of magnetar giant flares: assessing linear tearing as the trigger mechanism,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 456, 3282-3295.
Goldsbury, R., Heyl, J., Richer, H. B., Kalirai, J. S., Tremblay, P. E. 2016, ``Constraining White Dwarf Structure and Neutrino Physics in 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 821, 27.
Parada, J., Richer, H., Heyl, J., Kalirai, J., Goldsbury, R. 2016, ``Dynamical estimate of post main sequence stellar masses in 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 826, 88.
Zhang, S., others, 2016, ``eXTP -- enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry Mission,'' Proc. SPIE, , 99051Q.
Parada, J., Richer, H., Heyl, J., Kalirai, J., Goldsbury, R. 2016, ``Formation and Evolution of Blue Stragglers in 47 Tucanae,'' Astrophys. J., 830, 139.
Antolini, E., Heyl, J. S. 2016, ``Using the 2-MASS Photometric Redshift Survey to Optimize LIGO Follow-Up Observations,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 462, 1085-1091.
Asvathaman, A., Omand, C., Barton, A., Heyl, J. S. 2016, ``A Fast Algorithm for Finding Point Sources in the Fermi Data Stream: FermiFAST,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., , 2378-2389.
Antolini, E., Caiazzo, I., Dav\'e, R., Heyl, J. S. 2016, ``Using Galaxy Formation Simulations to optimise LIGO Follow-Up Observations,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 466, 2212-2216.
Asvathaman, A., Heyl, J. S., Hui, L. 2017, ``Eotvos Experiments with Supermassive Black Holes,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 465, 3261-3266.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. S. 2017, ``Polluting White Dwarfs with Perturbed Exo-Comets,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 469, 2750-2759.
Sakstein, J., Jain, B., Heyl, J. S., Hui, L. 2017, ``Tests of Gravity Theories Using Supermassive Black Holes,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 844, L14.
Elenbaas, C., Huppenkothen, D., Omand, C., Watts, A. L., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. S. 2017, ``Magnetar giant flare high-energy emission,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 471, 1856-1872.
Obertas, A., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J., Richer, H., Kalirai, J., Tremblay, P. 2017, ``The Onset of Convective Coupling and Freezing in the White Dwarfs of 47 Tucanae,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 474, 677-682.
Heyl, J., Choptuik, M. W., Shinkaruk, D. 2017, ``The Modified Schrodinger Poisson Equation --- Quantum Polytropes,'' Phys. Rev. D, 96, 103010.
Heyl, J., Caiazzo, I., Richer, H., Anderson, J., Kalirai, J., Parada, J. 2017, ``Deep HST Imaging in 47~Tucanae: A Global Dynamical Model,'' Astrophys. J., 850, 186.
Ng, C., others, 2018, ``PSR J1755-2550: A young radio pulsar with a massive, compact companion,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 476, 4315-4326.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2018, ``Vacuum birefringence and the x-ray polarization from black-hole accretion disks,'' Phys. Rev. D, 97, 083001.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2018, ``Probing Black Hole Magnetic Fields with QED,'' Galaxies, 6, 57.
Heyl, J., Caiazzo, I. 2018, ``Strongly Magnetized Sources: QED and X-ray Polarization,'' Galaxies, 6, 76.
Chen, S., Richer, H., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2018, ``Distances to the Globular Clusters 47 Tucanae and NGC 362 Using Gaia DR2 Parallaxes,'' Astrophys. J., 867, 132.
Rosa, A. D., others, 2019, ``Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP,'' Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy, 62, 29504.
Santangelo, A., others, 2019, ``Physics and astrophysics of strong magnetic field systems with eXTP,'' Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy, 62, 29505.
Mann, C., others, 2019, ``A Multimass Velocity Dispersion Model of 47 Tucanae Indicates No Evidence for an Intermediate-mass Black Hole,'' Astrophys. J., 875, 1.
Ripoche, P., Heyl, J. 2019, ``QED effects are negligible for neutron-star spin-down,'' Phys. Rev. D, 99, 083004.
Mann, C. R., others, 2020, ``Erratum: ``A Multimass Velocity Dispersion Model of 47 Tucanae Indicates No Evidence for an Intermediate-mass Black Hole'' (2019, ApJ, 875, 1),'' Astrophys. J., 893, 86.
Richer, H. B., others, 2019, ``A Massive Magnetic Helium Atmosphere White Dwarf Binary in a Young Star Cluster,'' Astrophys. J., 880, 75.
Ripoche, P., Heyl, J., Parada, J., Richer, H. 2020, ``Carbon stars as standard candles: I. The luminosity function of carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 495, 2858-2866.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J., Richer, H., Cummings, J., Fleury, L., Hegarty, J., Kalirai, J., Kerr, R., Thiele, S., Tremblay, P., Villanueva, M. 2020, ``Intermediate-mass Stars Become Magnetic White Dwarfs,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 901, L14.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2021, ``Polarization of accreting X-ray pulsars. I. A new model,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 501, 109-128.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2021, ``Polarization of accreting X-ray pulsars - II. Hercules X-1,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 501, 129-136.
Parada, J., Heyl, J., Richer, H., Ripoche, P., Rousseau-Nepton, L. 2021, ``Carbon stars as standard candles - II. The median J magnitude as a distance indicator,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 501, 933-947.
Ripoche, P., Heyl, J. 2021, ``Progress toward optimizing energy and arrival-time resolution with a transition-edge sensor from simulations of x-ray-photon events,'' Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 7, 018002.
Caiazzo, I., Burdge, K. B., Fuller, J., Heyl, J., Kulkarni, S., Prince, T. A., Richer, H. B., Schwab, J., Andreoni, I., Bellm, E. C., Drake, A., Duev, D. A., Graham, M. J., Helou, G., Mahabal, A. A., Masci, F. J., Smith, R., Soumagnac, M. T. 2021, ``Publisher Correction: A highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon,'' \nat, 596, E15-E15.
Caiazzo, I., Burdge, K. B., Fuller, J., Heyl, J., Kulkarni, S., Prince, T. A., Richer, H. B., Schwab, J., Andreoni, I., Bellm, E. C., Drake, A., Duev, D. A., Graham, M. J., Helou, G., Mahabal, A. A., Masci, F. J., Smith, R., Soumagnac, M. T. 2021, ``A highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon,'' \nat, 595, 39-42.
Soffitta, P., Bucciantini, N., Churazov, E., Costa, E., Dovciak, M., Feng, H., Heyl, J., Ingram, A., Jahoda, K., Kaaret, P., Kallman, T., Karas, V., Khabibullin, I., Krawczynski, H., Malzac, J., Marin, F., Marshall, H., Matt, G., Muleri, F., Mundell, C., Pearce, M., Petrucci, P., Poutanen, J., Romani, R., Santangelo, A., Tagliaferri, G., Taverna, R., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Zane, S. 2021, ``A polarized view of the hot and violent universe,'' Experimental Astronomy, 51, 1109-1141.
Richer, H. B., Caiazzo, I., Du, H., Grondin, S., Hegarty, J., Heyl, J., Kerr, R., Miller, D. R., Thiele, S. 2021, ``Massive White Dwarfs in Young Star Clusters,'' Astrophys. J., 912, 165.
Soffitta, P., Bucciantini, N., Churazov, E., Costa, E., Dovciak, M., Feng, H., Heyl, J., Ingram, A., Jahoda, K., Kaaret, P., Kallman, T., Karas, V., Khabibullin, I., Krawczynski, H., Malzac, J., Marin, F., Marshall, H., Matt, G., Muleri, F., Mundell, C., Pearce, M., Petrucci, P., Poutanen, J., Romani, R., Santangelo, A., Tagliaferri, G., Taverna, R., Turolla, R., Vink, J., Zane, S. 2021, ``A polarized view of the hot and violent universe,'' Experimental Astronomy, 51, 1109-1141.
Caiazzo, I., Burdge, K. B., Fuller, J., Heyl, J., Kulkarni, S., Prince, T. A., Richer, H. B., Schwab, J., Andreoni, I., Bellm, E. C., Drake, A., Duev, D. A., Graham, M. J., Helou, G., Mahabal, A. A., Masci, F. J., Smith, R., Soumagnac, M. T. 2021, ``A highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon,'' \nat, 595, 39-42.
Caiazzo, I., Burdge, K. B., Fuller, J., Heyl, J., Kulkarni, S., Prince, T. A., Richer, H. B., Schwab, J., Andreoni, I., Bellm, E. C., Drake, A., Duev, D. A., Graham, M. J., Helou, G., Mahabal, A. A., Masci, F. J., Smith, R., Soumagnac, M. T. 2021, ``Publisher Correction: A highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon,'' \nat, 596, E15-E15.
Heyl, J. 2022, ``Remembering Yury N. Gnedin at the Dawn of X-ray Polarimetry: Predictions of IXPE Observations of Neutron Stars,'' Universe, 8, 84.
Heyl, J., Caiazzo, I., Richer, H. B. 2022, ``Reconstructing the Pleiades with Gaia EDR3,'' Astrophys. J., 926, 132.
Miller, D. R., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J., Richer, H. B., Tremblay, P. 2022, ``The Ultramassive White Dwarfs of the Alpha Persei Cluster,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 926, L24.
Fleury, L., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2022, ``The cooling of massive white dwarfs from Gaia EDR3,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 511, 5984-5993.
Heyl, J. 2022, ``Remembering Yury N. Gnedin at the Dawn of X-ray Polarimetry: Predictions of IXPE Observations of Neutron Stars,'' Universe, 8, 84.
Fleury, L., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2022, ``The cooling of massive white dwarfs from Gaia EDR3,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 511, 5984-5993.
Richer, H. B., Cohen, R. E., Heyl, J., Kalirai, J., Caiazzo, I., Correnti, M., Cummings, J., Goudfrooij, P., Hansen, B. M., Peeples, M., Sabbi, E., Tremblay, P., Williams, B. 2022, ``When Do Stars Go Boom?,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 931, L20.
Ehlert, S. R., Ferrazzoli, R., Marinucci, A., Marshall, H. L., Middei, R., Pacciani, L., Perri, M., Petrucci, P., Puccetti, S., Barnouin, T., al., e. 2022, ``Limits on X-Ray Polarization at the Core of Centaurus A as Observed with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer,'' Astrophys. J., 935, 116.
Caiazzo, I., Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Heyl, J., Fern\'andez, R. 2022, ``Probing magnetar emission mechanisms with X-ray spectropolarimetry,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 514, 5024-5034.
Vink, J., Prokhorov, D., Ferrazzoli, R., Slane, P., Zhou, P., Asakura, K., Baldini, L., Bucciantini, N., Costa, E., Alessandro, D. M., al., e. 2022, ``X-Ray Polarization Detection of Cassiopeia A with IXPE,'' Astrophys. J., 938, 40.
Laura, D. G., Donnarumma, I., Tavecchio, F., Agudo, I., Barnounin, T., Cibrario, N., Niccol\`o, D. L., Alessandro, D. M., Escudero, J., Errando, M., al., e. 2022, ``The X-Ray Polarization View of Mrk 421 in an Average Flux State as Observed by the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 938, L7.
Marshall, H. L., Ng, M., Rogantini, D., Heyl, J., Tsygankov, S. S., Poutanen, J., Costa, E., Zane, S., Malacaria, C., Agudo, I., al., e. 2022, ``Observations of 4U 1626-67 with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer,'' Astrophys. J., 940, 70.
Marinucci, A., Muleri, F., Dovciak, M., Bianchi, S., Marin, F., Matt, G., Ursini, F., Middei, R., Marshall, H., Baldini, L., al., e. 2022, ``Polarization constraints on the X-ray corona in Seyfert Galaxies: MCG-05-23-16,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 516, 5907-5913.
Rink, K., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2022, ``Testing general relativity using quasi-periodic oscillations from X-ray black holes: XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 517, 1389-1397.
Liodakis, I., Marscher, A. P., Agudo, I., Berdyugin, A. V., Bernardos, M. I., Bonnoli, G., Borman, G. A., Casadio, C., Casanova, V., Cavazzuti, E., al., e. 2022, ``Polarized blazar X-rays imply particle acceleration in shocks,'' \nat, 611, 677-681.
Taverna, R., Turolla, R., Muleri, F., Heyl, J., Zane, S., Baldini, L., Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Bachetti, M., Rankin, J., Caiazzo, I., al., e. 2022, ``Polarized x-rays from a magnetar,'' Science, 378, 646-650.
Krawczynski, H., Muleri, F., Dovciak, M., Veledina, A., Nicole, R. C., Svoboda, J., Ingram, A., Matt, G., Garcia, J. A., Loktev, V., al., e. 2022, ``Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1,'' Science, 378, 650-654.
Tsygankov, S. S., Doroshenko, V., Poutanen, J., Heyl, J., Mushtukov, A. A., Caiazzo, I., Alessandro, D. M., Forsblom, S. V., Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Klawin, M., al., e. 2022, ``The X-Ray Polarimetry View of the Accreting Pulsar Cen X-3,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 941, L14.
Doroshenko, V., Poutanen, J., Tsygankov, S. S., Suleimanov, V. F., Bachetti, M., Caiazzo, I., Costa, E., Alessandro, D. M., Heyl, J., Fabio, L. M., al., e. 2022, ``Determination of X-ray pulsar geometry with IXPE polarimetry,'' Nature Astronomy, 6, 1433-1443.
Xie, F., Alessandro, D. M., Fabio, L. M., Liu, K., Muleri, F., Bucciantini, N., Romani, R. W., Costa, E., Rankin, J., Soffitta, P., al., e. 2022, ``Vela pulsar wind nebula X-rays are polarized to near the synchrotron limit,'' \nat, 612, 658-660.
Middei, R., Liodakis, I., Perri, M., Puccetti, S., Cavazzuti, E., Laura, D. G., Ehlert, S. R., Madejski, G., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., al., e. 2023, ``X-Ray Polarization Observations of BL Lacertae,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 942, L10.
Heyl, J., Caiazzo, I., Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D. 2023, ``X-ray Polarization at the Crossroads,'' IAU Symposium, 363, 80-91.
Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2023, ``IXPE Simulations for magnetars,'' IAU Symposium, 363, 314-317.
Kirmizibayrak, D., Heyl, J. 2023, ``Probing Magnetars Using Spectral Lines with Future Telescopes,'' IAU Symposium, 363, 318-321.
Capitanio, F., Fabiani, S., Gnarini, A., Ursini, F., Ferrigno, C., Matt, G., Poutanen, J., Cocchi, M., Mikusincova, R., Farinelli, R., al., e. 2023, ``Polarization Properties of the Weakly Magnetized Neutron Star X-Ray Binary GS 1826-238 in the High Soft State,'' Astrophys. J., 943, 129.
Zane, S., Taverna, R., Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Muleri, F., Turolla, R., Heyl, J., Uchiyama, K., Ng, M., Tamagawa, T., Caiazzo, I., al., e. 2023, ``A Strong X-Ray Polarization Signal from the Magnetar 1RXS J170849.0-400910,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 944, L27.
Ursini, F., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Bianchi, S., Marin, F., Marshall, H., Middei, R., Poutanen, J., Rogantini, D., A., D. R., al., e. 2023, ``Mapping the circumnuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 519, 50-58.
Ferrazzoli, R., Slane, P., Prokhorov, D., Zhou, P., Vink, J., Bucciantini, N., Costa, E., Niccol\`o, D. L., Alessandro, D. M., Soffitta, P., al., e. 2023, ``X-Ray Polarimetry Reveals the Magnetic-field Topology onS ub-parsec Scales in Tycho's Supernova Remnant,'' Astrophys. J., 945, 52.
Negro, M., Niccol\`o, D. L., Omodei, N., Veres, P., Silvestri, S., Manfreda, A., Burns, E., Baldini, L., Costa, E., Ehlert, S. R., al., e. 2023, ``The IXPE View of GRB 221009A,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 946, L21.
Farinelli, R., Fabiani, S., Poutanen, J., Ursini, F., Ferrigno, C., Bianchi, S., Cocchi, M., Capitanio, F., A., D. R., Gnarini, A., al., e. 2023, ``Accretion geometry of the neutron star low mass X-ray binary Cyg X-2 from X-ray polarization measurements,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 519, 3681-3690.
Gonz\'alez-Caniulef, D., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2023, ``Unbinned likelihood analysis for X-ray polarization,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 519, 5902-5912.
Fleury, L., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2023, ``The origin of ultramassive white dwarfs: hints from Gaia EDR3,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 520, 364-374.
Forsblom, S. V., Poutanen, J., Tsygankov, S. S., Bachetti, M., Alessandro, D. M., Doroshenko, V., Heyl, J., Fabio, L. M., Malacaria, C., Marshall, H. L., al., e. 2023, ``IXPE Observations of the Quintessential Wind-accreting X-Ray Pulsar Vela X-1,'' Astrophys. J. Lett., 947, L20.
Bucciantini, N., Ferrazzoli, R., Bachetti, M., Rankin, J., Niccol\`o, D. L., Sgr\`o, C., Omodei, N., Kitaguchi, T., Mizuno, T., Gunji, S., al., e. 2023, ``Simultaneous space and phase resolved X-ray polarimetry of the Crab pulsar and nebula,'' Nature Astronomy, .
Parada, J., Heyl, J., Richer, H., Ripoche, P., Rousseau-Nepton, L. 2023, ``Carbon stars as standard candles - III. Un-binned maximum likelihood fitting and comparison with TRGB estimations,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 522, 195-210.
Richer, H., Caiazzo, I., Du, H., Grondin, S., Hegarty, J., Heyl, J., Kerr, R., Miller, D., Thiele, S. 2022, ``VizieR Online Data Catalog: Massive white dwarfs in young star clusters (Richer+, 2021),'' VizieR Online Data Catalog, , J/ApJ/912/165.
Marin, F., Churazov, E., Khabibullin, I., Ferrazzoli, R., Laura, D. G., Barnouin, T., Alessandro, D. M., Middei, R., Vikhlinin, A., Costa, E., al., e. 2023, ``X-ray polarization evidence for a 200 years-old flare of Sgr A$^*$,'' Nature, accepted.
Fleury, L., Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. 2022, ``Constraining Axions with ZTF J1901+1458,'' Phys Rev D, accepted.
Long, X., Feng, H., Li, H., Kong, L., Heyl, J., Ji, L., Tao, L., Muleri, F., Wu, Q., Zhu, J., al., e. 2023, ``X-ray Polarimetry of the accreting pulsar 1A 0535+262 in the supercritical state with PolarLight,'' Astrophys. J., accepted.
Caiazzo, I., others, 2023, ``A rotating white dwarf shows different compositions on its opposite faces,'' Nature, accepted.
Caiazzo, I., Heyl, J. S., Richer, H., Kalirai, J. 2017, ``Globular cluster absolute ages from cooling brown dwarfs,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., submitted (8 pages).
Podgorny, J., Marra, L., Muleri, F., Nicole, R. C., Ratheesh, A., Dovciak, M., Mikusincova, R., Brigitte, M., Steiner, J. F., Veledina, A., al., e. 2023, ``The first X-ray polarimetric observation of the black hole binary LMC X-1,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., submitted.
Gianolli, V., Kim, D., Bianchi, S., Agis-Gonz\'alez, B., Madejski, G., Marinucci, A., Matt, G., Middei, R., Petrucci, P., Soffitta, P., al., e. 2023, ``Uncovering the geometry of the hot X-ray corona in the Seyfert galaxy NGC4151 with IXPE,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., submitted.
Mushtukov, A., Tsygankov, S., Poutanen, J., Doroshenko, V., Salganik, A., Costa, E., A., D. M., Heyl, J., F., L. M., Lutovinov, A., al., e. 2023, ``X-ray polarimetry of X-ray pulsar X Persei: another orthogonal rotator?,'' Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., submitted.
Malacaria, C., Heyl, J., Doroshenko, V., Tsygankov, S. S., Poutanen, J., Forsblom, S. V., Capitanio, F., Alessandro, D. M., Du, Y., Ducci, L., al., e. 2023, ``A polarimetric-oriented X-ray stare at the accreting pulsar EXO 2030+375,'' Astronomy \& Astrophysics, submitted.
Ratheesh, A., Dovciak, M., Krawczynski, H., Podgorn\'y, J., Marra, L., Veledina, A., Suleimanov, V., Nicole, R. C., Steiner, J., Svoboda, J., al., e. 2023, ``The high polarisation of the X-rays from the Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U 1630-47 challenges standard thin accretion disc scenario,'' Nature Astronomy, submitted.
Tsygankov, S. S., Doroshenko, V., Mushtukov, A. A., Poutanen, J., Alessandro, D. M., Heyl, J., Fabio, L. M., Forsblom, S., Malacaria, C., Marshall, H. L., al., e. 2023, ``X-ray pulsar GRO J1008$-$57 as an orthogonal rotator,'' Astronomy \& Astrophysics, submitted.
Veledina, A., Muleri, F., Poutanen, J., Podgorn\'y, J., Dovviak, M., Capitanio, F., Churazov, E., Alessandra, D. R., Alessandro, D. M., Forsblom, S., al., e. 2023, ``Astronomical puzzle Cyg X-3 is a hidden Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source,'' Nature, submitted.
Miller, D. R., others, 2023, ``An Extremely Massive White Dwarf Born in the Nearest Open Star Cluster,'' Nature, submitted.
Heyl, J., others, 2023, ``X-ray Polarization Reveals the Precessions of the Neutron Star in Hercules X-1,'' Nature, submitted.
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