Quantum Simulation with Ultra-Cold Atoms: Spin-Charge Separation

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We employ quantum simulation of interesting electronic materials using ultracold 6 Li atoms, a composite fermion, as stand-ins for the electrons Quantum simulation of this kind takes advantage of the capability to adhere to a theoretical model, while the tunability of model parameters enables quantitative comparison with theory.

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HENN 201
Dr. Randall G. Hulet (Rice University)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-02-09T16:00:00 Event End: 2023-02-09T17:00:00 Quantum Simulation with Ultra-Cold Atoms: Spin-Charge Separation Event Information:   Abstract: We employ quantum simulation of interesting electronic materials using ultracold 6 Li atoms, a composite fermion, as stand-ins for the electrons Quantum simulation of this kind takes advantage of the capability to adhere to a theoretical model, while the tunability of model parameters enables quantitative comparison with theory. Event Location: HENN 201

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/quantum-simulation-ultra-cold-atoms-spin-charge-separation