A Subjective History of Physics: from Laplace to Dirichlet

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In the Natural Sciences, physical models are often posited and the validity of the model is assessed by comparing model predictions to experimental realizations. Such forward modeling has had its role to play and is heavily showcased throughout Physics, where disparate observations were unified into predictive frameworks inspired by logic, symmetries and other fundamental considerations. Undoubtedly, the forward approach has been tremendously successful.

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Steve Presse (ASU)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2022-01-20T16:00:00 Event End: 2022-01-20T17:00:00 A Subjective History of Physics: from Laplace to Dirichlet Event Information: In the Natural Sciences, physical models are often posited and the validity of the model is assessed by comparing model predictions to experimental realizations. Such forward modeling has had its role to play and is heavily showcased throughout Physics, where disparate observations were unified into predictive frameworks inspired by logic, symmetries and other fundamental considerations. Undoubtedly, the forward approach has been tremendously successful. Event Location: Connect via zoom

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/subjective-history-physics-laplace-dirichlet