Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus

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Earth-based radar observations in 2006–2020 enabled the first measurement of the spin precession rate and moment of inertia of Venus.  The observations also showed that the spin period of the solid planet changes by tens of minutes.  The length-of-day variations are due to variations in atmospheric angular momentum transferred to the solid planet.  Some of the variations appear to follow the diurnal cycle.

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Jean-Luc Margot (UCLA)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-05-31T15:00:00 Event End: 2021-05-31T16:00:00 Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus Event Information: Earth-based radar observations in 2006–2020 enabled the first measurement of the spin precession rate and moment of inertia of Venus.  The observations also showed that the spin period of the solid planet changes by tens of minutes.  The length-of-day variations are due to variations in atmospheric angular momentum transferred to the solid planet.  Some of the variations appear to follow the diurnal cycle. Event Location: Connect via zoom

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/spin-state-and-moment-inertia-venus