Directed Aging: Using Memory and Nature's Greed as a New Principle for Materials Design

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It is a well-known and indisputable fact that materials age and deform over time, which often leads to detrimental degradation.  In contrast to this view, I will seek to embrace aging and develop it as a methodology to create desired and novel functionality in matter. The central idea is that a material retains a memory of the external stimuli to which it was exposed during its preparation history and, in reaction to those applied cues, can be directed to evolve desired behaviors not easily found otherwise.

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Sidney Nagel (U Chicago)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-06-03T16:00:00 Event End: 2021-06-03T17:00:00 Directed Aging: Using Memory and Nature's Greed as a New Principle for Materials Design Event Information: It is a well-known and indisputable fact that materials age and deform over time, which often leads to detrimental degradation.  In contrast to this view, I will seek to embrace aging and develop it as a methodology to create desired and novel functionality in matter. The central idea is that a material retains a memory of the external stimuli to which it was exposed during its preparation history and, in reaction to those applied cues, can be directed to evolve desired behaviors not easily found otherwise. Event Location: Connect via zoom

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