Disentabgling nature from nurture: tracing the origin of the first black holes

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Black holes appear be ubiquitous in the universe – most galaxies, if not all, seem to host a supermassive one in their nucleus. The origin of the first, seed black holes, however, remains an open question. Observationally detected bright quasars powered by accreting black holes are found to be in place when the Universe was a fraction of its current age, and accounting for their existence necessitates rapid growth from a new class of initial seeds.

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Hennings 201
Priya Natarajan (Yale)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-03-14T16:00:00 Event End: 2019-03-14T17:00:00 Disentabgling nature from nurture: tracing the origin of the first black holes Event Information: Black holes appear be ubiquitous in the universe – most galaxies, if not all, seem to host a supermassive one in their nucleus. The origin of the first, seed black holes, however, remains an open question. Observationally detected bright quasars powered by accreting black holes are found to be in place when the Universe was a fraction of its current age, and accounting for their existence necessitates rapid growth from a new class of initial seeds. Event Location: Hennings 201

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/disentabgling-nature-nurture-tracing-origin-first-black-holes