Homework assignments for Quantum Mechanics PHYS 304

Numbers below refer to problems in the textbook (2nd edition).
Caution: this numbering is different from the 1st edition.
Note, for reading assignments, see the syllabus page.

Homework solution reviews: As of September 25, 2008 (starting with hwk#3) every Friday, when the solutions are posted, you should review them and pick a problem from the previous week's homework that you got wrong, and explain what you did that was incorrect and what you should have done instead. These solution reviews should be handed in on the following class period (usually Tuesday) at the beginning of class. No solution review is due for hwk#4. The solution review for hwk#9 should be handed in on Nov. 18.

Homework #
Due date 
1 Sept. 11
homework #1||hw#1 sln
Sept. 18
homework #2||hw#2 sln
Sept. 25
homework #3||hw#3 sln
Oct. 2
homework #4||hw#4 sln
*Oct. 7*
homework #5||hw#5 sln
Oct. 9
Midterm 1
Oct. 16
homework #6||hw#6 sln
Oct. 21
Instead of solution review:
midterm I makeup.
Oct. 23
homework #7||hw#7 sln
8 Oct. 30
homework #8||hw#8 sln
Nov. 6
homework #9||hw#9 sln
Nov. 13
Midterm 2
10 Nov. 20
homework #10||hw#10 sln
11 *Friday, Nov. 28, 5pm*
Special due date and time
give homework directly to TA
homework #11||hw#11 sln

Homework must be handed in by the end of the lecture on the date listed above. Overdue homeworks are subject to penalty specified below.

Late homework policy:
Homeworks handed in after the deadline must be given directly to the TA and will have their score reduced by a factor (1-t/T) where t is the time past due in hours and T=24h. After 24 hours solutions are posted on the course website and no more homeworks are accepted.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For all the late homeworks responsibility lies with the student to hand-deliver the later directly to the TA and have it time-stamped. There is no guarantee that the TA will be available to accept the homework outside the lecture and office hours. If you leave your paper in the TA's mailbox or under the TA's office door it will be time-stamped when found.
It is by far best to hand in assignments on time!