- B.Sc., Carleton (76)
- M.Sc., UBC (78)
- Ph.D., UBC (82)
- NSERC Postdoc. Fellow, U. of Zurich
- Research Scientist, TRIUMF (84-87)
- Univ. Research Fell., UBC (87-90)
- Assistant Professor, UBC (90-92)
- Fellow in the Can. Inst. of Adv. Res.
Superconductivity Program (90)
- Awarded the Herzberg Medal by the Can.
Assoc. of Physicists (92)
- Associate Professor (92)
Killam Research
Prize 1993
McDowell Medal, 1993
- Full Professor (95)
- Fellow of the Amercian Physical
Society (04)
more information on grants and students
see a recent NSERC personal data form