Homework |
20% |
There will be 6 Problem sets. These will be posted and due on the following dates:
Homework solutions should be handed in on paper, or uploaded via Canvas (in PDF format). If you experience technical problems, please email the solutions directly to me. Solutions should be complete, clearly written and legible. For computer-based work (such as plotting), please include your code or an equivalent presentation of your work (such as screenshots of on-line tools). Late homework will not be be accepted for credit once solutions are posted and solutions are usually posted soon after deadline. Group discussion of Homework is encouraged, but the solutions you hand in must be your own work. This means you should not be looking at anybody else's notes, solutions or code while writing up your solutions. If asked questions, you may share your thinking with classmates, but not your completed work. Both copying from another student's completed work and sharing your completed work with another student will be considered academic misconduct. Policy on AI usage is given below. |
Midterms and Final exam |
80% |
There will be two midterms, administered during class time,
each worth 15%.
Final exam will be worth 50%. If your grade on the final exam is better than one (or both) of your midterm grades, these lower grades will be dropped and replaced with the final exam grade. Notice however that questions on the final exam are more usually more involved than those on the midterms. Midterms will be held in class (3-4pm) and cannot be taken online. The dates will be TBA and TBA. The midterms will be up to one hour long. Please do not come to write a midterm while sick. If you do show up to class and are clearly ill, I will ask you to go home. If you are sick on a final exam day, do not attend the exam. You must apply for deferred standing (an academic concession) through Science Advising no later than 48 hours after the missed final exam/assignment. Students who are granted deferred standing write the final exam/assignment at a later date. Learn more and find the application online: https://science.ubc.ca/students/advising/concession. For additional information about academic concessions, see the UBC policy here: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,329,0,0. |
Total |
100% |