Lecture | Topics | Reading Material |
1 | Introduction to Standard Model: quarks, leptons, 4 fundamental forces, gauge bosons; composite particles: mesons, baryons, conservation laws | Chapters 1&2 Griffiths, Scientific American articles |
2 | Ranges and relative strengths of interactions; charges/couplings: colour, weak, electric. Quark flow diagrams. Feynman diagrams | Chapter 2 Griffiths, Scientific American articles |
3 | Feynman diagrams, anatomy of a strong interaction, running of EM and strong couplings, Quark Confinement, Grand Unification | Chapter 2 Griffiths |
4 | Feynman Diagrams, anatomy of Weak Interactions, Quark Mixing, CKM matrix | Chapter 2 Griffiths |
5 | Accelerators and Particle Detectors | Perkins, handouts |
6 | Lorentz transformations, 4-vectors, Relativistic Kinematics | Chapter 3 Griffiths |
7 | Relativistic Kinematics, examples/applications | Chapter 3 Griffiths |
8 | Conservations Laws, Symmetries, Brief Overview of Group Theory, Spin and Orbital Angular Momenta | Chapter 4 Griffiths |
9 | Parity, Charge Conservation, CP, CP Violation, CPT | Chapter 4 Griffiths, handouts |
10 | Non-relativistic Bound State Systems, Schrodinger Equation, Hydrogen Atom review | Chapter 5, Griffiths |
11 | Bound States, Quarkonium, QCD Potential Models | Chapter 5 Griffiths, Scientific American Article |
12 | Quark Model, Meson and Baryon Masses (& a bit on Magnetic Moments) | Chapter 5 Griffiths |
13 | Lifetimes, Cross-section, Differential Cross-section, Classical Scattering | Chapter 6 Griffihs |
14 | Rutherford Scattering, Fermi's Golden Rule (for decays and for scattering), Phase Space | Chapter 6 Griffiths |
15 | Lorentz Invariant Phase Space, Decay examples Fermi's Golden Rule | Chapter 6, Griffiths |
16 | Scattering examples, Fermi's Golden Rule | Chapter 6, Griffiths |
17 | Griffiths' Feynman Toy Model, Feynman Rules | Chapter 6, Griffiths |
18 | Feynman Rules, Schrodinger Eqn, Klein Gordon Eqn | Chapter 6 & 7, Griffiths |
19 | Lifetime and Scattering Examples, Dirac Equation and its Solutions | Chapter 6 & 7, Griffiths |
20 | Solutions to Dirac Equation, Feynman Rules in QED, Examples | Chapter 7, Griffiths |
21 | Product Rules and Trace theorems for Dirac Matrices, Examples | Chapter 7, Griffiths |
22 | Electrodynamics of Quarks and Hadrons, Brief Overview of QCD Phenomenology | Chapter 8, Griffiths |
23 | Weak Interactions, Purely leptonic decays (muon decay, setup and calculation of muon lifetime) | Chapter 10, Griffiths |
24 | Weak Interactions, Heavy Quark Decay, Spectator Models | Chapter 10, Griffiths, handouts |
25 | Weak Interactions, Neutrino physics, mixing, SNO & SuperK neutrino results | Chapter 10, Griffiths, handouts |