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  Mastering Astronomy Signup Instructions : ASTR 310

Mastering Astronomy Signup Instructions : ASTR 310, Sept 2023

Overview: The instructions below will result in you signing up to the Mastering Astronomy with a unique CODENAME (anonymous user ID) that only you and the professor will know. You SHOULD NOT ENTER ANY information that links to you.
You should have the pink handout (given out in class) named 'Mastering Astronomy Identity' with you as you complete these steps. If you do not have a copy, go to the course web-page and print a copy of the Mastering Identity form (in the HANDOUTS section of the course web page ).

Follow these instructions AFTER the first class on SEPT 4!

Follow the instructions below VERY VERY carefully. DO NOT OBEY all the instructions from the publisher website.

The UBC Campus Ebookstore will sell you an access code that you will then use on the publisher's site to get access to both an online learning system (in which you will do quizzes) and the electronic textbook. You thus don't have a physical book but instead have the text is available electronically; you can read the text online in a web browser, or download portions of the text via an App on many iOS or android devices (no promises it will work on your device!). Have the access code (6 groups of letters) ready before you begin.

1. Go to the
Pearson Website
in a new tab of your web browser. It is easiest to have these instructions in one window and the Pearson page in another browser window. Look up in the browser's address bar (at the right edge) to see if you see any 'blocked popup' alerts; you will need to carefully allow (if you see them) all the popups from these websites. Keep an eye out for this on every new web page load as you proceed.

2. Click on the Register box for 'Student Access'. Look carefully to see if it asks you to enable popups for this website, and allow that if so. Then respond 'No - see below' regarding an LMS, and once you have your access code handy, click on the 'I'm ready to register!' box.

3. To insure everything works here, you should Allow cookies if prompted. In the the course ID, enter

and click 'Continue to register'.

4. You will now be on the Pearson `Sign In' page. Even if you have a previous Pearson account, IGNORE the 'autofilled' information (if any) and instead select
'Create an account'
at the bottom to proceed to create a new anonymous Pearson account.
You will NOT DO some of the things the publisher's website SAYS YOU SHOULD DO!

5. You are on the 'Create an account' page. DO NOT fill in your own email address! Do not use your name!
For the email address, EVERYONE should use:
You will get a pop-up warning that there is such an email address already; choose 'Create account anyway' at the very bottom of the screen.
This is an emergency recovery address which will be used only if you forget your login name and/or password and have lost (shame!) all copies of them you made. You need to enter that email address a second time (and it WON'T LET YOU PASTE).

6. For your Username , UNTICK the 'Same as email address' box. You will create a CODE USERNAME; DO NOT use an email address. ALL this year's CODENAMES should begin with the 5 characters (including the hyphen):
and then your unique set of lower-case characters (only; no numbers or special characters). An example would be Ubc4-redmartian (don't use that!). You have to come up with something that has not been used already (you'll be warned if you choose something another student picked this year).
WRITE DOWN your Username ON A PIECE OF PAPER and also fill out this form: .pdf format (if you didn't get a copy in class) and turn the form in to the professor.

IMPORTANT: BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT ENTER YOUR OWN EMAIL ADDRESS, you will initially use a temporary password, which you will change later. So, in this web form put the password:
and use the Show button to the right to double check you spelled it corretly. This password be changed in step 11 below.

DO NOT ENTER your own name or email address. For
First Name please put the single character
and for Last Name,
re-enter your username that you used above (the portion after 'Ubc4-').

Put Canada for country and 'Student' for role. It then asks for a date of birth and please put
Tick the 'I agree to the Terms of Use..' box but NOT the box about products.

You will see a Account Created page. Don't save the password in your browser. Click Continue. SKIP a mobile phone number entry and say `Yes, skip' when they confirm that.

You have two options:
A. If you bought your access code already, Click on the 'Access Code' bubble in upper left and enter the set of six groups of letters that are you access code.
B. Scroll down to the bottom and click on `Get temporary access without payment for 14 days' link. This give you temporary access for 14 days if for some reason you haven't bought an access code yet. Once you buy an access code you upgrade to long-term access inside your account. You cannot sign up to the course after Sept 16 (the UBC add-drop day).

8. You are on the REGISTER page. You should scroll to the bottom and screen capture, print, or write down the Account Information and Order Details information! You can then click the blue 'Go to My Courses' button. You should see the course
on the left to confirm you are in the right place.

9. You have now created access to the course via your Codename as the username. You should now change your password to your own private password. In the upper right you will see 'Hi, A XXXXX' where XXXXX is the Lastname you used above. Click on that and then the account box. Insert your Username/Codename THAT INCLUDES Ubc4- at the start, and use the temporary password
to log in. If your browser asks you if you want to memorize this password, DO NOT do so.

10. You are in the Account Settings screen. Scroll down to Password and click the edit pencil icon. DO NOT change anything else.

11. You should now change the password. you will now enter the REAL password that you will be using this year for the system (probably your web browser is going to be remembering it for you). Type in the new password twice (and write it down in at least two places...) It would be best if you do not use a password that you use elsewhere on the internet. Once you've entered your new password twice, having not altered any OTHER boxes on this page, Save that. Then use the upper right corner X to leave Account Settings.

12. Yay! You are now done, except for submitting your code name document in class. This code name is how we will link your Mastering Astronomy quiz grades to you.

13. It's good to check that you can now sign in again. Sign out (upper right), shut down your browser and start it up again and go to
Pearson Website
and use the main Sign In box, giving your Codename/username (that starts with Ubc4-) and real password. (At this point you may want to have your browser memorize your password for the future). You should again see the Pearson My Courses main page. Click on the course
ASTR 310 Our Solar System
at the left, and you're now in the course. You will be seeing this page a lot this year!

Scroll down and read the 'UBC ASTR 310, text and quizzes' Announcement. If you feel ready, you can Click on the Assignments section to see quizzes, if you are doing this within the first day or two of classses, you will likely see two quizes (a01 and a02). I suggest you do a01 right away if you can; it requires no knowledge of astronomy and simply shows you the types of activities you will be doing and thus confirms that your computer can do everything you need to do in the course. The appendices of the book listed in the course syllabus may be of some use. Quiz 2 should not be attempted until after the lecture of Friday Sept 6.


If the above directions are giving you problems, then please email Simone Hagey
with "HELP: Signing up" as the subject line of your email. If you don't get an answer within 24 hours, email the professor.

Professor Brett Gladman. His web page or the course web page