Marcel Franz:
Articles in
conference proceedings 
M. Franz, Z. Tesanovic, "Flux tubes, visons, and vortices in spin-charge
separated superconductors", Proceedings of ISTEC 2000, Tokyo (cond-mat/0010436).
M. Franz, C. Kallin and A. J. Berlinsky,
``Impurity scattering and localization
in d-wave superconductors'', Proceedings of the 10th anniversary HTS
workshop on Physics, Materials and Applications, ed. by B. Batlogg, C.
W. Chu, W. K. Chu, D. U. Gubser and K. A. Muller (World Scientific, Singapore
M. Franz and S. Teitel,
``Vortex lattice melting in 2D superconducting
networks'', Physica B 222, 287 (1996).
A. J. Berlinsky, A. L. Fetter, M. Franz, C. Kallin and P. I. Soininen,
``Ginzburg-Landau theory of the Abrikosov lattice in a d-wave superconductor'',
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56, 1619 (1995).
C. Kallin, A. J. Berlinsky, A. L. Fetter, M. Franz, and P. I. Soininen,
in d-wave superconductors'', J. Phys. Chem. Solids 56, 1
More publications.