Dr. Andre Marziali

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Home Page - Dr. Andre Marziali



Dr. Andre Marziali, P.Eng.

Director of Engineering Physics

Associate Professor, Biophysics

Associate, UBC, Michael Smith Labs

Platform Director, GenomeBC Technology Development platform.


Department of Physics & Astronomy

University of British Columbia

Curriculum Vitae



Research Interests - See Research Page for More Information

The aim of Dr. Marziali's Applied Biophysics Lab is to develop new technologies for genomics and life sciences. The research group is engaged in a range of activities from engineering design of novel instruments for BC genomics groups, to development of automation for tissue microarray analysis, rapid genotyping, single molecule analysis methods using nanopores, and novel electrophoresis technologies. We collaborate with GenomeBC groups, the BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre, Stanford University, and University of California Santa Cruz.

Recent emphasis in the group has been on development of a self-assembling nanosensor composed of an organic nanopore and a DNA/protein probe that is electrophoretically inserted into the pore. We have demonstrated the ability to detect and identify single DNA molecules across a lipid bilayer using this sensor, and have shown that DNA molecules differing by a single nucleotide can be distinguished.

We have also recently developed a novel method of extracting and concentrating DNA from difficult and dilute samples using a new form of non-linear electrophoresis.

See research page for more information.

Office / Mailing Address

Hennings - Room 341
Department of Physics & Astronomy
6224 Agricultural Road
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1
Phone: (604) 822-5489

Google Map, UBC Map


Chem/Phys Room A039
6221 University Boulevard
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1
Phone: (604) 822-4514
Fax: (604) 822-4202

Google Map, UBC Map

Office Hours


By e-mail appointment