Probing Beyond Standard Model Physics Through Ab Initio Calculations of Exotic Weak Processes in Atomic Nuclei

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"Exotic weak decays offer a unique way to probe physics beyond the Standard Model in a low-energy regime using the atomic nucleus as a window to complement the high-energy searches done at particle accelerator facilities. However, in order to extract the relevant physics parameters from experimental observations, inputs from nuclear theory are required.


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TRIUMF Theory Room, 4004 Wesbrook Mall and zoom; Passcode: 959424
Antoine Belly, PhD student
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2024-05-13T12:30:00 Event End: 2024-05-13T14:30:00 Probing Beyond Standard Model Physics Through Ab Initio Calculations of Exotic Weak Processes in Atomic Nuclei Event Information: "Exotic weak decays offer a unique way to probe physics beyond the Standard Model in a low-energy regime using the atomic nucleus as a window to complement the high-energy searches done at particle accelerator facilities. However, in order to extract the relevant physics parameters from experimental observations, inputs from nuclear theory are required.   Event Location: TRIUMF Theory Room, 4004 Wesbrook Mall and zoom; Passcode: 959424

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