Exoplanet Atmospheres Through the Eyes of JWST

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JWST is now delivering ultra-precise spectra of exoplanet atmospheres over a significantly wider wavelength range than afforded by previous observations. This exceptional improvement in data quality has opened new areas of atmospheric science to observational study that were previously out of reach.

Event Location:
HENN 318
Ryan MacDonald, U. Michigan
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-11-20T16:00:00 Event End: 2023-11-20T17:00:00 Exoplanet Atmospheres Through the Eyes of JWST Event Information:   Abstract: JWST is now delivering ultra-precise spectra of exoplanet atmospheres over a significantly wider wavelength range than afforded by previous observations. This exceptional improvement in data quality has opened new areas of atmospheric science to observational study that were previously out of reach. Event Location: HENN 318

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/exoplanet-atmospheres-through-eyes-jwst