Longitudinal Relaxation Dynamics in White Matter: Experiments in NMR and MRI

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MRI-based assessments of the human brain are critical for research, diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Future clinical practice will demand accurate and consistent quantitative methodology alongside today’s qualitative image evaluations. Consequently, MRI research focuses on developing physical understanding of prevalent techniques and establishing new methods for efficient quantitative analysis. The brain’s complex structure complicates this goal.

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Luke Reynolds (PhD student)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-07-10T09:00:00 Event End: 2023-07-10T11:00:00 Longitudinal Relaxation Dynamics in White Matter: Experiments in NMR and MRI Event Information: MRI-based assessments of the human brain are critical for research, diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Future clinical practice will demand accurate and consistent quantitative methodology alongside today’s qualitative image evaluations. Consequently, MRI research focuses on developing physical understanding of prevalent techniques and establishing new methods for efficient quantitative analysis. The brain’s complex structure complicates this goal. Event Location: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/66513543864?pwd=RXVQSFRFNTZINmMrZ3RJUXhHNHJXQT09

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/longitudinal-relaxation-dynamics-white-matter-experiments-nmr-and-mri