Refinement of the First r-process Abundance Peak Via High-Precision Mass Measurements

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Abstract: Since the 1960's a general understanding of the creation of the chemical elements in the universe has existed. However, in recent decades this understanding has undergone refinement in describing the exact astrophysical mechanisms which result in the synthesis of isotopes, particularly those heavier (i.e. more protons) than iron.

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Andrew Jacobs(PhD student)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-05-17T12:00:00 Event End: 2023-05-17T15:00:00 Refinement of the First r-process Abundance Peak Via High-Precision Mass Measurements Event Information: Abstract: Since the 1960's a general understanding of the creation of the chemical elements in the universe has existed. However, in recent decades this understanding has undergone refinement in describing the exact astrophysical mechanisms which result in the synthesis of isotopes, particularly those heavier (i.e. more protons) than iron. Event Location:

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