Collective Modes of the Superconducting Condensate

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When a continuous symmetry is spontaneously broken, collective modes emerge. Usually, their spectrum is dominated by the low-energy physics of massless Goldstone modes. Superconductors, that break U(1) symmetry, are different. Here, the Goldstone boson is gapped out due to the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. The superconducting condensate can therefore host a zoo of massive collective excitations that are stable for lack of a gapless decay channel.

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Rafael Haenel (PhD student)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-01-25T10:00:00 Event End: 2023-01-25T12:00:00 Collective Modes of the Superconducting Condensate Event Information: When a continuous symmetry is spontaneously broken, collective modes emerge. Usually, their spectrum is dominated by the low-energy physics of massless Goldstone modes. Superconductors, that break U(1) symmetry, are different. Here, the Goldstone boson is gapped out due to the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. The superconducting condensate can therefore host a zoo of massive collective excitations that are stable for lack of a gapless decay channel. Event Location:

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