Special Gravity Seminar: Hydrodynamic rotating black holes

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Event Information:

We will discuss experimental results studying the wave-vortex interaction arising from rotating fluid
and superfluid flows. The dynamical equation describing the wave-vortex interaction can be mapped to
scalar fields propagating on an effective rotating black hole. This opens the possibility of studying a
variety of rotating black hole processes in hydrodynamic systems. I will summarise our experimental
efforts resulting in the detection of geodesic motion, quasi-normal modes and superradiance in normal

Event Location:
Henn 318
Silke Weinfurtner, former professor at UBC, professor at Nottingham University, PI of QSimFP program. A theorist who turned into an
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2023-01-17T09:45:00 Event End: 2023-01-17T11:00:00 Special Gravity Seminar: Hydrodynamic rotating black holes Event Information: Abstract: We will discuss experimental results studying the wave-vortex interaction arising from rotating fluid and superfluid flows. The dynamical equation describing the wave-vortex interaction can be mapped to scalar fields propagating on an effective rotating black hole. This opens the possibility of studying a variety of rotating black hole processes in hydrodynamic systems. I will summarise our experimental efforts resulting in the detection of geodesic motion, quasi-normal modes and superradiance in normal Event Location: Henn 318

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/special-gravity-seminar-hydrodynamic-rotating-black-holes