Sabrina Leslie: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: Bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines

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Title: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines

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The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311
Sabrina Leslie: Associate Professor, UBC Department of Physics and Astronomy and Michael Smith Labs
Affiliate Faculty member, SBME, GSAT, BIONF
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2022-09-15T10:00:00 Event End: 2022-09-15T11:00:00 Sabrina Leslie: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: Bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines Event Information: Title: Single-molecule microscopy of RNA-lipid-nanoparticles: bringing the nanoscale physics to help advance nanomedicines Event Location: The Brimacombe Building: BRIM 311

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